PTA Executive Board Meeting Minutes – 8/10/15
PTA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Jennifer Whitlock at 7:18pm at the Shipley’s Choice Elementary School Media Room. Proper notice was given to all board members. A quorum was present and on phone.
Jen Whitlock – President, Lisa Palechek – Secretary, Sandra Matthews – Treasurer (phone), Beth Burke - Principal
Carolyn Campion, Jen DiPietro, Angela Ballagh,Kara Engle,Kristin Andrione, Melissa Walker, Claire Rossmark, Brad Jobman, Anne Reiners, Holly Willis, Kelly Atkinson, Denise Monahan, Kristin Jackson, Angela Miller, Kelly Heravi
Goals of Meeting: Jen Whitlock
To review and vote on the budget and plans of work with the full executive PTA board.
New Business
Plans of Work Discussion:
- 5th Grade Promotion Committee:
- Need to discuss proposed decrease of $154 with committee.
- Pending approval of committee.
- Arts Showcase:
- Proposing decrease of $300 to $200 based on historical numbers
- Need to discuss proposed decrease with committee.
- Pending approval.
- Chess Club:
- No budget
- Motion to approve POW by Anne Reiners; second by Angela Ballagh.
- Beautification Committee:
- Reviewed proposed POW.
- Motion to approve POW by Angela Ballagh; second by Kelly Heravi.
- Book Fair:
- Reviewed proposed POW. No changes.
- Motion to approve POW by Kara Engle; second by Kristin Jackson.
- Cultural Arts:
- Reviewed proposed POW. More than requested in 2014-5 budget.
- Looking at 2 grants so it’s possible to be less than $4000.
- Motion to approve by Anne Reiners; second by Brad Jobman
- Environmental Committee:
- No bike rack.
- Committee consists of teachers.
- Looking at grants for bike racks.
- Decreased by $500. Amended request = $1300
- Kelly Heravi asked if we have the money if we can do the bike rack.
- That’s hard to say at this point.
- We are expecting $2,400.
- We will probably carry it over.
- Motion to approve by Anne Reiners; second by Kelly Heravi
- Fall Festival:
- Requesting $2,500.
- Kristin Jackson reviewed again and are requesting $4000.
- Concessions were in 2011 – spent $2000, but we plan on donations.
- Asked about the wristband pricing and if that has been decided.
- $17/band
- Kristin Jackson will go back and review. Updated plan of work needed.
- Is there area of additional income for the increase in expenses?
- Jen Whitlock noted that she loved the approach of free first and we know the committee has been working hard.
- Helping Hands Committee:
- Proposing decrease from $1125 to $1000 based on historical numbers.
- The committee will adjust based on budget.
- Motion to approve POW by Brad Jobman; second by Holly Willis.
- Holiday Sales:
- No changes. Plan of work at $1100.
- Motion to approve POW by Kelly Atkinson; second by Holly WIllis.
- Holiday Shop:
- $5,600 is essentially paid out to the vendorand then repaid to the PTA at the conclusion of the event.
- Bookkeeping nuance in the past. We should add to income to show what we brought in.
- Executive Committee will figure out offline to determine how to show it.
- Motion to approve POW by Kara Engle; second by Denise Monahan.
- Hospitality (Toni Hochard):
- Plan of work shows $950.
- Wednesday, August 19 please sign up via VolunteerSpot. We need more dishes.
- Motion to approve POW by Anne Reiners; second by Brad Jobman.
- Member-at-Large Committee:
- POW missing due to miscommunication; Kristin Andrione to resend POW.
- Pending approval.
- Membership Committee (Trista Rassofsky):
- $1905 includes insurance and membership dues and $775 under communication
- Motion to approve POW by Claire Rossmark; second by Kara Engle.
- Reading Incentives Committee:
- Suggesting decreasing $200 less at $1900 based on historical data.
- Need agreementfrom committee.
- Pending approval.
- Receipts Committee (Denise Monahan):
- $100 request
- Safeway is discontinuing their eScrip program. eScrip will give 95% of the net funds. We don’t need to change the budget.
- Motion to approve POW by Anne Reiners; second by Angela Miller.
- School Supply Box
- Plan of work with no budget.
- Improve on communication of current grade versus rising grade.
- Online facilitation and parent point of contact.
- Motion to approve POW by Denise Monahan; second by Kelly Atkinson.
- Technology Trot:
- Decreased budget by $500 and will continue with bib tear-offs versus the RFID chips, reduced prizes by $50, and tshirt design.
- Keeping relationship with Striders
- $3,985 expense
- Motion to approve POW by Angela Miller second by Angela Ballagh
- Volunteer Committee:
- No changes. $130 for the budget.
- Motion to approve POW by Denise Monahan; second by Angela Miller Jackson.
- Ways and Means Committee:
- Melissa is excited about working with the committees to make it collaborative
- Motion to approve POW by Kelly Heravi; second by Anne Reiners.
- Website:
- Changed the payment schedule as it usually ends in summer, which is problematic for budget purposes.
