Committee Meeting Minutes
Stanpit Village Hall 14th September 2004 at 7.30 pm
Present: Chairman, Patricia Whiffen, Paul Ranking (Christchurch Citizens), John White (Christchurch Citizens), Andy Glaser (Friars Cliff), Peter Martin (Highcliffe), Denis Osgood (Highcliffe), Stephanie King (FROGS), Ellen Annetts (FROGS), Roger Hamilton (West Christchurch ) and Jim Biggin (Secretary)
- Apologies: Debbie Stephens (Stanpit)
- Minutes: The Minutes of the committee meeting of 13th July 2004 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
- Re:Act: Raeph Cumming of CBC talked about Re:Act, a means of providing the elderly with a list of CBC approved trades people and volunteers who assist the elderly to negotiate with trades people. The scheme is in danger of closing later this year. Some delegates questioned the need for the scheme, which appears to compete with services supplied by domestic insurance companies. It was resolved that Raeph Cumming would keep The Secretary aware of any developments.
- Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported that West Christchurch had now paid £15 but that FROGS had not. He declared bank funds of £64.46. The Treasurer served notice that once room hire had been paid for these funds might not suffice until year-end. It was resolved that The Treasurer should book Stanpit Village Hall for next year (2005) and report back on projected cash flow at the next meeting.
- Druitt Gardens: The content of the second letter from Dorset County Council was noted, confirming that CBC will pay DCC for this land under the provisions of Government Guidelines. It was resolved that we would keep a watching brief and pay particular attention to any planning applications.
- CBC Budget Planning Meeting with Chief Executive and Officers: It was resolved that Brian Sherry, Stephanie King, Ellen Annetts, Peter Martin, John Mather, Andy Glaser, Tony Hartle and Jim Biggin would represent us at the meeting scheduled for 21st September.
- Delegates’ Reports:Christchurch Community Partnership: It was reported that future meetings will be quarterly and that future progress, if any, would be via Task Groups.
- Delegates Reports:Bournemouth International Airport: There has been no progress on the relief road. The visit to tour the Airport has been provisionally arranged for Friday 8th October. It was resolved that all those interested in attending should advise Andy Glaser of their name, address, and organisation represented.
- Christchurch Citizens Report: A presentation by Inspector Early had revealed that the police establishment figures for Christchurch are six sergeants and twenty-one constables. Current day-to-day strength is normally running at about 50% of establishment.
- Friars Cliff Report: The CBC Youth Beach Project was given a favourable report. Beach Huts are still being vandalised.
- FROGS Report: FROGS reported a successful carnival procession.
- Highcliffe Report: The first part of their standardised approach to planning objections is nearly complete.
- Stanpit Report: There have been the usual seasonal problems with litter and parking. The BT plans to remove pay phones from Mudeford Quay and Avon Beach is causing concern. There was a favourable report on the manner in which CBC had removed Travellers from the area. The planning pressures being felt in other parts of Christchurch were also adversely affecting Stanpit.
- West Christchurch Report: A key planning application involving the destruction of a modern well maintained bungalow in the middle of an estate of such bungalows and replacing it with two much smaller bungalows is to be heard by CBC Regulatory Committee on Thursday 16th September. If approved, this application will set a very worrying precedent.
- Avonmouth Hotel: Plans are now available at CBC for inspection.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 9th November 2004 at 7.30pm in Stanpit Village Hall (upper committee room).