2015 Crawford County Fair YOUTH Pageant

“Today’s Youth Fair Princess PREPARATION determines tomorrow’s Fair Queen ACHIEVEMENTS”
Entries will NOT be accepted past the June 28th deadline @ 2pm Orientation!No exceptions!“Like” us on Facebook:
Pageant: Wednesday July 8th, 2015 at the Cuba Hood ParkMain Stage @ 8pm

Entry Fee per contestant: $15*DUE by June 28th!Each contestant receives a Participation Award.
This pageant is not-for-profit. All entry fee money helps pay for contestants awards & other expenses.

NOTE: *FAIR TICKETS/PASSES are SOLD SEPARATELY and are NOT INCLUDED in the “Pageant Fees” and will be REQUIRED to get into the Fair!

AGE Divisions:

7-9 years old: “Young Miss” Crawford County Fair

10-12 years old: “Pre-Teen Miss” Crawford County Fair

13-16 years old: “Teen Miss” Crawford County Fair

ATTIRE:will be Formal wear/Evening gown for pageant night and
INTERVIEWS will need to be Business suit/church dress attire please.

Categories:Interview, Formal Wear Modeling, Introduction, On-stage Question.

Practices are as follows:(to learn the opening number dance routine & stage modeling pattern)

This schedule is tentative and may be subject to change but, contestants will be notified. Extra help is available upon request.

- Sunday June28th @ 2pm MandatoryOrientation for EVERYONE & DEADLINE to enter!

- Sunday June28th @ 3-5pm Mandatory Dance practice at AALC

- Sunday July5th @ 2-5pm Optional pageant practice at AALC

- Monday July 6th @ 7pm (Mandatory Stage Rehearsal for EVERYONE!)

- Wednesday July8th @ 8am(**Required Mandatory Interviews-a schedule will be given later)

- Wednesday July8th @ 8pm (Pageant Night Competition at Main Stage)

Contact information: Director: Angelique Buerk cell# 573-465-7376 (texting ok)
E-mail: or FaceBook: Angelique Jones Buerk

Crawford County Fair YOUTH Pageant Contestant Qualifications
“Today’s Youth Fair Princess PREPARATION determines tomorrow’s Fair Queen ACHIEVEMENTS”

  • Must be 7 through 16 years of age by July 8, 2015.
  • 7-9 yrs for “Young Miss Crawford County Fair”.
  • 10-12 yrs for “Pre-Teen Miss Crawford County Fair”.
  • 13-16 yrs for “Teen Miss Crawford County Fair”.
  • Must reside in Crawford County.
  • Entry form and $15 entry fee must both be received no later than June 28, 2015@2pm!
  • No refunds will be given for any reason. No exceptions!
  • Fair passes/tickets are Sold Separately & NOT included in the pageant fees. Everyone will be Required to purchase a fair pass/ticket to get into the fair including contestants.
  • Forms can be picked up & turned in at “All Aboard Learning Center” year round from 6am-6pm Monday-Friday, located at 201 Rutz Subdivision road Cuba, MO. 65453
  • All contestants will receive a Participation Award.
  • Participation in mandatory practices is required.
  • Anyone holding a current National or State pageant title is ineligible to compete.
  • 2015 winners must ride in the 2016 fair parade and return to help with the pageant and crown their new successor. 2015 winners are ineligible to compete in the 2016 pageant.
  • The 2015 winners will reign over the 2015 Fair and must be available to assist the fair board with activities as needed.
  • The winners will be asked to make personal appearances and/or help volunteer for various events in and around the county throughout the year of their reign.
  • Conduct that is found to be improper and detrimental to the Crawford County Youth Pageant and the Crawford County Fair Board will be reasons for dismissal and/or disqualification.
  • Those who are pregnant, have been pregnant, or cohabitate with someone of the opposite sex in lieu of a marriage contract are ineligible to participate.
  • The winner automatically relinquishes her title if she enters into a marriage contract, chooses to cohabitate with a male in lieu of a marriage contract, or becomes pregnant.
  • If the Winners fail to complete their term, the title will be passed to the runners-up in the order of their rank, beginning with the first runner-up.
  • Any additional awards given will be at the discretion of the pageant director.
  • All Judges decisions are Final and will be backed by the Fair Board.
  • Judging Criteria consists of 50% Interview & 50% Pageant Night competition,which includes: (Smile/Personality, Beauty/Stage Appearance, Poise Grace/Modeling, Public Speaking/Stage Question, & Overall Impression)

Being chosen as a Crawford County Youth Pageant winner is an honor, privilege, and a responsibility. You will be expected to represent Crawford County with honor, and integrity throughout your reign. As the Youth pageant winners, your conduct will be held to a very high standard. In the event those standards are compromised, there will be consequences, and you could be stripped of your title.

2015 Crawford County Fair YOUTH pageant official “ENTRY FORM”

Contestant Name:______

Age Division: (please circle one) Young Miss 7-9yrs Pre-Teen 10-12yrs, Teen 13-16yrs

Date of Birth:______Age on day of pageant (7-8-15):_____NickName:______

Height:______Hair color:______Eye color:______

Parents names:______


City:______State:MO Zip Code:______

Cell phone:______Texting OK?: (circle one) YES NO
Cell phone:______Other #:______

E-mail address:______

School:______New Grade:______

Awards/Honors:______List 3 words your Friends/Family would use to describe you:


What do you want to be when you grow up/Future Plans?:______(You may use the BACK of this sheet to continue writing if you need more room)Something interesting about you: ______

Hobbies /What do you like to do?:______

Favorite Toy:______Favorite Food:______

Fav TV show:______FavBook:______Fav Movie:______

Sponsored By (optional):______
How did you hear about us? orReferred By:______
Contact information:Director: Angelique Buerk cell# 573-465-7376 (texting ok)
Message us at:

(You may use the following space to continue writing if you need more room)








Absolutely NO entries will be accepted past the June 28th Deadline Orientation!

Office use only: (To be filled out by Pageant Director at Registration Deadline on 6-28-15 at 2pm @AALC)

Date received:______Total Amount Received:______

Paid by: (circle one) CA$H Money Order CHECK#______

Entry Fee: $15 add $5 Crown Pin? YES NO Received By:______


I have read and fully understand all of the rules/guidelines set forth in the Contestant Qualifications list and hereby agree to abide by them. I acknowledge that if any rules are broken, it is grounds for immediate disqualification or having a title stripped. I also understand that the Crawford County Fair & Pageant Director is NOT responsible for any losses/damages that may occur at any time.

Contestant Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______