- We are going to be grandfathered at $50/month. We are saving money by paying for 2 years. Next year will be zero.
- The price in two years will be more than $1,080.
- Reasoning is one year would be $750/year.
- Every committee has a page. Only 10 administrators allowed.
- Beth Anderson will be an admin helping with the website and weekly blasts.
- Motion to approve POW by Anne Reiners; second by Angela Miller
- Welcoming Committee:
- Need to discuss proposed revisions with Lauren Symmes.
- Pending approval.
- Yearbook Committee:
- Expenses for poster printing for field day and mini Rock ‘n Roll will move to teacher requests
- Amended expenses to $100 planning to go through Snapfish or other online shop.
- Chairs were comfortable with removing this line item.
- $509 for amended budget
- Motion to approve POW by Kelly Atkinson; second by Anne Reiners
- Room Parent Committee:
- Request decrease of $200. Amend budget to $300 as we most likely won’t do snacks for the PARCC testing.
- Would like to do a teacher survey?
- Mrs. Burke responded she is comfortable with a survey.
- Move to approve POW by Claire Rossmark; Second by Angela Ballagh.
- Need revised plan of work showing amended budget.
- Mrs. Burke informed the attendees that Shipley’s will be following two parties a year with store bought food with ingredients listed on the label.
Playground Discussion:
- Standing committee, which we are accounting for separately as the PTA is not funding.
- May not encumber a future PTA for any item with a budget.
- As the committee moves forward, they must record all monies coming in.
- Frequently asked questions came out today which answered the survey questions received.
- There was a community forum tonight that wasn’t well attended. There are two more sessions.
- Ambitious fundraising amount, but a plan is in place. If it doesn’t work out, then they have a phased approach to determine based on fundraising levels.
- Mrs. Burke and AACPS has been in discussions on other potential options.
- Jen DiPietro added:
- About $112K remaining and continuing to follow up. We hope to only ask the community for the cost of the equipment at $90K, which is about $100 per household in the community.
- We are concerned with attrition if fundraising lasts too long. It’s a call to action.
- Jen Whitlock indicated that the PTA plans tomake a contribution, but we cannot make $12,500 requested. It is not in the budget. We have $400 budgeted for expenses.
- Need to amend Plan of Work to show the $400 work from PTA inclusion.
- Passed with amendment to budget.
- Motion to approve POW by Kristin Jackson; second by Kelly Heravi.
- Jen Whitlock added that the PTAwill provide contribution once we know we have the funds remaining. We need to take care of the teachers, kids, and Mrs. Burke first.
- We need to be good stewards of our money. Overall mantra is it’s a flexible plan. This allows you to move forward with corporate fundraising.
- We are looking at not cannibalizing other committees.
- Kristin Jackson questioned if the Fall Festival and Playground Committee can work together on the silent auction.
- Absolutely.
- How do we split the money from the sales?
- Each should continue their work and anything that is additional can be for playground.
- The Fall Festival numbers should not reflect any income from Playground sales in their numbers. The amounts on the Fall Festival budget should reflect only Fall Festival activities.
- We need to be careful of bookkeeping.
- Cornhole tournament and paint nite need to follow the rules of the organization.
- A family could throw the tournament then donate the money to the PTA.
- We need to be careful about the location, perception, and hiding anything.
- How do other schools do it?
- If it’s a PTSO, it has more liberal rules.
- We are going to operate that this is a business under the community and we need to vet it and monitor risk.
- Love the ideas and want to keep them coming.
- Jen DiPietro indicated that Mrs. O’Neal wants to move half of her Rock ‘n Roll sales this year to the playground. That is not part of the PTA, so you need to work with Mrs. O’Neal as I believe it funds part of the music program.
Anne Reiners questioned what encompasses the teacher requests of $23,733?
- Chromebooks, novels, and other teacher requests shared with PTA.
- School improvement program – technology and STEM activities.
- Mrs. Burke is looking to boost the kids who are all above average levels, which thecounty mainly provides for average students.
- Technology is for an intended purpose. Mrs. Burke hopes to have 1 Chromebook for each student, so there won’t be swapping.
This year’s theme is Reach for the Stars.
Overall budget was not voted on, so the Executive Committee will see if we can email it out and vote by proxy. Otherwise, the board of directors will need to meet prior to Back To School Night on Wednesday, September 2 to vote on remaining plans of work and overall budget.
- Jen Whitlock will send available dates.
- Executive Board will follow up with committees not voted in yet.
Mrs. Burke announced guest wi-fi will be coming.
Numbers in kindergarten is growing; therefore, there will be 4 classes this year.
- A teacher from Folger Elementary will be coming to Shipley’s.
- 20 new kids enrolled in the school in last few days.
- Teacher assignments will be sent on Monday, August 17. No posting of classroom assignments on the door of the school for privacy reasons.
Meeting was adjourned by Jen Whitlock (President) at 9:10pm.
Meeting minutes submitted by Lisa Palechek.