Learnline Unit Staff Enrolments


In response to requests from teaching staff the Office of Learning and Teaching has introduced thecapability to enableTeaching Period Coordinators(TPCs) to enrol other CDU staff members into their unit with one of the following roles:

  • Lecturer
  • Tutor
  • Marker
  • Unit Builder
  • Peer Reviewer

Withthe introduction of this capability there is no longer a need to contact the Learnline Staff Support team to enrol other staff into your unit(s), providing greater flexibility and removing the need to wait until your request can be processed by Learnline Development and Training (LDT).

With the introduction of this capability it is important for the TPC to consider:

  • The level of knowledge and expertise of the person you are enrolling matches the capabilities of the role you are assigning – as a minimum they should have completed the Introduction to Learnline: Creating Units and Introduction to Learnline: Assisting Students. Please note that it is your responsibility to confirm this with the staff member prior to enrolling them in your unit. Learnline Staff Support does not have access to this information.
  • The level of guidance you need to provide to the enrolled staff member with respect to the activities they are permitted to undertake within the unit. It is the TPC’s responsibility to provide these guidelines.

Explanation of Roles

Lecturer - this role is automatically given to the Unit Coordinator (UC) and Teaching Period Coordinator (TPC) as the Lecturer role provides access to all areas in the Unit.It is recommended that this role only be given to staff who will be co-facilitating a unit.

Marker - usually assists a Lecturer in the management, delivery, and grading of Assessments, Tests and Surveys. A Marker cannot create, edit or delete learning materials.

Tutor - has very similar access to Lecturer. This role is best utilised to identify those undertaking a Tutor role within the unit but not co-facilitating the unit. Tutors have the ability to modify and delete learning material and other content.

Unit Builder - this role is appropriate for staff assisting with developing content, but not actually teaching the unit. Unit Builders have the ability to delete and modify content in the unit but are unable to view the Grade Centre.

Peer Reviewer - this role enables staff to view the unit only; they cannot edit content or access Grade Centre. It is commonly applied for access by PVCs, auditors, staff peers and industry peer reviewers with a CDU account.

Note:While there are other roles that are used in Learnline, only the above roles will appear in the Staff Enrolments area.


If after reviewing this document, and the supporting FAQs, you have any questions regarding the ‘Staff Enrolment’ function, contact the Learnline Staff Support via email or call (08) 8946 6198 during normal business hours Monday – Friday (8am – 5pm).

Instructions for Enrolling Staff

The following provides step by step instructions on how to add or remove staff. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are also provided at the end of this document.

Accessing the Staff Enrolments Area

  1. From the Unit Production tab in Learnline click on the Learnline Unit Production button to access the Learnline Production Database.

  1. Log in using your CDU username and password.
  2. Ensure the Search fields have the current teaching period and year and select Go. The units where you are listed as Teaching Period Coordinator will appear.
  1. Locate the unit that you would like to add another staff member to and then click on the ‘Staff Enrolments’ icon alongside the unit.

Adding Enrolments

  1. Click the Add Staff button.

Note:If there are already additional staff enrolments,they will appear here. Otherwise the wording “No data found.” is displayed. This indicates that there are currently no additionalstaff enrolments.Please note that UCs and TPCs will not show in this list.

  1. Click the small arrow to the right of the User box which will open another window to enable you to search for the staff names.

  1. Enter the person’s last name and click Search. You can also scroll through the entire list. If there are multiple people with the same names, please confirm their username before selecting.
  2. Once you have identified the correct staff member, click on their name to insert it into the User box.

  1. To assign the required role to the staff member select from the drop down role field.

Note: It is the responsibility of the TPC to select the correct role. If unsure, please contact Learnline Staff Support for assistance before adding the person to your unit.

  1. Click on submit to complete the enrolment. The changes should appear in Learnline within 1 business day. If, after 1 business day, you are unable to see the person(s) you enrolled please contact Learnline Staff Support.

Note:Repeat steps 1 to 5as required,to add additional staff

Checking Staff Enrolments in Learnline

There are a number of ways that you can view who is enrolled in your unit. One method is to follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Unit in Learnline and expand the Evaluation area in the Control Panel by clicking the arrow beside the word Evaluation.
  2. Click on Performance Dashboard.

  1. The Dashboard can be sorted by any of the headings in the table (i.e. Last Name, Username or Role).
  1. Check that the staff that you have enrolled have appeared, and have the correct role assigned.

Note:Contact Learnline Staff Support if the changes have not appeared in the unit after 1 business day using the Staff Enrolment feature.

Removing Staff Enrolments

If you require a person to be deleted please contact Learnline Staff Support.

Note:Changes made by Learnline Staff Support will appear in Learnline within 1 business day.

ChangingAssigned Role

You do not need to contact Learnline Staff Support to make changes to roles. However if you do require to change the role of a staff member, please advise them before you make the change.

Note:Changes you make will appear in Learnline within 1 business day.


  • Why does the staff member I wish to add not appear on the list of staff available for enrolment?

New staff members (permanent and contract) must have completed the contract process with HR. They must also have activated their CDU computer account. After activating their account access to Learnline will typically be enabled within 1 business day.

  • Why does the unit I want to change enrolments fornot appear in the My Units list?
  • Only Teaching Period Coordinators have this functionality. You are recorded as the Teaching Period Coordinator for the Unit? If you are not the TPC please contact your Head of School, School Administrator, or Course Systems Support (mailto:).
  • Check the search box parameters to ensure that the correct information is showing in the Search fields. In particular, ensure the relevant year is showing in the Year field. Refer to Step 3 of Accessing Staff Enrolments area.
  • Who are the additional staff members that I have not chosen to enroll in my unit?

If you are unsure it is likely that the PVC or HoS requested the addition of these staff members. Please liaise with your HoS for clarification. If you are still unsure, please contact Learnline Staff Support.

  • How do I get support or give feedback?

If you have any questions, or feedback, regarding the ‘Staff Enrolment’ function, contact the Learnline Staff Support team via email or calling (08) 8946 6198 during normal business hours Monday – Friday (8am – 5pm).

Last updated: 18 March 2015

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