AA Simulation: Parachute Drop

Parachute Drop

The purpose of the Parachute Drop simulation is to introduce students to acceleration due to gravity and to further develop their understanding of velocity.

Concept:An object in freefall experiences acceleration due to gravity. Acceleration is the rate at which an object changes velocity.

Simulation Tips and Example Problems:

Height / The height of the helicopter. /
Deployment height / The height at which the parachute deploys.
Freefall distance / The distance between the helicopter and the point where the parachute deploys.
Freefall time / The amount of time that the package is in freefall.
Deployment time / The amount of time between deployment and when the package hits the ground.
Total time / The sum of freefall and deployment time.
Deployment velocity / The rate at which the package falls with the parachute deployed.
Acceleration due to gravity / Rate of acceleration of an object in freefall.
Formulas used:
/ Distance when package is in freefall
Deployment height = Deployment velocity * Deployment time (D=V * t) / Displacement during deployment
Freefall height = Freefall velocity * Freefall time (D=V * t) / Displacementduring freefall
Total time = Freefall time + Deployment time / Total time
Height = Freefall distance + Deployment height / The height of the helicopter

Example Problem 1:

Find freefall time

Total time = Freefall time + Deployment time / Total time formula
Freefall time = Total time - Deployment time / Rearrange to solve for freefall time.
/ Deployment time formula
/ Substitute and solve.
Freefall time = 6.00s / Final answer
Note:Answers are rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Find freefall distance

/ Freefall distance formulas
/ Substitute and solve.
D = 176.58m / Final answer
Note:Answers are rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Find the height of the helicopter

Height = Freefall distance + Deployment distance / Helicopter height formula
H = 176.58m + 94.48m / Substitute and solve.
H = 271.06m / Final answer
Note:Answers are rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Note: The total time is 24.90s. It will take this long for the box to hit the ground, so be patient. You won’t know if your answer is correct until the box hits the ground. If the box smashes, then your answer was wrong.

Example Problem 2:

Find freefall distance

/ Freefall distance formula
/ Substitute and solve.
D = 78.48m / Final answer
Note:Answers are rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Find deployment distance

Height = Freefall distance + Deployment distance / Helicopter height formula
Deployment distance = Height – Freefall distance / Rearrange to solve for deployment distance.
Deployment distance = 120.30m– 78.48m / Substitute and solve.
Deployment distance = 41.82m / Final answer
Note:Answers are rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Find deployment velocity

Deployment height = Deployment velocity * Deployment time (D=V * t) / Helicopter height formula
/ Rearrange to solve for deployment velocity.
/ Subtract total time from freefall time to solve for deployment time.
/ Substitute and solve.
/ Final answer
Note:Answers are rounded to the nearest hundredth

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Principles of Engineering AA Simulation: Parachute Drop – Page 1