A Path for Renewal

Fulton-Montgomery Community College

Strategic Plan

2006 – 2011

February, 2007

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Introduction 3

Vision, Mission, Values 3

Vision 3

Mission 3

Core Values 3

Goals 4

Strategic Objectives 4

Assessment Strategies 8


Fulton-Montgomery Community College (FMCC) is a campus of the State University of New York (SUNY) located in rural Upstate New York at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. It is situated halfway between Johnstown and Amsterdam and is approximately forty miles northwest of the New York State Capital, Albany.

On March 21, 1963, the Boards of Supervisors of Fulton and Montgomery Counties approved the Charter for the College, thereby creating the 27th two-year institution in the State University system. In temporary quarters at the Johnstown High School from September 1964, the College moved to its current site in 1969. This rural environment, which consists of 194 acres, was then comprised of five buildings (Administration, Classroom, College Union, Educational Resources Center, and Physical Education) and several athletic fields. A separate Childcare Center was built on campus in the early 1990’s. During 1996-2001, several new facilities, including a Communications and Visual Arts Building, a Wellness Center, and a Food Service Lab and Dining Room were added.

During the Fall 2006 semester, FMCC embarked upon the development of this strategic plan. Each constituency on campus as was consulted and invited to participate by providing input to the plan. The overall theme of the resulting five-year strategic plan, A Path for Renewal, is moving FMCC from an environment of surviving to an environment of thriving within its community. The goals and strategic objectives within the strategic plan are five-year goals. Over the course of the 2006- 2011 the administration, faculty and staff will develop annual action steps that allow for a continuous and paced movement forward to the realization of the objectives.

During the implementation of the Strategic Plan, FMCC will assess its progress and make adjustments to plans and actions steps as needed to meet the needs of our students and community. Through implementation of this strategic plan, FMCC will position itself as a community partner and leader with Fulton and Montgomery Counties for the development of our most valuable resource, our residents.

Vision, Mission, Values


The vision of FMCC is to be Fulton and Montgomery Counties’ preferred resource for post-secondary education, a potent catalyst for economic development and a vital center for cultural enrichment.


Fulton-Montgomery Community College is Fulton and Montgomery Counties’ partner for quality education, accessible transfer and career programs, economic development, and cultural and intellectual enrichment.

Core Values

Our mission is guided by the following core values. We value:

·  Quality education and teaching

·  Excellence and integrity

·  Student learning

·  Accessibility

·  Caring, personalized service

·  Dedicated personnel

·  Diversity


1.  Enable students to reach their goals through quality education and support services.

2.  Provide students with quality, accessible transfer and career education programs.

3.  Build relationships with the community that improve the region’s value of education.

4.  Develop a professional climate that values each individual and the diversity of people and ideas and promotes excellence in service.

5.  Support economic and workforce development in the region.

6.  Provide opportunities for cultural, intellectual and athletic enrichment for students and the community.

7.  Expand resources to meet the mission of the College.

Strategic Objectives

Using 2005-06 as the source of baseline data, the following Strategic Objectives have been identified by the College community as important and measurable objectives for the duration of this Strategic Plan. The objectives identified below are indications of increases from the baseline and represent the measures to reach at the conclusion of this five year Strategic Plan. Departments and Divisions of the College will establish annual objectives/action plans that will move the institution toward the Strategic Objectives.

Goal 1: Enable students to reach their goals through quality education and support services

a)  Develop an Academic Plan that looks to the future of the College through dynamic programming that is founded in needs based data research

b)  Implement an assessment process that yields data and is used to improve programs and courses

c)  Become a central location of education for the region by offering at least four new bachelors degree completion programs through partnerships with SUNY Universities and other institutions of higher education.

d)  Demonstrate student retention rates that are equal to or exceed those of the community college peer group average

e)  Increase the number of articulation agreements with BOCES and area school districts by 15%.

