Criteria for the Application for Grants
The Active Wandsworth Grants Fund has been set up to support the development of local sport and physical activity in relation to both local and national strategies. The group is made up of representatives from education, the SportsCollege, Sport England and other sports deliverers.
The Active Wandsworth Grants Fund makes a limited number of grant awards to individuals sportsmen and women, coaches, officials and instructors within the sporting community of Wandsworth against the criteria outlined below.
All grants will be considered on their own merit, only one application will be considered within a twelve month period. In applying for a grant all applicants agree to details of successful applications (with photographs) being used for publicity purposes. Successful applicants must agree to provide a short report and evidence of how the grant has been spent within six months of receiving the grant.
Criteria for awarding grants:
- Eligibility
Grants will be awarded to individuals who live within the Borough of Wandsworth.Grants to individuals living outside the Borough, or who compete for a club in Wandsworth or coach in the Borough will be considered.
All sportsmen and women must be under 21 years of age and/or in full time education. There is no age restriction on an application by coaches, officials and instructors.Applications must be endorsed or supported on the application form by the club or organisation where the individual or coach is linked to.
- Level of Grant Aid
Applications will be considered for individual athletes who have reached regional, national or international level within their particular sport who require funding to support the progression in their sports career. Evidence of level of representation will need to be provided
Regional/National Level –up to £250
International level - up to £500
Grants can be awarded for no more than 50% of the cost up to a maximum of £500 for any courses for coaching, officiating and instructors.
- Sports
Funding will only be granted to the 46 sports recognised and funded by Sport England. To check the status of your sport please visit contact Wandsworth Leisure and Sports Services on 0208 8718154. - Equipment
Grants may be awarded to assist individuals purchase specialist equipment considered essential to the performance of the given sport. Grants will not be awarded to meet the cost of regular personal equipment or clothing. - Training and Coaching
Grants to enable individuals to access training courses designed to improve the overall performance of the individual will be considered, for example Regional/National training camps.Expenses incurred in travelling to and from training, for regular local matches and competitions and general living expenses will not normally be eligible for a grant allocation. - Competitions
Grants can be awarded to help individuals enter National or International competitions, particularly where you are representing England or any of the home nations. Those already receiving money through the World Class Pathway (Talent/Development/Podium) will not normally be considered.
- Coaches/ Officials andInstructors
Coaches must be part of a constituted club or organisation based within the Borough of Wandsworth. Applications should be for sports specific coaching courses such as United Kingdom Coaching Certificate (UKCC) Level 1/2/3 or Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) accredited courses from level 2 upwards.
Completed Forms
Only fully completed forms that are signed with a supporting statement will be assessed, uncompleted forms will be returned to the applicant.
Grant Amounts
Grants can be awarded for no more than 50% of the cost up to a maximum of £500 will be considered for grant aid.
Grant applications will be assessed by the Active Wandsworth Advisory Group on a termly basis.
Applications should be forwarded to the address below no later than 31 August 2010, 31 December 2010, or 30 April 2011. All applications will be acknowledged and applicants will be informed if their application has been successful within two weeks of the grant being assessed.
Grant Agreement
If your application is successful you will be required to sign a grant agreement to release your payment the terms of which will require you to submit all evidence of the expenditure related to the grant award.
Application forms for Grant Aid can be obtained from:
Active Wandsworth
Leisure and Sports Services
The Town Hall,Room 60
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU
020 8871 8154
\\wbc.lan\dfs\LA\SSSD\Administrator\Grant Aid\Forms and Criteria\Sports Grants Criteria.doc