October, 2016
Joe D. Seger
Director Emeritus, Cobb Institute of Archaeology
Middle Eastern Archaeologist
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
5717 N Camino del Sol
Tucson,, AZ 85718
Telephone: (662) 312 7868
Earned Degrees:
Th.D. Harvard University, 1965 (Archaeology, Near Eastern Languages and Literature, Old Testament History and Religion)
B.D. Eden Theological Seminary, 1960 (Old Testament, Philosophy of Religion)
B.A. Elmhurst College, 1957 (History, Philosophy and Religion)
Doctoral Dissertation Title:
“The Pottery of Palestine at the Close of the Middle Bronze Age: A Study of the MB II C Ceramic Remains from Biblical Shechem and their Palestinian Correspondences.”
Academic and Professional Honors:
Alumni Merit Award, Elmhurst College, 2007
(Recognition as a distinguished alumni for career accomplishments.)
Richard J. Scheuer Medal, American Schools of Oriental Research, 2006
(Recognition for career service and professional contributions to the organization and discipline)
Sower Award, Nebraska Committee for the Humanities, 1979
(Recognition for significant contribution to public understanding of the Humanities)
Rockefeller Doctoral Fellow, 1963-64
Robert Pfeiffer Traveling Fellowship, Harvard University, 1962
Graduate Honors Scholarship, Eden Theological Seminary, 1960
Language Facility:
Read French, German, Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Greek
Speak (partial fluency) Modern Hebrew, Arabic
Joe D. Seger - Vitae 2
2015-present Director Emeritus Cobb Institute of Archaeology; Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures, Mississippi State University
1988-2014 Director, Cobb Institute of Archaeology; Middle Eastern Archaeologist; Professor of Religion; Professor of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures, Mississippi State University.
Middle Eastern Archaeological Research, Instruction in Archaeology, Religion and History
1987, fall Acting Head, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Mississippi State University.
1982-87 Middle Eastern Archaeologist, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Religion, Cobb Institute of Archaeology, Mississippi State University.
Middle Eastern Archaeological Research, Instruction in Archaeology, Religion and History.
1981-82 Instructor, Departments of Philosophy/Religion and Foreign Languages, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
1981-82 Archaeological Consultant, Ecologic, Archaeological and Environmental Services, Omaha, Nebraska.
1981-82 Executive Director, Omaha Children’s Museum.
Oversight of Museum programs, exhibits, and fiscal management.
1977-81 Chairman, Humanities Program and Visiting Professor of Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska.
Administrative coordination and instruction in Western Humanities; Instruction in Biblical Studies and Archaeology.
1976-77 Visiting Professor of Art History and Biblical Archeology, College of Fine Arts, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska;
Instruction in Archaeology, Community outreach through lectureships, workshops, and exhibitions related to Biblical Archaeology as Scholar-in-Residence, Omaha Jewish Federation.
1975 Instructor, Religious Studies and Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton California.
Instruction in New Testament, Religious Studies, and Archaeology.
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Employment History (continued)
1974-75 Visiting Museum Research Professor, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles, California:
Research in archaeological collections and exhibit consultant, Skirball Museum. Instruction in Biblical Studies. Adjunct Instruction in Biblical Studies and Archaeology, University of Southern California.
1969-74 Archaeological Director, Hebrew Union College Biblical and Archaeological School, Jerusalem, Israel.
Director, Hebrew Union College, Gezer Excavations and Field School; Administrative Coordinator, Gezer Publications Staff;
Coordinator, graduate and post-graduate studies orientation;
Instruction in Biblical Archaeology.
1964-69 Associate Professor, Old Testament and Archaeology, and Curator, the Museum of Anthropology, The Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford, Connecticut:
Instruction in Palestinian and Near Eastern Archaeology, Old Testament History and Literature, Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature; Chairman, Council for Advanced Studies charged with oversight of all post-baccalaureate degree programs.
