Instructions for the New FAP-TRIS 1 Form Online

You can now select a title from four areas: Title Search, Videos, Books, and Templates.

Title Search (a listing of all unique foster titles in our database)

Videos (a listing of video titles)

Books (a listing of book titles)

Templates (a listing of templates that have been prepared)

Blank Form (a blank FAP-TRIS 1 form)

The title search, videos and books will only pull in the title and the type of training code, you will need to enter the start date, end date, scheduled hours, type of delivery, site, site region (if applicable), category and service.

If you choose a title through the templates, you will have more codes that will pull in automatically for you. For example, the GPS, Family to Family, CSA, Family Treatment Home, Concurrent Planning have the hours, the codes, all you need to enter is the start and end date. There are also some misc. ones here as well. You will also find a few videos set up. This area will be growing as we will be updating it often.

When you select the area you want to go to, you will find the option to search. For examples in the title search, you can put in a part of the title and it will pull back all the titles we have with that word or words in it. You will want to narrow your search as much as possible, but remember it will be looking for an exact match to whatever you put in. So if you don’t find anything the first time, you may want to search a different way.

After searching, you will see a + (plus sign) next to the foster titles, you will need to click here to expand the list. Once you see the list, you will notice the word INFO in blue at the end of the title, hold your mouse here and this will tell you some information on the coding. For example, you may see Child Sexual Abuse listed four times; you would select the one that has the type of training code that you’re submitting for. If this is a training that you did in your region, you would choose the one with the type of training code ‘03’. Many of the ones you submit will be ‘03’ or ‘99’.

If you see the one you want, you click on it. This automatically loads the title and the type of training on the FAP-TRIS 1 form. Then you add the rest of the information: hours, start date, end date, type of delivery, site, site region (if applicable) then category and service. Then you go to the bottom to add your participants.

Add you first ssn and the form will automatically pull in the name and region of the participant into the form. After you verify that you have the correct one, you can either click on the add button or you can also just press your enter button on your keypad. This will move the name down to the bottom of the form and then you’re ready to add the next name. You can add as many as you need to and you can also just have one. Note—you must add all participants to the form, meaning their name has to appear at the bottom. If you leave a name sitting in the box, their name will not be submitted. After you add all your participants, you can check the listing to make sure you have entered everyone and if you have entered someone twice or you notice it’s the wrong person, you can simply click on the remove button and it will remove the name from the list.

If you enter a ssn and you get no results returned, that means that we don’t have that ssn in our database. You can click on the search (underneath the ssn) and this will pop up the search screen from the training record screen and you will be able to search on the name. I would suggest that you start with the last name and maybe just part of the first name, remember whatever you put in here has to be an exact match. If the first name is spelled differently in our system, you won’t get any results.

If you find the person you need, you can click on the add button and it will automatically pull their name into the form. Please note it will pull in our ssn number, if the number differs, you will need to verify which one is correct. You may also see some INQ numbers which will indicate that we haven’t received an informational form on that person (again, you can pull them in but we have to have the ssn before we can enter the training—you can note anything like this in the comment section of the form).

After you enter everyone, then you will click on the submit button. This will submit the entire group at one time. You should be able to print your form just like before, but if you have problems here, let us know.

As you submit videos and books, please identify them as videos and books in ( ) after the title or in the comment section. I’m setting these up as I become aware of them. If you get new training material (books and videos) in your offices, please let me know and we’ll set them up. The intent is for you to be able to find an existing title in our database that will work for the training you’re submitting. Please note, we do have some cleanup to do on our unique listing and we will be updating that daily. If you can’t find a title and you want to email me the title, I’ll search and if I don’t find it, I’ll set it up for you. Your other option is to use the blank form and type the title like before.

Any problems please email me: click on the contact us and send it to me.