Terminating/TerminatedREEport (CRIS) Projects Procedures

REEport is the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) singular grant and formula project reporting system building on and replacing the existing CRIS web forms system. REEport utilizes the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR), a standard progress report format that all Federal research agencies will be required to use.

You will receive a 60, 30, and 15 day notice of REEportprojects that are terminating and a list of employees being paid from the accounts assigned to the terminating projects. These notices are generated in CALS Admin as well as the procedures outlined below to avoid overspending in accounts belonging toREEportterminating/terminated projects.

During Rollover CALS Admin provides a list of REEportProjects that are continuing into the next fiscal year and a list of employees funded on accounts belonging to an inactive project. Throughout the year Alma Enciso, from the Experiment Station, emails departmentsthe approval of new projects. Use above information to determine if an employee is on the correct project.


1.DO NOT continue to pay an employee or fund operational expenses on a project that has terminated.

2.DO NOT continue to pay an employee on the Admin Project (000) if they have their ownREEport project. Employees need to be paid on their projectfor correct use of Federal fundsand effort reporting.

3.CLOSE the accounts associated with the terminated project to ensure that no more expenses post to them.


Personnel Services

  1. Reassign employees to an active REEport project. This will be done by completing a funding distribution change. Consult with the PI to determine the correct project.
  2. If an employee is being paid on the Department Admin Project (000) and they have been granted a REEport project you need to put them on their project
  3. Compute the amount of payroll expenses that need to be moved to the new project.
  4. Process an RBC to move both PERM and TEMP money to the new project. Contact CALS if it is necessary to swap money with CALS when the type of money differs between the two projects.
  5. If the state account of a terminating project is the source account for cost-share you need to contact Sponsored Projects to have them set up a new cost share sub-account on the grant with the new project account as the source account – remember you cannot use Federal accounts for cost share (the 13xxxxx accounts) you need to use the state account (12xxxxx)

Operational Expenses

  1. Reassign encumbrances to the new project.
  2. Move any PERM and the remaining TEMP Budget to the new Project
  3. Make sure that there are no deficits, encumbrances (including cost-share), and no available balance by the end of the project.


  1. Determine the expenses that have hit the terminated projected after its termination date
  2. If expenses are for personnel, follow the steps above described for terminating projects but you will also need to process SETs dating back to the term date of the project.
  3. If expenses are for operations, transfer any expenses that occurred after the date the project ended by doing General Error Corrections (GECs).
  4. Make sure there are no deficits, no encumbrances, and that the budget balance has been transferred to a valid account.


To close an account, use the UAccess Financials Account E-Doc.

  1. All Budget must be removed (both PERM and TEMP).
  2. Accounts must have no outstanding encumbrances.
  3. To get an account to $0.00 do an RBC to move whole dollars. Do a Transfer of Funds to move pennies. Use object code 0932 as the object code for both the To and From section
  4. Watch your cost share source accounts to make sure all encumbrances are moved.
  5. Once the above conditions are met, department that owns the account will need to initiate an Account E-Doc, set the expiration date, continuation account, and check the closed flag on the account.
  6. UAccess Financials will not let an account close if the balance requirements have not been met.

G://Personnel/Procedures Terminating REEport Projects Procedures