TASFAA Training Committee
Meeting Minutes
1.Meeting Logistics
Item / DescriptionDate / 04/30/2010
Time / 10:00 am – 11 am
Location / Conference Call
3.Meeting Agenda
Revised Agenda:
Revised AV Quote- mic and screen only $1650
Subcommittee Reports/Needs
Team Building/Evening Events
Local Needs
Camper- Play Books Content: Agenda, Coaches Bios, TASFAA President letter, TASFAA/board bios, Local Attractions, Notes pages, Needs Analysis Case Studies (without answers-these will be given at end of session), Packaging session docs, R2T4 session docs
Campers need calculators for case studies how will we provide?
Airport shuttle info: picks up as needed call from airport, goes to airport for drop off at the top of the hour every hour from 7am to 10pm.
Committee Arrival-Sunday May 16th between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Reservations in your name requested by rooming list to Blake 04/26. Payment by TASFAA master account unless your prohibited. Meet in Lobby at 6:00, we will have a dinner meeting somewhere.
Moderators-stay in room at all times, facilitate questions, team build
Shelby Huff appeal of 3 nights room rate only
Vote: Approve______Deny______
Printing: Yolanda’s campus will print but want it all in one batch. Playbook (need podium sign, registration desk sign from cover) Evaluations
Next meeting date-May 7th or just May 16th dinner meeting enough?
Reviewed action items.
Christina will be flying and may not be able to fly with a projector and two laptops. Other committee members will be bringing their own laptops that could be used if necessary (Vincent, Erin, Elena).
A reminder will need to go out to campers reminding them to print their handouts, bring a calculator, bring a credit card for incidentals at the Hilton, and advising them of the airport shuttle. They will also be asked to bring an item related to their school’s athletics.
Devon suggested the Coaches wear whistles to set them apart. They will also wear athletic jersey/shirt on Monday.
Denise suggested using sports themed stickers on the nametags to differentiate teams.
Coaches should all arrive on May 16th (Sunday) between 3 pm and 6 pm. Devon and Erin will arrive earlier to shop for supplies. We will have a 6 pm dinner meeting on Sunday to go over last minute details.
Devon asked Yolanda to price different types of binding for the play books and to also get a price quote on printing the front cover of the playbook as signage.
Next meeting will be May 7th at 10 am.
5.Action Items from Previous Meeting (3/26)
Action Item / Owner / Due Date / StatusCheck with Rick Renshaw on projector. Vincent checking on projector too / Devon/Vincent / Shanna – 1 projector
Erin – 2 projectors, 2 laptops
Lisa – 1 projector, 2 laptops
Check with Hilton on response time for tech support for A/V and mic and cost of additional mics / Devon / A/V quote 1650 includes mic and screens. Tech support will be availble quickly.
Erin checking on if she can bring mic / Erin / Yes, I have one and have checked it out, but it is not needed since AV quote can accomodate
Evening Events committee meeting and teambuilding activities / Erin / Sub-committee met and developed activity schedule. See minutes
Resolving Conflicting Information presenter from TWU, UNT / Shanna / Shanna Hollis confirmed – TX Wesleyan
Email Denise Coach bio info / Anyone who has not responded / Done
Playbook (agenda, Coach bios, local attractions, Board Members, notes pages) / Denise / Done
Board Member bios / Devon? / Done
6.Action Items from this Meeting (4/30)
Describe Action Items or refer to separate action item spreadsheet
Action Item / Owner / Due Date / StatusAthletic related items and giveaways from committee member schools / All
Bring athletic “prop”items” from home for background and decoration / All
Coach whistles / Devon
Insert break in between sessions on the last day / Devon? / Won’t be in printed agenda, but will be announced that morning
Get price quote on binding for playbooks and printing the cover as a table sign. Also get lead time needed on printing / Yolanda
Put sports related stickers on nametages to distinguish teams / Denise
Presentations posted to webiste / Devon
Slideshow / Erin
Moderator/teambuiding activity leader schedule / Devon/Erin