Staff Council

Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2005

Order-Chair Cheryl Garvin

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm in UC-260.

Delegate Attendance

All delegates were present except for:

Tomanika Redd who was represented by Sondra Landrum

Scott McElroy who was represented by Row Anderson

Valerie Laney-Marshall and Nakiya Howard-Carswell who were excused and no alternate present.

Bob Ward was introduced as the new delegate replacing Tim McDonald.

Visitor Attendance

Ethel Lynn Keeton, Leigh Duncan, Marcia Price, Karen Blackburn, Sandra Ezeike, Keokuk Kight, Norman Grizzell, and Barbara Dantzler.

Meeting Minutes

July minutes presented and unanimously approved.

President Update

Presentation of Seal

Dr. Harden presented the design of the new seal. Each government agency generally uses the same seal and CSU would like to create it’s own identity via the new seal.

The seal is circular like the previous with scalloped edges and will have 5 icons (lamp, globe, scroll, book and key) similar to the items that are used for commencement. It will include the year the institution was established.

The seal was well received by all with some suggestions that will improve the look of the seal. Dr. Harden said there was some refinement that are still needed.

Once seal is approved it was suggested that a website could be setup that will explain the significance of each icon.

Logo Update

From the 30 different logos that were presented to campus Dr. Harden showed the top 12. He also showed some that were created by a graphic designer that the delegates were impressed with and liked even more than ones from the top 12. It’s still an ongoing process and appreciates the input.



Bruce Holmes showed everyone present the parking designation and handed out the CSU Parking Rules and Regulations, they are available in Public Safety or by visiting their website.

The changes and additions made to the parking allotment were acted upon by the recommendation of the Parking Committee. Some designations made were

New designation for Faculty/Staff by Spivey and designation of Student only parking. There are areas that are open on a first come first serve basis.


John Bryan updated on the upcoming phone service. All offices and departments will have new numbers. Public Safety will remain on analog system along with the elevator and fire alarms.

Every phone on campus will have the basic features- voicemail, speaker phone, conference calling for up to six parties and caller ID. The phones also have other advanced features that include a built in telephone directory, email integration, set up phone trees, and other numerous features.

During the migration process, the VoIP phone will be installed next to the current analog phone on desks the two systems will be used concurrently. A call forward will be placed on the old phones directing to the new VoIP telephones. Then, an intercept will be placed on old line with a recorded announcement telling callers about number change. After intercept is in place, old phones will be removed.

Phone number will be easier to be moved from office to office. With VoIP you actually have to log in which activates the phone. You will be able to receive your calls from anywhere on campus.

Concerns about of power outages were raises and generators are being added to power the phones. In the event that the power does occur the battery life is about an hour.

Fax services will have a lot of advanced features. Several options are currently being considered. May be able to receive faxes via email is an option.

There will be wireless headset for those “mobile” individuals.

Training will be provided.

Additional information on VoIP may be seen in the August 19th, Campus Review.

Reports from Committees

No committee reports heard because of time restraint.

Unfinished Business

Update on previous constituent concerns:

Receipt for Cafeteria purchases, an individual can request any time and receive a hand written receipt.

Signage at Help Desk in STC has been referred to Steve Stephens.

Short Term Disability, Brenda Findley to provide update at the September meeting.

Constituent Concern

No new concerns at this time.


Meeting adjourned at 3:15pm and group picture taken.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alina Brooks

AlinaBrooks, Secretary