Organizer/manager, museum exhibits and tour programs.
1962-63 Teaching Fellow, Old Testament Studies, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Archaeological Field Research:
Organizer and Field Director: Lahav Research Project, Archaeological and Anthropological Investigations at Tell Halif, Kibbutz Lahav, Israel, 1975 - present.
Archaeological Consultant: Fort Omaha Archaeological Project, General Crook House, Omaha, Nebraska, September 1981.
Director, Hebrew Union College Excavations at Tell Gezer, Fall 1969, Spring 1970, all seasons 1972-1974.
Field Archaeologist (Core Staff): Hebrew Union College Excavations at Tell Gezer, Israel, 1966-1971.
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Professional Activities (continued -2)
Field Director: Drew-McCormick Expedition to Tell Balatah, 1969.
Staff: Drew-McCormick Archaeological Expedition to Tell Balatah (Shechem), Jordan, 1962, 1964, 1968.
Professional Offices and Consulting Activities
· Member of the Management Committee, American Schools of Oriental Research (since 2006 –Committee dissolved February 2008)
· Past -President, American Schools of Oriental Research (1996-2002, President 1994-2002)
· Member, Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, American Schools of Oriental Research (since 1988)
· Chair, Committee on Membership for American Schools of Oriental Research (2003 to 2005)
· Member, Nominations Committee of American Schools of Oriental Research (2004 to 2008)
· Member, Officer’s Nominating Committee of American Schools of Oriental Research (2008-present)
· Past-President, W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (1988- 1994)
· Member, Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (1982 -1996)
· Honorary Trustee, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (since 1996)
· Consultant: National Endowment for the Humanities (Research Division.
· Consultant: National Geographic Society
· Consultant: The Israel Science Foundation Grants
· Consultant: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Memberships in Professional Academic Societies
· Life Member, American Schools of Oriental Research
· Member, Registry of Professional Archaeologists
· Member, American Schools of Oriental Research Southeastern Regional Society
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Professional Activities (continued -3)
· Member, Archaeological Institute of America
· Member, Society for Field Archaeology
· Member, Society for American Archaeology
· Member, Society for Biblical Research
· Member, Israel Exploration Society
· Member, British School of Archaeology, Jerusalem
· Member, Mississippi Archaeological Association
· Member, Mississippi Association of Professional Archaeologists
· Member, Phi Kappa Phi
PUBLICATIONS (* = Referred Publications)
Books and Monographs:
*Lahav VII; Ethnoarchaeology in the Tell Halif Environs: Excavations in Site 1, Complex A, 1976–1979 by J. D. Seger and K. E. Seger, Joe D. Seger Series Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (In press 2015)
*Lahav VI: The Early Bronze III to Late Arabic Strata at Tell Halif: Excavations in Field I, 1976–1979 by P. F. Jacobs and J. D. Seger, Joe D. Seger Series Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (In press 2015)
*Lahav V: The Iron, Persian and Hellenistic Occupations Within the Walls at Tell Halif: Excavations in Field II, 1977-1980 by Dan P. Cole. Joe D. Seger Series Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015. Xvii + 267 pp.; 27 figs.; 51 photos; 24 plates; 19 plans and sections.
* Lahav IV: The Figurines of Tell Halif by Paul F. Jacobs: Joe D. Seger Series
Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015. Xviii + 88 pp.; 66 figs. And photos; 5 tables; CD database.
*Lahav III: The Iron Age Cemetery at Tell Halif (Site 72) by Oded Borowski. Joe D. Seger Series Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013. Xi +111 pp.; 66 figs; 12 tables; 16 plates.
* Gezer VI: The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974) by Garth Gilmour
Eds. Joe D. Seger, W. G. Dever, and Seymour Gitin. Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology. Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College and Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. 2014
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Books and Monographs: continued - 2)
*Lahav II: Households and the Use of Domestic Space at Iron II Tell Halif: An Archaeology of Destruction, by James W. Hardin. Joe D. Seger Series Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2010. Xviii + 458 pp.; 36 figs; 20 plates.
