ACH 120 Theory and History of Architecture I
Questions 1 thru 29, Slide Assisted
Choose the answer that best completes the statement or satisfies the question and mark the appropriate letter on the answer sheet.
1. Early christian churches such as Sta. Maria Maggiore were constructed to emphasize classical architectural elements such as ionic columns because:
A. imperial authority in the west was stronger than ever.
B. a new age of paganism had begun.
C. skilled stone masons had disappeared.
D. none of the above.
2. In terms of being an "eclectic synthesis" as described in the assigned text, the element of King Theodoric's tomb that illustrates the influence of the Eastern Empire is the:
A. monolithic stone dome.
B. two story motif.
C. cylindrical shape.
D. ashlar masonry.
3. Early Christian churches such as Santa Constanza were based on the Roman building type known as the:
A. thermae.
B. pantheon sequence.
C. aqueduct.
D. heroa.
4. The forecourt area of Old St. Peter's is referred to as:
A. an apse.
B. an atrium.
C. the triforium.
D. a cupola.
5. Spaces such as the one depicted in this slide served as the burial place for Early Christians because:
A. Christianity was illegal.
B. of the high cost of graves in Rome.
C. Christians have “tunnel” vision.
D. none of the above.
6. The structural device indicated as letter “b” is known as a:
A. dome on squinches.
B. dome on pendentives.
C. rib vaulting.
D. pilier cantonne.
7. The plan view of the Hagia Sophia illustrates:
A. Christian components.
B. a triple-shell motif.
C. a transept.
D. none of the above.
8. The Church of San Marco in Venice contains elements of:
A. The Byzantine style.
B. The Gothic style.
C. The Romanesque style.
D. all of the above.
9. Natural lighting of the interior of the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna:
A. is typical of gothic churches.
B. was dim to mask the activities of Christians.
C. is through thin alabaster sheets.
D. all of the above.
10. An inverted, concave, triangular piece of masonry serving as the transition from a square support system to the circular base of dome is referred to as:
A. a pendentive.
B. a cupola.
C. an ambulatory.
D. the gallery zone.
11. During the middle ages, a rigid societal and economic system evolved known as:
A. communal governments.
B. feudalism.
C. monasticism.
D. none of the above.
12. The plan for St. Gall, which first appeared around the ninth century in present day Switzerland:
A. was finally built in the 11th century.
B. was the inspiration for communal governments.
C. provided an example of organization.
D. none of the above.
13. The plan of the Palatine Chapel, built for Charlemagne
around 800 AD:
A. mimicked the design for San Vitale.
B. was constructed in the style of the coliseum.
C. symbolized the start of the Romanesque style.
D. all of the above.
14. The tower-like end of a romanesque church usually containing an entrance vestibule is referred to as the:
A. westwork.
B. eastwork.
C. clerestory.
D. rose window.
15. In Romanesque buildings such as Speyer Cathedral, the area surrounding the doorways:
A. were layered with blind arches.
B. often used local townspeople as models.
C. are referred to as pilier cantonne.
D. was covered with rib vaults.
16. Square schematism used in the planning of romanesque churches such as St. Sernin at Toulouse refers to:
A. the ambulatory behind the main altar.
B. the creation of a series of smaller altars.
C. the relationship of the square at the crossing to the central nave and side aisles.
D. none of the above.
17. Barrel vaulted ceilings in the naves of romanesque churches such as St. Sernin at Toulouse required thick bearing walls:
