Coordinator's Notebook
Month / Compliance / Advisory Councils/Parent Involvement / ResourcesJuly /
- Prepare control records for all categorical funding sources.
- Ensure accuracy of position detail report and payroll roster information for all categorical programs
- Review time-reporting of specially funded staff (semi-annual certification, multi-funded time reports)
- Review Title I related documents (memoranda, reference guides, bulletins, etc)
- Become familiar with the School's Single Plan (Barriers and Goals), and check if progress in the achievement of those goals is current
- Order instructional materials as stated in the Single Plan timeline
- Budget: Submit responses to non-compliance items in Budget Justification Pages
- Become an active participant in the school's professional development program
- Become familiar with the school site "Parent Involvement Policy" and seek ways to implement it as stated
- Start identification process for Title I students and document in SIS (ONLY TARGETED ASSISTANCE SCHOOLS, DUE BY DECEMBER)
- Contact District 6 Parent Facilitators to establish dates for Orientations and Elections of the CEACand SSC
- Send information on Orientation and Elections dates to all parents by all possible means 10 days prior
- Have CEAC and SSC elections
- Conduct annual meeting for parents of Title 1 students. Provide and explain the LAUSD Title 1 Parent Policy, the school Parent Policy and the School-Parent Compact
- Notify parents of their children’s Title1 eligibility and of the program plan
- Bul-888-Semi-Annual Certification Form
- Bul 1165-Guidelines and Procedures for Identifying Title I Eligible Students
- Ref-1120-Kindergarten Checklist Administration
- Bul-1231-Advisory Committees and School Site Councils
- Month-by-Month guide to Topics
- Bul-889.1- Multi-Funded Personnel Time Reporting
- Robert's Rules of Order PPT
- SFP Title 1 Overview PPT
- Single Plan PPT
- Handbook for SSC PPT
- Budget Adjustment Request Forms
- By-laws Template
August /
- Prepare/send annual parent notification letter and plan annual parent meeting regarding the Title I Program at the school
- Program Improvement schools send annual parent notification letter
- Check and update equipment inventory for accuracy
- Contact District 6 Parent Facilitators to establish dates for Orientations and Elections of the CEAC and SSC
- Notification of Title I Participation|SWP|Eng|Span TAS|Eng|Span
- Title I Overview PPT
- Ref-823- Inventory for Equipment Purchased Though Categorical Programs
- Sample Equipment Inventory Form
- Equipment Removal Form
- Sample Home-School Compact
- Public School Choice
September /
- Facilitate and coordinate various intervention programs
- Begin program evaluation and student achievement data analysis to develop school plan-involve staff and parents
- Written Notification to all parents about the Identification of the school as PI (Program Improvement Schools ONLY)
- Send information on Orientation and Elections to all parents by all possible means 10 days prior
- Have personnel paid from categorical funds introduce themselves to the council
- Plan meetings with parents and community to share evaluation of student achievement, AYP, budgets and any other pertinent information
- Have CEAC and SSC elections
- Contact District 6 Parent Facilitators to arrange for CEAC and SSC Officers training
- Conduct annual meeting for parents of Title 1 students. Provide and explain the LAUSD Title 1 Parent Policy, the school Parent Policy and the School-Parent Compact
- Notify parents of their children’s Title1 eligibility and of the program plan
- Sample Advisory Council Minutes
- Sample Sign-in Sheet
- By-laws Template
October /
- Facilitate and coordinate various intervention programs
- Review school plan for thoroughness
- PI schools to notify parents by letter about PSC and SES…Memo with sample letter from SFP
- Involve staff and parents to develop and set priorities for budget expenditures based on student needs identified in the Single Plan
- Turn in School Based Coordinated Program (SBCP) application to LAUSD Central
- Targeted assistance schools only: Submit intent to SFP for Schoolwide Program plan writing and implementation
- Update CEAC Bylaws
- Share school plan goals with parents
- Review Parent Conferences/Training
- Approved Parent Involvement Conferences for CEAC/ELAC
- Sample Conference Report Form
- Q-15-Conference Attendance
- AYP PPT|Eng|Span
- Mem-1144- Participation in the School-Based Coordinated Program (SBCP)
November /
- Continue updating your records
- Start collecting meal-eligibility data
- Basic Elementary-Secondary Tests (BEST) Administration-
- Review Compensatory Education Programs/Services
- Ref.1121- BEST Administration
December /
- Finish collecting meal eligibility data
- Ensure maintenance of records regarding CEAC (Agendas, minutes, sign-ins, election results)
- Turn in Title I Student Identification Rosters (TARGETED SCHOOLS ONLY)
- Title I Ranking Criteria and Procedures-
- Notify parents about PSC info. and application in CHOICES brochure to be mailed to students’ homes
- Review Student Assessment results
- Review Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Mem-1155-Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Uniform Complaint Procedures PPT
- Mem-1319- 2005-06 Title I Ranking Criteria and Procedures
January /
- Conduct an analysis of student data
- Conduct needs assessment (personnel, resources, programs)
- Designated schools submit copy of designated Single Plan/Updates/Revised PI Year 1 Plans including budgets to LD for review: schools new to Title 1/Addendums/PI Updates
- Revised PI Year 1 Single Plan Peer Review Process
- SWP Plan writing:Begin analysis of program and student achievement data to develop schoolwide plan
- Review Compensatory Education Programs/Services
- Provide information to CEAC on budget transfers (ALL YEAR)
- Sample Questionaires
- Budget PPT
- Needs Assessment PPT
- Parent Data PPT
February /
- Conduct an analysis of student data
- Conduct needs assessment (personnel, resources, programs)
- Submit final Single Plans to LD
- Involve staff and parents to develop and set priorities for budget expenditures based on student needs
- ReviewSchool Accountability Report Card
- Review Title I School Ranking information
- Program and Budget Handbook
- Assurances & Justifications
- Categorical Programs BRASS Item Numbers
- Bul-1158- Accounting for Supplies and Equipment Purchases
- Ref-824- Admission Ticket Purchases
- Budget Adjustment Request
- Request for Personnel Action (Greenie)
March /
- Summarize information from Needs Assessment
- Provide recommendations for amendments to the School Plan, budget expenditures, personnel and other resources
- Respond to citations for budget justification pages
- SBCP:Determine state-funded services to be coordinated
- Provide recommendations for amendments to the School Plan, budget expenditures, personnel and other resources
- Have CEAC produce recommendations in writing for School Site Council consideration
- Budget Assurances and Justification
April /
- Produce draft copy of next year's budget based on current funding and present it to faculty and staff
- Update your files and other paperwork
- Write final orders of equipment and materials for the school year
- Present draft copy of next year's budget to School Site and CEAC Councils
May /
- Prepare final budget, amendments to the School Plan and Budget Justification pages. Turn them in to District 6
- Present final budget to faculty and staff
- TAS schools only: Submit SWP Single Plan to LD for technical review and feedback for SWP compliance and for approval and signatures on the assurances for certification
- Submit completed CDESchool Reporting Form to LD
- Present final budget to School Site and CEAC Councils
June /
- Update equipment inventory, council information, and any other paperwork necessary to close the year.
- NCLB Principal Certification Procedures –
- Submit completed CDESchool Reporting Form to LD
- Submit SWP plan and the Request for Authorization and Certification/Signatures Pages to LD
- Prepare for next school year
- Ref-808.1- NCLB" Qualifications for Teachers;Principal Certification Procedures, 2004-05 and Parents Right to Know