Unit 2: Exploration and Georgia Colonization

I. Exploration of the New World

  1. Hernando de Soto Spanish explorer; in 1540, first person to explore Georgia
  2. Small Pox Disease, from Europe, that killed many Native Americans
  3. Spanish Missions Church started by Spain to convert people to Catholicism and bring the Native Americans into the Spanish colonial system
  4. God Three primary reasons Spain explored the New World



  1. England – Mercantilism Three major European countries competing in the New world

Spain – 3 G’s and reasons for exploration

France - Fur

II. Georgia as a Trustee Colony

  1. Yamacraw Bluff Name of the first settlement (city) in Georgia
  2. King George II Issued the Charter of 1732 which created GA
  3. Proprietary Colony Type of colony that is run by a board of Trustees
  4. James Oglethorpe “Father of Georgia”; Founder and Head Trustee of Georgia, led the initiative to start the new colony.
  5. Highland Scots Group that Oglethorpe brought to help defend Georgia
  6. 50 Acres of land List 3 things that were promised to the settlers who could not food for a year pay their own way to North America.


  1. Military protective zone (defense) reason given for Georgia to serve as a buffer colony
  2. Battle of Bloody Marsh This conflict was MOST important because it was the beginning of a safe southern frontier for the British.
  3. Mary Musgrove Served as interpreter for Oglethorpe and Tomochichi
  4. Yamacraw Bluff land where the first colonist arrived in Georgia
  5. Tomochichi Yamacraw Chief that gave permission for Oglethorpe to land at Yamacraw Bluff
  6. Darien Where did the Highland Scots settle?
  7. Ebenezer Where did the Salzburgers first settle?
  8. Religious freedom Reason the Salzburgers come to Georgia
  9. Germany Where were the Salburgers from?
  10. Malcontents Dissatisfied Georgia colonists who complained about the Trustees policies
  11. Debtors “worthy poor” People unable to pay their bills; imprisoned in Great Britain
  12. Catholics Name three (3) groups that were not allowed to settle in

Blacks Georgia

Rum dealers and Lawyers

III. Georgia as a Royal Colony

  1. Royal colony Type of colony GA became after the Charter of 1732 expired; ruled by a king
  2. King Title of the person who controlled (governed) Royal Colonies
  3. 1752 Year that Georgia became a Royal Colony
  4. John Reynolds Name the three (3) Royal Governors of Georgia

Henry Ellis

James Wright

  1. James Wright Georgia’s longest serving Royal Governor
  2. Henry Ellis This Royal Governor was popular and Georgia grew economically, but left because he was sick.
  3. John Reynolds Royal Governor that was disliked for disbanding the colonies legislature, first Royal Governor
  4. Intro of self- government List the changes in government to the colony when it became court system a Royal Colony

Legislature and military

  1. Spain Country that controlled the Florida Territory
  2. Mercantilism Economic system where you export more than you import
  3. No Slaves Three rules/laws the Trustees enforced for Georgia; changed

No Rum during Georgia’s time as a Royal Colony

No selling land

  1. Slave Person, considered property, forced to work for their owner
  2. Catholics Religion that was not allowed to settle (live in) Georgia
  3. Revolutionary War War that ended the Royal Period of Georgia’s history

Vocabulary: Proprietary Colony, Royal Colony, Militia, Indigo, Charter