Service Area Outcomes (SAO) Assessment Report
College Mission: El Camino College offers quality, comprehensive educational programs and services toensure the educational success of students from our diverse community.
SCA/Administrative Unit / Special Resource Center / Date of Report:
SAO Statement(s) / Compton Center faculty and SRCstudents will increaseaccuracy when completingthe SRC Testing AccommodationsForm to enhance timely access to approved accommodations promoting student academic success.
SAO is Aligned with Strategic Initiatives :
Strategic Initiative B:Strengthen quality educational and support services to promote student success.
Strategic Initiative C: Foster a positive learning environment and sense of community and cooperation through an effective process of collaboration and collegial consultation.
SAO is Aligned with Institutional Learning Outcomes :
ILO3 Community and Personal Development: Students are productive and engaged members of society, demonstrating personal responsibility, and community and social awareness through their engagement in campus programs and services.
Participants in SAO Assessment / Jennell Allen
Ernie Argel
Clifford Seymour
Ginger Davidson
Method(s) Used To Measure SAO / Data Analysis Survey/Questionnaire
- Students and faculty will be provided with an overview of the detail needed for a complete Testing Accommodations Form for approved extended time testing.
- Returned Testing Accommodations Forms will be surveyed for completeness.
- Faculty will alsobe provided with a quiz to validate their understanding of the detail needed to correctly complete the form during meetings in the fall and spring semester. Those faculty members indicating a need for further review will be contacted.
Target/Standard For SAO / 80% of faculty and students will accurately complete the Testing Accommodations Form after additional training and follow-up.
Frequency/Timeline of Assessment / Fall 2014 and Spring 2015
Assessment Results and Analysis / TBD
Target Met/Not Met / Yes No
Planned Actions as a Result of Assessment & Analysis / TBD
Follow-Up on Previous Planned Actions / TBD
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Last Revised 5.28.2014