Unit 2/11-12

Lesson Title: Diversity in America

Short Term Goal: Students will research the cultures of the countries that are represented in the United States.


·  G.1.2.4 Identify and locate countries bordering the United States

·  G.2.2.3 Compare and contrast how people in rural and urban areas live and work

·  G.2.2.1 Compare customs of another culture to one’s own

·  G.2.2.2 Compare the lifestyle, dress, and occupations of Arkansans to those of people in other parts of the world

Common Core Standards:

·  RI.2.1. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

·  RI.2.2. Identify the main topic of a multi paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

·  RI.2.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.

·  RI.2.5. Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.

·  RI.2.6. Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

·  RI.2.8. Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.

·  W.2.1. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.



·  Research Graphic Organizer

·  Homework Graphic Organizer

·  Writing Prompt

·  Rice and Culture power point

·  Everybody Cooks Rice, by Nora Dooley

Direct Explanation/Model:

Two Sessions/Whole Group


We will research the cultures of some of the different countries represented in the United States, find out where our favorite foods might have originated, and write a persuasive paragraph about them.


The United States has a very diverse population. We are more likely to understand and accept cultural differences once we have learned about them.


We will participate in a variety of activities that will allow us to learn more about the countries and cultures of the world.

Guided Practice:

Discuss with the students that our class is made up of a variety of cultural heritage. Many of our parents and grandparents migrated here from other countries. Tell about your heritage such as your German or Cherokee great grandparents. These people passed down traditions to your grandparents and parents such as a favorite struedel recipe or bedtime story. Share the story Everybody Cooks Rice.

·  Don’t tell the students the title until the end.

·  After reading the first few pages ask the children what they think Carrie is going to do at the next house. Remind them that they use context clues, and own experiences to make predictions.

·  As you read, list the different countries in the story and the type of rice dishes the families cooked.

·  Ask the children what they think Carrie’s family will be having for dinner.

·  Finally, ask the children what would be a good title for the story?

After the discussion, ask the students to tell their neighbor their favorite food? Who makes it-is it a grandmother or mom dish? Have students share what their neighbor told them.

Assign the students homework. Tell them they are going to ask their moms for help in writing the recipe for the dish. They are to ask mom where the food originated. If it is an American dish that is fine. Tell them that it would be interesting to find out that some of our favorite foods actually originated in other countries.


The students will use their recipes to write to the prompt. My favorite food is ______. You should try it.


Revisit the story, Everybody Cooks Rice. All of these families lived in the same neighborhood. Carrie and her brother, Anthony, were friends with all of them. They loved learning about the differences between them such as how one of the families ate with chopsticks. Today we are going to begin a week of exploring other cultures. We will record what we learn on a graphic organizer. Then we will share what we learn with one another. The teacher will record the information as the children share so that all of the information will be recorded in one place. The students may or may not add to their own charts.

·  You may spend as many days researching as you like. Make sure the children are exposed to a variety of books about many countries. Then fill out the class chart when you finish or after each research session.

·  Research ideas: book passes, visit the internet, videos

CALS site: This is the Way We Go to School, Laine Falk

This is the Way We Play, Laine Falk

This is the Way We Eat Our Food, Laine Falk

Mi Comidos My Food, George Ancona

Chinese New Year, David Marx


Display the class chart where it will be seen by all of the students. Then assign the writing prompt. Write a paragraph encouraging your family to borrow a tradition from another culture.

For the Teacher: Eating tamales on Christmas Eve or shooting fireworks for someone’s birthday

The paragraph should contain the following:

·  Topic sentence

·  Three reasons with details

·  A closing or sentence to summarize

Clothing / Food / Homes / Traditions



Write the recipe for your favorite dish. Does your mom know who taught her how to make it? Did it originate in another country?______




Steps: ______