*Gezer VII: The Middle Bronze and Later Fortifications in Fields II, IV and VIII by Joe D. Seger, Eds. Joe D. Seger and James W. Hardin. Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology. Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College and Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns 2013 Xx +411 pp.; 75 plates, +CD with plans and field photos
*Lahav I: Pottery and Politics: The Halif Terrace Site 101 and Egypt in the Fourth Millennium B.C.E. by J. P. Dessel. Joe D. Seger Series Editor. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2009. Xxvii +303 pp.; 16 plates.
*An ASOR Mosaic: A Centennial History of the American Schools of Oriental Research, ed. Joe D. Seger. American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston, MA, 2001. Xxii + 376 pp.
ASOR: Commemorating 100 Years of Service, Centennial Program Booklet, April 14-16, 2000, Washington, D.C. American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston, MA 2000, 24 pp.
*Retrieving the Past, Essays on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus W. Van Beek, ed. Joe D. Seger. Cobb Institute of Archaeology, Mississippi State, MS and Eisenbrauns Inc., Winona Lake, IN, 1996. Xxxi + 310 pp.
*Gezer V, The Field I Caves 1969-1971. Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, Vol. V. Ben Zvi Ltd., Jerusalem, 1989. Xv + 241 pp.; 82 plates; 5 plans.
*Gezer IV, the 1969-71 Seasons in Field VI, “The Acropolis,” with W. G.Dever et al. Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, Vol. IV, Keter Press, Jerusalem, 1986. 2 vols: Text vii + 216 pp.; 136 plates; 118 plans.
Handbook for Field Operations, Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College Biblical and Archaeological School, 1972., 60 pp. Revised and updated as Field Operations Guidebook, Lahav Research Project: Cobb Institute of Archaeology, Mississippi State University, 1980, 87 pp.
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Climbing the Steps of Time, with Jonathan Rosenbaum, Festival of Biblical Art
and Archaeology, Catalogue, Jewish Community Center of Omaha, 1978, 72 pp.
*Gezer II, Preliminary Report of the 1967-70 Excavations in Fields I and II, with W. G. Dever, et al. Annual of the Hebrew Union College Biblical and Archaeological School, Jerusalem, Vol. II, Keter Press, Jerusalem, 1974, vii + 113 pp. 37 plates, 13 plans.
Western Humanities, A Lecture Outline, with Russell W. Palmer et al. University of Nebraska at Omaha, August 1978, 45 pp.
Tomb Offerings from Gezer, Rockefeller Museum, Jerusalem Catalogue, No. 94,
summer 1972, 44 pp. (Hebrew and English)
Major Reports of Limited Circulation:
Handbook of Academic Procedures, Editor, the Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1968, pp. 1-25 + 15 pp. Appendices.
Tell Gezer Excavations, Preliminary Field Reports (on file Hebrew Union College Gezer Archives, Jerusalem: Israel Department of Antiquities; Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC).
“Excavations of July 1966, Field I.8, 10,” pp. 1-12 + 16 pp. Indices and Plans (December 1966).
“Excavations of July-August 1967, Field I, 8-10,” pp. 1-13 +77 pp. Indices and Plans (November 1967).
“Excavations of July-August 1967, Field IV,” pp. 1-3 (November 1967).
“Excavations of July-August 1968, Field I, 8-10,” pp. 1-6 + 7 pp. Indices and Plans (November 1968).
“Excavations of June-August 1968, Field IV,” pp. 1-23 + 38 pp. Indices and Plans (November 1968).
Lahav Research Project, Preliminary Field Reports, Editor (on file, Israel Department of Antiquities; American Schools of Oriental Research, CAP Offices; W.F. Albright Institute, Jerusalem; Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem; Joe Alon Center, Kibbutz Lahav, Israel; Cobb Institute of Archaeology).