f)  Implement a new data management system to support data based decision making and improve the tracking of data for outcomes and institutional effectiveness reporting and planning

g)  Develop at least five collaborative programs with the HFM BOCES located on the FMCC Campus

h)  Benchmark at least four nationally recognized student services programs and incorporate their practices into FMCC student services

i)  Develop an automated (web-based) integrated student support services system to serve students at a distance and on our campus

j)  Enhance work study and internship programs

Goal 2: Provide students with quality, accessible transfer and career education programs

a)  Increase enrollment at the College by at least 10%

b)  Identify and address access barriers to higher education experienced by local citizens

c)  Expand quality non-traditional modes of delivery by offering relevant programs of study in non-traditional formats

d)  Implement a college-wide assessment plan to ensure quality traditional and non-traditional programs

e)  Demonstrate student transfer rates and career placement rates that meet or exceed peer averages

f)  Increase enrollment of the citizens of Montgomery County by 5% through improved access to FMCC

g)  Increase the Latino student population to better reflect the counties’ population (8%)

h)  Enhance programs that challenge and attract gifted and honors students

i)  Develop and implement a strategy for quality housing for students

j)  Continue to develop strategies that increase retention and are supported by the college budget

k)  Explore a regional approach to healthcare education with educational institutions and healthcare providers outside the two sponsoring counties

Goal 3: Build relationships with the community that improve the region’s value of education

a)  Develop and implement an external marketing and public relations plan that “brands” the College and keeps the community informed of educational initiatives and events at the campus

b)  Develop and implement an internal communications plan that keeps the college community informed and participating in major decisions and initiatives at the College.

c)  Develop and publish an institutional effectiveness report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the institution compared to its mission

d)  Strengthen the relationship between area school districts and FMCC

Goal 4: Develop a professional climate that values each individual and the diversity of people and ideas and promotes excellence in service

a)  Implement an office of Human Resources that can provide employees with assistance for their benefits, employment orientation, professional development, etc.

b)  Develop recruitment strategies to actively recruit diverse employees (reflective of our student population) to open positions

c)  Develop and implement programs and aesthetics on campus that celebrate diversity

d)  Develop and implement employee recognition system that demonstrates the appreciation of contributions of employees

e)  Develop and implement strategies and professional development programs that promote excellence in service both internally and externally

Goal 5: Support economic and workforce development in the region

a)  Identify and develop credit and non-credit programs that respond to the current and future workforce needs of the region

b)  Expand the Workforce and Continuing Education Office in order to expand programs and enrollments

c)  Expand enrollment in community and workforce education by 15%

d)  Develop a “Center for Engineering and Technologies” as a strategy for workforce development

Goal 6: Provide opportunities for cultural, intellectual and athletic enrichment for students and the community

a)  Expand the number of cultural events on campus by 25%

b)  Expand number of intellectual enrichment events by 25%

c)  Increase the number of participants in cultural and intellectual enrichment programs by 25%

d)  Enhance athletic programs to increase student and spectator participation by 20%

e)  Develop a choir or other musical venue for students

Goal 7: Improve and expand resources to meet the mission of the College

a)  Develop an enrollment management plan to meet the enrollment targets identified in the Strategic Plan

b)  Develop and implement a technology plan that supports the quality of instruction and support services

c)  Implement the current and develop a new College Master Plan that supports the quality of instruction and support services on campus

d)  Conduct a major fundraising campaign in the area to raise $6.5 million

e)  Increase the development of grant proposals by 20%

f)  Develop and implement a strategy and process for equipment donations to the College educational programs

Assessment Strategies

Assessment is a very important component to the strategic plan and the entire planning process. During the implementation of this plan, the College will use a variety of techniques and instruments to assess the effectiveness of the implementation. Through assessment and continuous feedback, the College will adjust its tactics in order to meet its goals and objectives.

Core to planning to meet the needs of the community is determining how well current strategies, objectives, and tactics are meeting these needs. The College will prepare an annual “report card” on its progress regarding the goals and objectives included in this plan. The “report card” will be shared with the campus community and interested constituents in order to share progress and gain input to adjustments that can be made.

The College will use the following assessment methods and others as appropriate to measure its success:

·  Compass Test

·  High School Achievements

·  Student Opinion Surveys

·  General Education Assessment Plan

·  Program Review

·  Graduate Surveys

·  Employer Surveys

The information gathered and analyzed during the implementation of this strategic plan will be used in the development of subsequent strategic plans.


February, 2007