A. in order to meet the fire codes of the day.
B. in order to accommodate the lateral thrusts.
C. which eliminated clerestory windows.
D. all of the above.
18. Scenes from this sculpture by Gislibertus:
A. show scenes from the last judgement.
B. indicate that heaven and hell were real.
C. show a strong belief in life after death.
D. all of the above.
19. Regional variations of Romanesque churches such as Saint Ambrogio in Milan:
A. show the influence of the areas in which they were constructed.
B. adhere to the basic principles of the style.
C. contribute to the international flavor of the style.
D. all of the above.
20. The exterior facade of San Minealto al Monte is considered Romanesque because:
A. it contains blind arches.
B. the inlaid marble is a form of wall articulation.
C. of the temple on high motif.
D. A. and B. only.
21. The structural beauty of the gothic style of building as illustrated in this slide:
A. is based on the interrelationship of the structural elements.
B. is represented by the presence of light.
C. refers to the quality of stone used.
D. all of the above.
22. This interior view is typical of a ___________church.
A. Early Christian.
B. Romanesque.
C. Renaissance.
D. Gothic.
23. It may be said of the stained glass windows in Chartes Cathedral, in which 43 trades are represented:
A. that builders were worshipped.
B. that an integration of religious and secular life was being represented.
C. that the unions paid for the stained glass.
D. all of the above.
24. In Gothic buildings such as Chartes Cathedral, the area surrounding the doorways:
A. are referred to as sculpted portals.
B. often used local townspeople as models.
C. demonstrated a new attitude regarding the human figure.
D. all of the above.
25. Early English Gothic churches such as Salisbury Cathedral:
A. showed heavy influence by the French models.
B. used polychromy stone.
C. emphasized the horizontal.
D. all of the above.
26. Organic design as relates to architecture is illustrated in the plan of Salisbury Cathedral:
A. by the rib vaulting reflected on the floor plan.
B. by the orderly and rigid placement of elements.
C. by the adherence to French gothic principles.
D. by the illusion of growing transepts.
27. The strainer arch used in Wells Cathedral:
A. was intended to scare away mice.
B. was used as internal buttressing.
C. was based on earlier French gothic.
D. none of the above.
28. Ogee curves such as this one depicted in Wells Cathedral is characteristic of the phase of English Gothic architecture known as:
A. the perpendicular style.
B. the decorated style.
C. the Early English.
D. the organic style.
29. This contrasting view of the interior of Gloucester Cathedral illustrates a major characteristic of the
_________________ style of English Gothic.
A. Early English.
B. Middle English.
C. Late English.
D. Perpendicular.
Questions 30 thru 40, Multiple Choice.
Choose the answer that best completes the statement or satisfies the question and mark the appropriate letter on the answer sheet.
30. Tools used by the master builder during the construction of the great cathedrals included the following:
A. a measuring stick.
B. a square and calipers.
C. ingenuity, building knowledge, and managerial skills.
D. all of the above.
31. In the movie Cathedral, the sacred veil of the Virgin was housed below the church in the area known as the:
A. crypt.
B. ambulatory.
C. catacombs.
D. none of the above.
32. During the late middle ages, a group of traveling tradesmen known as "free masons" worked on many of the great cathedrals. Their main purpose was to:
A. "carry the hod."
B. spread the word of God.
C. organize labor unions.
D. none of the above.
33. In the movie Cathedral seen in class, one of the tools used in constructing the roof system for the church was:
A. the great wheel.
B. a primitive crane.
C. iron joists.
D. All of the above.
34. Communal governments first appeared during the middle ages and were meant to:
A. promote a “hippie” lifestyle.
B. provide a means for self-government.
C. undermine the power of the bishop.
D. allow for more donations to the building fund.
35. Symbolism that was part of the spirit of gothic architecture included the maze on the floor, which represented:
A. the ignorance of the masses.
B. the use of more stone.
C. the pilgrimage journey of the pious.
D. the mother of God.
36. Symbolism that was part of the spirit of gothic architecture included light, which represented:
A. the spiritual needs of the urban poor.
B. the presence of God.
C. solar heating.
D. none of the above.
37. During the late middle ages, groups known as chapters arose and served mainly to:
A. assist in the development of church facilities.
B. hire a master builder.
C. help with the financial management of building churches.
D. all of the above.
38. Three phases of English Gothic architecture are:
A. ornate, ugly and better.
B. Early English, Decorated, and Perpendicular.
C. Pointed, flat and rounded.
D. None of the above.
39. A non-structural device used in the construction of English Gothic “crazy vaults” is known as a:
A. flying buttress.
B. tiercerone.
C. rib vault.
D. pilier cantonne.
Questions 40 thru 50, True / False.
Determine whether the statement is true of false and mark the appropriate response using the letter A for true and the letter B for false.
40. The assignment of the term Romanesque to architecture is of renaissance origin and was meant to be derogatory.
A. True.
B. False.
41. The monastic orders that arose during the middle ages in Europe were based on living a life of ease.
A. True.
B. False.
42. The Gothic style in France is said to have begun at the Church of San Denis.
A. True.
B. False.
43. Most of the financing to pay for the major cathedrals in Europe was provided by the bishops.
A. True.
B. False.
44. The word Cathedral is derived from the Latin word Cathedra, which means "the arm of the Bishop".
A. True.
B. False.
45. Early Christian ceremonies were indoor events which led to the natural adaptation of the Roman basilica to christian ceremonies.
A. True.
B. False.
46. In the film Cathedral seen in class, stone from the new quarry was of poor quality and was located on land owned by the bishop.
A. True.
B. False.
47. In terms of scale, gothic cathedrals reaffirmed that the pilgrims faith was real.
A. True.
B. False.
48. The development of Byzantine architecture was undertaken in an effort to create a new “transcendental” building type.
A. True.
B. False.
49. Due to the potential for the spread of bubonic plague, churches with large numbers of relics were avoided during the middle ages.
A. True.
B. False.
50. Emperor Constantine's buildings are of such great significance because he was the first to build significant early Christian churches at sacred sites.
A. True.
B. False.
******************* EXTRA CREDIT *****5 POINTS *****************************
In the space on the back of the test packet, sketch a plan of a Romanesque church and label the following parts: westwork, ambulatory, radiating chapels, choir, and high altar.