“Lahav Research Project, 1976 Season,” (spring 1977), 380 pp.
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“Lahav Research Project, 1977 Season,” (spring 1979), 540 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1979 Season,” (spring 1980), 470 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1980 Season,” (spring 1981), 2 parts; 690 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1983 Season,” (spring 1986), 622 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1985 Season,” (spring 1986), 98 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1986 Season, Field I Excavations” (winter 1990), 171 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1987 Season, Field I Excavations” (winter 1989), 306 pp.
“Lahav Research Project, 1986, 1987, 1989 Seasons Fields III and IV Excavations” (winter 1990), 245 pp.
Articles: (in chronological order as published)
“Rene Menard, Missionary,” Badger History, Vol. 3:7 (March 1950) pp. 9-10.
*Two Pottery Groups of Middle Bronze Shechem,” in Shechem, Biography of a Biblical City, by G. E. Wright, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965, pp. 235-37 +
*“The Pottery of Palestine at the Close of the Middle Bronze Age,” Dissertation Summary, Harvard Theological Review, 58:4 (October 1965), pp. 461-62.
*“Why We Dig at Gezer,” The Hartford Quarterly, 7:4 (1967) 1, pp. 16-39.
*“News and Notes, Tell Gezer (Spring 1970)” Israel Exploration Journal 20:1-2 (1970), p. 17.
*“Fall Excavations at Tell Gezer, 1979,” (Hebrew) Hadashot Arcaeologiot, January 1970.
*“Tell Gezer, 1970 Spring Excavations,” (Hebrew) Hadashot Archaeologiot, November 1970.
“Troglodytes Revisited,” Jerusalem Post Magazine, October 15, 1971, pp. 19-20.
*“Further Excavations at Gezer, 1967-71,” with W. G. Dever et al. Biblical Archaeologist 34:4 (December 1971), pp. 94-132.
*“Shechem Field XIII, 1969,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 205 (February 1971), pp. 20-35.
*“News and Notes, Tel Gezer (Spring 1972),” Israel Exploration Journal 22 (1972), pp. 160-61.
*“Newly Discovered Burial Caves at Gezer,” (Hebrew) Qadmoniot 5:1 (1972), pp 15-18.
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Articles: (continued-2)
*“News and Notes, Tel Gezer (Summer 1972)” Israel Exploration journal 22 (1972), pp. 240-42.
*The Ninth Season of Excavations at Tell Gezer, 1972" (Hebrew), Hadashot Archaeologiot, January 1973, pp. 60-62.
*“Chronique Archaeologique, Tel Gezer (Summer 1972) (Hebrew), Revue Biblique 80 (1972), pp. 408-12.
*“News and Notes, Tel Gezer (Summer 1973),” Israel Exploration Journal 23 (1973), pp. 247-51.
*“The Tenth Season of Excavations at Tell Gezer, 1973,” (Hebrew) Hadashot Archaeologiot, January 1974.
*“The MB II C Date of the East Gate at Shechem,” Levant VI (1974), pp. 117-30.
“Archaeology and the Bible: At the Crossroads.” A Walk through the Past. HUC,
Skirball Museum Catalog, 1974, pp. 17-19.
*“The MB II Fortifications at Shechem and Gezer - A Hyksos Retrospective,” Eretz Israel, Vol. 12, Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem, 1975, pp. 34-45.
*“Chronique Archaeologique, Tel Gezer (Summer 1973),” Revue Biblique 82 (1975), pp. 87-92.
*“Reflections on the Gold Hoard from Gezer,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 22 (February 1976), pp. 34-45.
*“News and Notes, Tell Halif (Lahav),” Israel Exploration Journal 27 (1977).
*“The 1976 Season at Tell Halif,” (Hebrew) Hadashot Archaeologiot, January 1977. “The Search for Maccabean Gezer,” Biblical Archaeology 39:4 (1977), pp. 14-44.