1. Preliminary Items
  1. Call to order at 3:40pm

Members present

a)President, Jimmy Johnston

b)Chair Treasurer, Blanca Peralta

c)Student Rep. Harold Lewis

d)Faculty, Jah’Shams Abdul-Mumin

e)Secretary, Susana Nieva

f)CFO Chair William Bill Gasper ------Rep. Elizabeth B.

g)Dean, Dorothy S. Smith

Quorum is established

B.Move to adopt the minutes of 6/17/15 by President Jimmy Johnston

  1. Dean, Dorothy S. Smith–Move to approve the minutes for June 17,2015

with Correction on section 3, item E, section 4, items C and F.

  1. President Jimmy Johnston - seconded.
  2. No objections, motion passes

II.Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

1.No comments

III.Introduction and Reports

  1. President, Jimmy Johnston – year is coming to an end smoothly and efficiently, everything is going great.
  1. Student Rep. Harold Lewis – going forward I hope that the incoming board recognized the treasurer from inter club council to see the budgets from the clubs.
  1. Secretary, Susana – do I have to ask administrators before I put an item to the agenda?
  1. Treasurer, Blanca – meet with Bill Gasper, IT Department need to fix some details to log in to Quick Books.
  1. Dean, Smith – moving forward is important that clubs become more transparent. Clubs need to deposit fundraisers, for the district to track expenditures. Clubs need to report back as to what occur in the event, it has to be documented in the minutes. Given, to fundraising all year and little came in.
  1. Treasurer, Blanca – got to yogurt documents from Jah’Shams, they are not from the same event because the numbers don’t match one is from March the letter is not dated and it has a different amount stated. $317 dollars
  1. Treasurer, Blanca – please try to address directly the person responsible for getting the task done, take in consideration their position. I will speak to Harold on how to get clubs to make deposits after the fundraiser.
  1. Elizabeth B. – I distributed the budget worksheet for June 17, 2015 the income minus expenses is $8,149.57. There is still some items that are negative, item 497 college wide activities is $4,520.42 overdrawn. The items that were adopted last minutes are already adjusted included in today’s budget worksheet. Move some items to cover the negative balance in the line 497 College wide activities.
  1. Dean, Smith – move $456 from line 485 to line 497, move $525 from line 515 to line 497, $1500 from line 525 to line 497, move $235 from line 535 to line 497, move $100 from line 551 to line 545, move $949.91 from line 583 to line 495, move $1,588.00 from line 595 to line 497, move $217 from line 621 to line 523, balance of line 621 move to line 497, move $736 from line 661 move to 459, move $1,587.00 move to line 459.
  1. President Jimmy Johnston –I move to transfer all available resources per Dean Smith recommendations


2)No objection, motion passes.


  1. Student Rep. Harold Lewis - there’s still some money own to the clubs where is that money going to come from?
  1. Treasure, Blanca – the clubs that where newly charter and where supposed to get $100, first we need to check if those clubs where active my, understanding is some clubs were DE charter.
  1. Dean, Smith – some of this club have some money sitting there.
  1. President Jimmy Johnston – some clubs have been inactive for years, we need to move the money from those clubs back to ASO
  1. Dean, Smith – Jah’Shams is it at this meeting that we move motion to take the money from inactive club and move it to ASO?
  1. President Jimmy Johnston – We already move motion after Christmas to take money from clubs that have been inactive and move back to ASO, we need the minutes.
  1. Treasurer, Blanca – in ICC Interclub meetings they let the clubs know that if they don’t show for three meetings they are going to be DE charter they weren’t not specifically told nothing of their money in their account lines but they are aware that they have to be active or else they’ll be de charter
  1. Dean, Smith - You cannot just take people’s money.
  1. Advisor, Jah’Shams -check if the bylaws and legal counsel stipulate if we can take money from inactive clubs to move to ASO.
  1. Student Rep. Harold Lewis – district regulations say, that if a club is inactive for two years the money goes back to ASO.
  1. Treasure, Blanca – I remember reading in students regulations that, after two years if clubs are inactive we can move the money from their bank accounts back to ASO.
  1. Advisor, Jah’Shams Abdul-Munin – take some money from de charter clubs and cover ICC.
  1. Treasurer, Blanca – architectural budget submitted back in May

IV.New and Old Business -

  1. Advisor, Jah’Shams Abdul-Munin – proposal for Robert’s Rules of Training: five student from ICC and five students from ASO amount $3,134.41. proposal for Celebrating and Elevating the Pioneering spirit of African American Women fifty students and advisor to travel transportation by organizers
  1. President, Jimmy Johnston – move to approve $3,750.00 for the proposal of Celebrating and Elevating of African American Women.

1)Treasurer, Blanca – friendly amendment in the previous meetings we discuss that celebrating and elevating event to be from account line 497 for next year’s 2015-2016 budget.

2)President, Jimmy Johnston - I accept your amendment

3)Dean Smith – Seconded

4)No objection, motion passes

  1. President, Jimmy Johnston – I move that we approve $3,134.41 to Jah’Shams for the Roberts Rules of training taking form line 396 from 2013-2014 budget

1)Dean, Smith - seconded

2)No objection, motion passes

V.Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

No comments

VI.Advisors comments

No Comments


  1. Student Rep. Harold Lewis - Computer club will be meeting at shakeys this Friday from 6:00pm – 9:00pm little get together
  2. Elizabeth B. – I will be on vacation for the month of July

VIII.Future Meetings Time and Dates

IX.Adjourned at 4:30 pm