The Wychwood Surgery

Meadow Lane, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire OX7 6BW

Tel: 01993 831061 Fax: 01993 831867


Practice Website

Welcome to the 2015 Autumn Wychwood Surgery Newsletter, a joint publication from the Wychwood Surgery & the Wychwood Surgery Patient Participation Group.

Wychwood Surgery Patient Participation Group—current membership and contact details:

Sarah Denham email: —Telephone 01993 878865 {Chair}

Catherine Hitchens email: Telephone 01993 831881

Charles Keighley email: —Telephone 01993 831403

John Naish email: —Telephone 01993 830077

Peter Hills email: —Telephone 01993 830289

Wendy Coulton email: - Telephone 01451 822193

Please note that you will also be able to post comments or contact the group through the redesigned Surgery website.

Wychwood Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Who are we? The PPG is a group of local people who are all registered as patients at the Wychwood Surgery. We meet every couple of months to discuss changes and innovations at the surgery from the patient’s perspective. We aim to keep all patients informed of what’s happening at the surgery and give feedback to the GPs and Practice Manager.

Interested in joining us? You don’t need any specialist medical knowledge to join the PPG, and it won’t take up a huge amount of your time. We meet on weekday evenings at the surgery, usually at 7pm. We would particularly like to welcome new members who are under 30, or who have young children, but anyone is free to apply! Please contact me at the email address below if you are interested in joining the PPG:

Sarah Denham (Chair of the PPG) email:

Doctor Changes – Dr David Nixon has now reduced the number of sessions he works at the surgery to 3 days a week. From 1st August, Dr Nixon normally works at the Surgery on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This has meant a reduction in Dr Nixon’s availability to see patients and we would ask you to consider accepting appointments offered with other doctors within the practice.

We have two Specialty GP Trainees Year 3, [ST3], Dr Katy Walsh and Dr Rory Hamilton who joined the practice in early August 2015. Dr Walsh is with the practice until February 2017 and Dr Hamilton will be with the practice until August 2016. We hope that you will take the opportunity to accept appointments offered with them during their final year of GP training with Wychwood Surgery. Can we remind you that the Specialty GP Trainees are all fully qualified doctors who are undertaking their advanced GP training.

From 1st July 2015, Dr Katrina Darker increased her number of sessions to six and will hold surgeries on Tuesday and Friday and normally a Wednesday morning [Dr Darker is the GP trainer responsible for mentoring Dr Katy Walsh and their protected training session is normally Wednesday afternoon, so neither Dr Darker or Dr Walsh will hold surgeries on Wednesday afternoon]. Dr Brown is the GP Trainer responsible for mentoring Dr Rory Hamilton and their protected training session is normally a Wednesday morning so neither Dr Brown or Dr Hamilton will hold surgeries on Wednesday morning.

Flu clinics 2015

Our flu clinics have now started and if you are 65 years old and over before 31st March 2016 or have a chronic disease such as diabetes, COPD or asthma or are immunosuppressed due to medications or treatment you might be on then you are eligible for flu immunisation. Anyone who has registered themselves as a carer, either for a relative or friend or who is a professional carer, are also eligible for flu immunisation. If you are not sure of your eligibility for the flu immunisation please contact the surgery and a receptionist or a member of the nursing team will be able to advise you. Please contact reception to book an appointment in one of our clinics. The surgery is also providing flu immunisation for specific age groups of children. These groups include those born between 1.9.2008 and 31.8.2010 and those born between 1.9.2010 and 31.8.2013.

Shingles Vaccine – a quick reminder if you were born between 2.9.1942 – 1.9.1945 or 2.9.1935 – 1.9.1937 you are eligible for immunisation against Shingles. This immunisation is strongly recommended by the GPs. Please note you may not be eligible for this immunisation after 31st August 2016.

Volunteer Drivers - Both the Practice and the Patient Group would like to extend their thanks to all of you who act as Volunteer Drivers for the patients at Wychwood Surgery. It is a very valuable service and enables many of our patients to attend clinical and surgery appointments.

We would be very pleased to hear from anyone who feels they could offer to bring patients, who have no access to transport, to the surgery for appointments on occasion. We would also be pleased to hear from anyone who feels they would be able to take a patient to the Horton, Witney, Chipping Norton or Oxford Hospitals in order for them to attend Out Patient appointments. We do not require this to be a regular commitment but our “pool” of drivers is getting smaller and it would be good to have new drivers available to provide transport from time to time. Some of our drivers can only do specific days or will only drive locally, this can all be accommodated so please do contact the reception for more information. The patient is expected to reimburse the driver at a pre-set mileage rate which covers fuel and a small amount towards wear & tear. Drivers will need to inform their own insurance company but providing this service does not attract an increased insurance premium.

NHS Health Checks—NHS Health Checks for 40-74 year olds once every five years to assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes.

If the Health Check gives rise to any warning signs in your current state of health then we can help you do something about it. By taking early action you can improve your health and help prevent the onset of these conditions.

Invitation letters will be sent out to individuals but there is no need to wait for an invitation. Don’t leave it to chance– prevention is better than cure - telephone us today on 01993 831061 to arrange an appointment. Appointments available 8.10 am most mornings and during the afternoon every day except Friday. More information is available from

Patient Access – You can now go online to order your repeat prescriptions, book appointments with the GPs, check your medications, immunisation history, allergies and notify us of changes to your contact details through our website Please contact reception for details of how to register for these secure online services.

Citizens Advice Bureau & Pension Wise clinics

‘Are you affected by the new pension freedoms? Pension Wise will help you go through your pension options so you can make informed decisions that are best for you and your family. Book a face-to-face appointment at the surgery or at another location to suit you by phoning 0300 30 30 127, or see’. The first appointments at Wychwood Surgery will be on 29th October.

Afternoon surgeries – In June we made some changes to the appointments schedule for the GPs, which we hoped would enable the GPs keep closer to schedule and reduce waiting times for patients. We are keeping these changes under review.

Self-check in system – This is available for all afternoon pre-booked appointments both with doctors and nurses. We are hoping that patients will use this system when the receptionist is dealing with a telephone call or query from another patient. Clear easy to follow instructions appear on-screen.