Yale Pathways Summer Scholars Program
Workshop Instructor Application Summer 2016
Thank you for your interest in being part of the Pathways Scholars program this summer!
Each year since 1998, Yale has offered local New Haven high school students the opportunity to participate in an on-campus summer STEM programthat is designed to spark their imaginations and extend their learning beyond the four walls of their high school classrooms and curriculum.
Students participate for free while taking STEM classes in Yale laboratories and developing their critical thinking skills through workshops taught by instructors like you! In order to offer students choice to take classes in fields of their interest, we are putting out a call for teaching proposals.
Be creative! Programs should be highly engaging for high school students while also tackling substantive content. Past programs have included metagenomics, materials science, engineering, neurobiology, philosophy of science, psychology, and many more. If you are only available to teach one of the two weeks, please submit an application anyway and make a noteof the conflict.
If you have any questions about this application or the Pathways Summer Scholars program more broadly, feel free to contact Maria Parente, Coordinator for Community Programs in Science, at or 203-436-4677. After your application is reviewed, we will follow up with you by the beginning of January.
Contact Information
*Optional: Programs may be co-taught. Please include contact information for both instructors if interested in this option.
Department: PI:
Email: Phone:
Program Proposal
- Programs may address any STEM field or focus on developing writing or communication skills.
- Workshops meet for 90 minutes per day.
- Ideally, we are looking for a 5-day module that will be repeated for a different group during the second week. If you are only available to teach one of the two weeks, please submit an application anyway and make a note of the conflict. There is an opportunity to teach a two-week course.
Proposed program title:
Primary subject area:
Briefly describe your program below. Please include key questions, themes, and any activities you plan to incorporate.
Target audience (i.e. all levels, beginners, specific grades, etc.)?
Classroom type preference (laboratory, one large table, etc.):
Program Time Slots: For scheduling purposes, please select all time slots below you anticipate being available to teach your proposed program:
9:45 – 11:15a 1:45 – 3:15p
Do you foresee any scheduling conflicts? If so, please explain.
What about your program do you think will be particularly engaging or novel for students?
What types of supplies will your program require? (We have a budget to buy some supplies for every program. We also borrow and share as much as we can to keep costs down.)
- Why are you interested in working with the Pathways Summer Scholars program this summer?
- What previous teaching experience have you had? Have you had experience working with high school students in particular?
- Is there anything else you would like us to know?