/ المملكة العربية السعودية
وزارة التعليم
جامـعـة حـائل
Ministry of Education
University of Ha’il
College of Nursing /


Clinical Policies and Protocols

Student Affiliation (Field Experience Courses) / DOCUMENT TYPE:
Clinical Skills Unit / EFFECTIVE DATE: / LAST REVISED:
Dr. Salman Alsaqri / APPLIES TO:
Nursing Students/ Staff / NO. OF PAGES:


To provide guidelines on the health, safety and orientation requirements prior to student’s exposure in the clinical setting.


  1. All students must fulfill the requirements on health, safety and orientation prior to commencement of student’s clinical rotation.
  2. All field experienced instructors and coordinators must prepare and submit the required document as well as the health, safety and orientation requirements prior to the start of clinical exposure.
  3. The clinical skills unit must accomplished all communications necessary to facilitate the health and safety assessmentof students and staffs as well as orientation program for both students and field teaching staffs.


For Students

  1. All students must undergo medical examination from reputable hospital, preferably Ha’il General Hospital and submit a copy to the HTA (Health Training Administration) as a proof of physically fit for affiliation.
  2. All students must present vaccination record specifically Hepa B and Influenza vaccines. In the absence of such, the student will be given the 3 doses of Hepa B vaccine and an influenza vaccine from one of the affiliating hospitals.
  3. The student must be enrolled in a practice course requiring clinical exposure and completed the pre requisite subjects such as Fundamentals of Nursing 1 and 2.
  4. The students must attend the general orientation given in the college every semester which includes an orientation about MERS-CoV and H1N1.
  5. All students must attend the one day orientation schedule of the affiliating hospital for students.
  6. All students must follow the policies in the clinical area and should be supervised by an instructor at all times. (Please refer to student policy)

For Filed experience Instructors and Coordinators

  1. All field teaching staff must have an intensive background and experience on the subject matter being handled.
  2. The instructor must complete a 5-day orientation program of the hospital and the specific area being expose to supervise the students.
  3. If an instructor will be assigned in another area with the same hospital, he/she will need to schedule a 3-day reorientation program specific to the area of assignment. However, if the assignment given is from another hospital, 3-5 days of orientation, depending on the required number of days by the hospital personnel.
  4. All teaching staff must undergo medical examination in a reputable hospital as part of requirements in Iqama processing.
  5. The anti HBS titer from the results of medical examination will determine the Hepa B status of the instructor. If the result is less than 10, a mandatory 3 doses of Hepa B vaccine will be given.
  6. Prepare a rotation plan of students with specific area and dates of exposure. The rotation plan will be collected and summarized by the Clinical Skills Unit prior to endorsement to the HTA, and eventually distribute to the affiliating hospitals and community. (Please see Policy on Rotation Plans)

For the Clinical Skills Unit

  1. The Clinical Skills Unit is responsible to make the orientation of students and staff possible, in accordance with the policy of the affiliating hospitals.
  2. The unit is also required to collect and summarize the rotation plan, endorse them to the Health Training Administration and finally, distribute to the affiliating hospitals and community.
  3. The unit is required to follow the maximum number of student per area as provided by hospital personnel.

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