1)Turn on recorder
2)Say to the student:
We are going to work together on writing for the next 8 or 9 weeks. Sometimes, you will be writing with paper and pencil. Sometimes, you will be writing using the computer. I will not be able to help you with writing, but I can help you with computer use. Today, you will be writing without the computer. You are going to hear three writing prompts, one at a time. You will have 10 minutes to write about each one. When you write, try your best. It is okay if you finish before 10 minutes are up and it is okay if you do not get completely finished within 10 minutes. If you need me to read the instructions again, I can help you. However, I cannot help you with spelling or with how to do your writing. Just do your best work.
3)Hand the student the first prompt. Read the prompt to the student.
4)Say, “You have 10 minutes to write about this. Start now.”
5)Start the stopwatch. Let the student write for up to 10 minutes. Periodically comment on how hard the student is working. DO NOT comment on or assist with what the student is writing AT ALL. ONLY provide praise for working hard, cooperating, etc. If the student gets off task, redirect him/her back on task. If the student asks for help with spelling or writing, say, “I cannot help you with that. Just try your best.”
6)At the end of the 10 minutes, say, “Stop. Thank you for working so hard on your writing. It is time to work on the other prompt.”
7)Repeat 3 – 6.
8)If the student took 10 minutes for each writing, you may need to do the third baseline writing the following session. If the student did not take long to work, then repeat 3 -6 and complete a third writing.
1)Turn on recorder
2)Say to the student:
Today, you will be writing without the computer. You are going to hear three writing prompts, one at a time. You will have 10 minutes to write about each one. When you write, try your best. It is okay if you finish before 10 minutes are up and it is okay if you do not get completely finished within 10 minutes. If you need me to read the instructions again, I can help you. However, I cannot help you with spelling or with how to do your writing. Just do your best work.
3)Hand the student the first prompt. Read the prompt to the student.
4)Say, “You have 10 minutes to write about this. Start now.”
5)Start the stopwatch. Let the student write for up to 10 minutes. Periodically comment on how hard the student is working. DO NOT comment on or assist with what the student is writing AT ALL. ONLY provide praise for working hard, cooperating, etc. If the student gets off task, redirect him/her back on task. If the student asks for help with spelling or writing, say, “I cannot help you with that. Just try your best.”
6)At the end of the 10 minutes, say, “Stop. Thank you for working so hard on your writing. It is time to work on the other prompt.”
7)Repeat 3 – 6.
8)If the student took 10 minutes for each writing, you may need to do the third baseline writing the following session. If the student did not take long to work, then repeat 3 -6 and complete a third writing.
You need a total of 6 baseline writing samples. If you did not complete them in two sessions, repeat these instructions for a third baseline session.
1)Turn on recorder
2)Say to the student:
The next several times we work together, you will be writing using the computer. Today, I am going to teach you how you will write using the computer. You will have 10 minutes to write about your topic When you write, try your best. It is okay if you finish before 10 minutes are up and it is okay if you do not get completely finished within 10 minutes. If you need me to read the instructions again, I can help you. However, I cannot help you with spelling or with how to do your writing. Just do your best work.
3)Go through the steps of the computer. Have the computer read all of the prompts to the student.
4)Hand the student the first prompt. Read the prompt to the student.
5)Say, “You have 10 minutes to write about this. Start now.”
6)Start the stopwatch. Let the student write for up to 10 minutes. Help the student go through each step and each prompt on the computer. It is okay to help the student with the computer. If there are computer issues or if the student needs to hear the prompts several times, you can add a few minutes to make up for that amount of time to the student’s writing time. Periodically comment on how hard the student is working. DO NOT COMMENT ON OR ASSIST WITH WHAT THE STUDENT IS WRITING AT ALL. ONLY provide praise for working hard, cooperating, etc. If the student gets off task, redirect him/her back on task. If the student asks for help with spelling or writing, say, “I cannot help you with that. Just try your best.”
7)At the end of the 10 minutes, say, “Stop. Thank you for working so hard on your writing. It is time to work on the other prompt (or it is time to stop and go back to class now).”
1)Turn on recorder
2)Say to the student:
You will be using the computer to write today. You will have 10 minutes to write about your topic. When you write, try your best. It is okay if you finish before 10 minutes are up and it is okay if you do not get completely finished within 10 minutes. If you need me to read the instructions again, I can help you. However, I cannot help you with spelling or with how to do your writing. Just do your best work.
3)Hand the student the first prompt. Read the prompt to the student.
4)Say, “You have 10 minutes to write about this. Start now.”
5)Start the stopwatch. Let the student write for up to 10 minutes. Help the student go through each step and each prompt on the computer. It is okay to help the student with the computer. If there are computer issues or if the student needs to hear the prompts several times, you can add a few minutes to make up for that amount of time to the student’s writing time. Periodically comment on how hard the student is working. DO NOT COMMENT ON OR ASSIST WITH WHAT THE STUDENT IS WRITING AT ALL. ONLY provide praise for working hard, cooperating, etc. If the student gets off task, redirect him/her back on task. If the student asks for help with spelling or writing, say, “I cannot help you with that. Just try your best.”
6)At the end of the 10 minutes, say, “Stop. Thank you for working so hard on your writing. It is time to work on the other prompt (or it is time to stop and go back to class now).”
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