/ 14/09/2012
Khalid Shaukat,
This is a surprise for me that you don't know that putting alternative / omitted / explanatory words within bracket, especially within square bracket in American English today, is the standard way of interjecting a clarification within a quote. To make it more obvious, however,I have even put the abbreviation"i.e" ... so no reader can confuse between "your wording" and "my uncovering interjection" there.
You must have read translations of the Quran -- which, in reality, are quoted Allah's Word in languages other than Arabic. Do you think the "explanatory words within brackets there" amounts to messing with theWords Of Allah swt?
The fact of the matter is that i did not do anything wrong while quoting your words.But you didn't likemyuncoveringof yourelusivestand. Because,by opposing the SunnahOf Muhammad in open wording,you can't win Muslims' hearts.
But, Mr Khalid,
we are doing Hujjah upon you; so we have to be straightforward and veryclear in our treatments. Didn't you notice that we usually conclude our emails by Quranic piece, "WaMaaAlaynaIllalBalaagh"?The Quran at some other place has used the full wording "WaMaaAlaynaIllalBalaaghulMubeen i.e. Nothing is upon us except conveying clearly."
Now please answer:
The Calendar Muhammad swspracticed in his lifewas based on IttihaadulMataali' or IkhtilaafulMataali' Consideration?
Everyone -- including you and your rufqaa --knows that it was on IkhtilaafulMataali' Concept. Then calling IkhtilaafulMataali' Calendarnonsensical today, how didn't you call the Sunnah Calendar nonsensical today? Please explain.
Muhammad (sws) practiced IkhtilaafulMataali' Concept is also apparent from your quoted statements. For example:
"It was human's own limitations for accepting
Ikhtilaf-al-Matale' concept."
Didn't you include hereMuhammad and his companions too?
Please prove that you excluded them.
Similarly, look at your other statement:
"Now, we are living in a time whereIkhtilaf-al-Matale'
concept does not make sense."
Didn't you exclude here Muhammad's and his companions' time?
Please prove that you included them in "today'stime-frame".
Mr Khalid Shaukat,
instead of admitting your stupidity, doing Tawbah, correcting your stance, and apologizing to the community ... what will you gain, in the hereafter, by telling lies, andinsidiouslyopposing Sunnah Calendar in this world today?
WaMaaAlaynaIlla (a)l-BalaaghulMubeen,
Nawab Ahmad
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 09:40:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Shaukat's v. Sunnah Calendars/which calendar Ayat 9:36 validates?
Attention all,
In the quotes below, additional words have been inserted. This is not the proper way to quote.
Khalid Shaukat
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 2:50 AM, rote:
Khalid Shaukat says:
"Now, we are living in a time whereIkhtilaf-al-Matale' concept [i.e. the Sunnah Calendar]does not make sense."
According to Shaukat's /His Associates' /FCNA's / ISNA's fiqh,
i) "It was human's own limitations for accepting
Ikhtilaf-al-Matale' concept [ie the Sunnah Calendar]."
ii) "Our own weakness or limitations does not change Allah's calendar, ...We should overcome our weakness by either going to places where the moon can be seen or go above clouds to see the moon if cloudy, and we know that the moon is sightable there."
All gooodd students [small or big] of the Quran know that Allah swt, after revealing some Ayats on Calendric Affairs, gave His Final Calendric Command in Surah At-Tawbah, in Ayat 36,as under:
Verily thecount of months to Allah is 12 months[in a year] in thebookof [law of] Allah [from]the day He created the Heavens and theEarth; four of which are sacred. That's the Right Way. Sodo not wrong yourselves in the matter of those [months of Allah's Calendar].
In above Decree, Allah swt has ordered His Last Messenger as well as all Muslimsto not wrong in the matter of Months Of Allah's Calendar which Hemade, for the dwellers of the Earth,on the day He created Heavens and theEarth, for good. In other words, the "calendar Allah made on the day He created heavens and the earth" is the only calendar which is acceptable in Allah'sShariy'ah (fiKitaabillah).
Now, the question arises:
Which calendar Allah swtmade incumbent upon Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad?
The answer is obvious --the same "Calendar which Allah made on the Day Of Creation Of Earth & Heavens". Because this is not possible thatAllah swt bound Adam to Muhammad a Calendar which was not acceptablein His Shariyah (fiKitaabillaah).
Above simple workout proves conclusively that Adam's or Noah's or Muhammad's Calendar is the only calendar which is acceptable in Allah's Shariyah (fiKitaabillah). Andany other calendar is rejected in Islam.
However, let us turn to the great and matchless minds of Shaukat-Plus concerning their take.
Khalid Shaukat, S N Sultan, Dr Zulfiqar Ali Shah,
Dr MuzzammilSiddiqi, Imam Dr Yusuf Kavackci,
Imam Bakhach, Sultan Alam, QamarUddin,and the like,
Please prove that in light of the Calender-Controlling Ayat 9/36,
1) your invented calendar conforms to the Religious Calendar whichAllah swtmade on the day He createdHeavens and Earth, as the only calendar acceptable in His shariyah (fiKitaabillah), for good.
2) Looking at human limitations (((can't go to the places where the moon can be seen or goabove clouds to see the moon if it is cloudyas well as would take very verylong time to learn astronomical calculations))), Allah swt changed His mind, and allowed humansfrom the time ofAdam to the 20th century ADto adopt the wrong religiouscalendar and do e-baadah onwrong dates ... untilgeniusKhalid Shaukat and HisgeniusRufaqaa would find out the way howto catch the "Calendar FiKitaabillaah".
WaMaaAlaynaIlla (a)l-Balaagh,