Full name Vladimir G. SHEROV-IGNATYEV

Date and place of birth July 1, 1957, Leningrad

Home phone/fax +7 (812) 275 0740,

Mobile +7 (911) 157 7556


Associate professor, Department of World Economy,

Faculty of Economics, St. PetersburgStateUniversity.

Address: 62, Chaikovskogo ul. 191123St.-Petersburg, Russia

Phone: (812) 272 03 30

Fax (812) 273 40 50


Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D), 1989.


1983 - 1986 Post-graduate course, Institute of Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Subject: Economic and Social Consequences of Deforestation in

the Developing Countries of Asia.

1975 - 1980 Undergraduate studies, Leningrad State University, Faculty of

Economics, Department of Economic Cybernetics.


Since 1995 Associate professor, Faculty of Economics, Department of World

Economy, St. PetersburgStateUniversity.

Courses: The World Economy, Regionalization and Globalization,Countries in the International Trade System,Economic Systems of the US and Canada, Asian and African Economies.

1990 - 1995 Assistant professor, ForestTechnicalAcademy, St.Petersburg.

Courses: The World Economy, International Economic Relations,

Micro- and Macroeconomics.


Topic of the report / Conference title / Place / Year
Liberalization of Russia – China trade: Costs and Benefits / ACE - 10th All-China Economic Conference / Hong Kong, China / 2009
ICT expansion as an alternative strategy for Africa in crisis conditions / Global Сrisisand Africa / Moscow, Russia / 2009
Some implications of a Probable Russia - China Free Trade Agreement / BRIC: Step by Step / St.Petersburg, Russia. / 2009
Trade Liberalization between Russia and China: Costs and Benefits / Russia and Asia in Contemporary Unstable Global Environment / Ekaterinburg, Russia / 2009
Small and Medium Economies – Bilateral Free Trade Agreement Partners of the US in Crisis Conditions / History of Economic Science in Russia: Research and Teaching. / St.Petersburg, Russia / 2009
Trade Openness of Countries and Trade Blocks: Indices and Influencing Factors / Investments. technology spillovers, and East Asian FTA proceeding. / Shanghai, China / 2008.
BRIC Countries as Centers of Regional Gravity / BRIC – a Breakthrough in the World Economy of the XXI Century / St.Petersburg, Russia / 2008
Globalization and Regional Integration: Contemporary Phase of Competition / Contemporary System of international economic relations: trends and Prospects / St.Petersburg, Russia / 2007
Lights and shades of Russia-Belarus economic relations / External economic relations of Belarus. Pan-European Unstitute. / Turku, Finland / 2007
Macroeconomic, Social and environmental situation in the Baltic Sea Region / International workshops in the framework of the joint project Hansa Nova. Managing a Multicultural Workforce. Key Issues in the Baltic Sea Region / Vilnius, Lithuania Helsinki, Finland; / 2007,
Foreign Trade of Russian Regions / Russian-Finnish workshops in the framework of the joint project “Russia in Flux” / Helsinki, Finland;
St.Petersburg Russia / 2006,
Free Trade Area in East Asia: Possibilities and Prospects / Russian – Japanese workshop: “North-East Asia: economic and political development in the beginning of the new century”. / St.Petersburg, Russia / 2002
Evolution of Foreign Trade Geography of Eurasian Countries / Eurasia on the Boundary if Centuries / Astana, Kazakhstan / 2001


Fall, 2006. Elaboration of Master-program courses: US and the International Trade System, CIS countries and the International Trade System - Babson college, Mass., US and University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, US.

Summer, 2002. International training program: “Trade Policy and Commercial Diplomacy” at CTPL. Ottawa, Canada.

Fall, 1999. Export Skills Development. Training of trainers course (Danish Agency for Trade and Industry). St.Petersburg, Russia.

Spring, 1999. EERC seminar on New Economic Geography. Moscow, Russia.

Summer, 1998. International Seminar: “New Institutional Approach for Transition Economy Problems”. St.Louis, US.

Summer, 1996. Summer School in Comparative Social Studies. Oslo, Norway.


Guest lectures in the US, 2006: Colby College (Waterville, Maine) and University of Idaho, (Moscow, Idaho).

Numerous lectures about Russian economy, market-oriented reforms, Russian position within the global economy and Russia – US economic relations delivered to students, coming to St.Petersburg from different American, British and Austrian colleges in 1999 – 2009,

e.g. ColbyCollege (2001-2009),

Babson College (2002-2008),

Alexanteri Institute of Helsinki University, Finland (2009),

Savonlinna campus of the University of Joensuu, Finland (2006),

Management Center Innsbruck, Austria (2005-2009).

Lecturing during 2003-2009 Summer schools “Doing Business in Russia” in St. PetersburgStateUniversity(


  1. BRIC Countries as Centers of Regional Gravity. - BRIC – a Breakthrough in the World Economy of the XXI Century. St.Petersburg, 2009.
  2. Trade Openness of Countries and Trade Blocks: Indices and Influencing Factors. - Investments. technology spillovers, and East Asian FTA proceeding. Shanghai, 2008.
  3. Globalization and Regional Integration: Contemporary Phase of Competition. (in Russian) . - Contemporary System of international economic relations: trends and Prospects/ St.Petersburg, 2007.
  4. Lights and shades of Russia-Belarus economic relations In: External economic relations of Belarus. Edited by Kari Liuhto.Electronic Publications of Pan-European Institute. 8/2007, p.111.
  5. Whom is Russia integrating with? In; Ed. by Vadim Kapustkin: Business Environment in Russia. Assessment by Local Scholars, 2007 (37).
  6. Russian regions and their foreign trade. ETLA Discussion papers no. 995. Helsinki, 2005. (in co-authorship with S.Sutyrin).
  7. Factors, affecting dynamics and structure of Russia – EU trade. - Actual problems of state regulation of foreign economic activity theory and practice. St. Petersburg, 2005 (in Russian).
  8. New free trade agreements ofthe United States. – Current state and prospects of international trade system. St. Petersburg, 2004 (in Russian).
  9. The World Economy. Textbook (In co-authorship with A.Tsytsyreva and A.Pogorletsky).St. Petersburg, 2003(in Russian) .
  10. Free trade area in East Asia: possibilities and prospects of formation. – North-East Asia: economic and political development in the beginning of new century. St. Petersburg, 2002 (in Russian).
  11. Some Results of Last Decade Evolution of Russia Strategy of Foreign Economic Relations. (In co-authorship with S.Sutyrin). – Bulletin of St.PetersburgUniversity. Economics Series, 2002 – 2 (in Russian).
  12. Peculiarities of Russia – Ukraine relations concerning supply of natural gas. In: Cooperation and Conflict in International Relations. Case-studies. SPb., 2001 (in Russian).

Last updated: May, 2009.