Scientific Method and Project Ideas
As you are doing your project, keep a log book and include all of these steps.
1. Question
· You need to start with a question that can be answered by doing an experiment.
· Often finding a topic is the hardest part. There are a lot of good books and websites with ideas for science fair projects.
· Find something that interests you and keep it simple. Ask yourself “I wonder what would happen if I ………? questions. If you like to fly paper airplanes – ask yourself “I wonder what kind of paper makes a paper airplane fly the farthest?”
· Make sure that you can answer yes to all the following:
o I can repeat this experiment at least 3 times.
o I have enough time to complete the experiment at least two weeks before the science fair.
o I have permission (from home) to do this experiment and it follows all rules of the science fair.
o I can get all the equipment and materials I will need to do the experiment.
o My question cannot be answered with only “yes” or “no”.
o I am interested enough in the topic to see the project through to the end.
2. Background Information
· This is where you would include information you learn from books, magazines, internet, and interviews with people.
· You could also include here what you already know about the subject and why you chose the project you did.
3. Hypothesis
· Use all of the information you already have and your experiences to make an educated guess that answers your question.
· A hypothesis can be stated as an “if – then” statement. If I do this, then I think this will happen. (example: if I make a paper airplane out of construction paper, then I think it will fly farther than an airplane made from regular paper)
· A good hypothesis will identify the subject of the experiment, state what is being measured, and the results expected.
4. Variables – things that change during an experiment. To make your experiment a fair test, you only want to change one thing at a time.
· Independent variable – what you change in your experiment (in our airplane example, the independent variable would be the type of paper used.)
· Dependent variable – what responds to the changes you make (In our airplane example, it would be the distance the paper airplane traveled.)
· Controlled variables – things you don’t change in the experiment (In our airplane example, they would include where the airplane was thrown, how the airplane was thrown, how the airplane was made, etc.)
5. Materials – list of materials needed to carry out your experiment.
· Remember measuring tools and safety equipment.
· Try to list out exact amounts and brand names if you know them.
· Make sure you have enough material to do at least 3 repetitions.
6. Procedure – step-by-step directions to carry out the experiment.
· List out exactly what you are going to do.
· You want your procedure to be so detailed that another student could follow your procedure and do the experiment exactly the same way you did.
· Make sure you include at least 3 repetitions.
7. Data collection – collect data by making observations and measurements.
· Use charts and tables to keep your data organized. It is best to draw out a table to record data before you start your experiment so you don’t forget anything.
· If something unexpected happens as you are collecting your data, write it down.
8. Results – results may be described in words and shown in graphs or photographs.
· Compare the data you got for each repetition. Calculate averages.
· Use a graph to help explain your data. Choose a graph (Bar, circle or line graph) that will best show any patterns, changes (or lack of changes in your data).
· Use photographs to illustrate changes.
9. Conclusion – evaluate the results you obtained in your experiment.
· This is where you put what you learned from your experiment.
· State whether your data supports or does not support your hypothesis.
· Discuss any problems you had and suggestions for how to improve the experiment.
· If your experiment did not answer your question, don’t throw the whole thing out. Use your conclusions to explain that the question is still unanswered, explain what your results are, and suggest how the experiment could be modified.
10. References and Acknowledgements
· List any resources you used (books, internet, interviews, etc…).
· Thank any person who helped you with your project.
Suggestions for Science Fair Projects
· What kind of fabric is the best insulator?
· How does the temperature of a soccer ball affect how far it can be kicked?
· What dog treats do dogs prefer?
· What kind of juice cleans pennies best?
· Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?
· How do different liquids affect plant growth?
· How does the height a ball is dropped from affect the height of its bounce?
· Which type of fabric dries faster?
· What types of liquids will melt ice faster?
· What brand of microwave popcorn pops the most kernels?
· Which colors do worms prefer?
· Which soap dissolves the fastest?
· Which plant food makes bean seed grow the fastest?
· How does the air pressure in a basketball affect how high it bounces?
· Which freezes faster – water or salt water?
· How does the type of surface affect how fast a toy car goes?
· How does the amount of light affect how a lima bean grows?
· Can a person run faster on concrete or grass?
· How does the temperature of a ball affect how high it can bounce?
· How does getting wet affect how high a tennis ball can bounce?
· Does noise affect how well you can memorize things?
· What kind of bat can hit a baseball farther?
· Does one color popsicle melt faster than the others?
· Do cookies bake faster on different types of pans?
· Can a magnet attract a nail through wood or plastic?
· Does sand, red clay, or soil absorb more water?
· Which band-aid stays on longest under water?
· In what kind of cup will my soda warm up fastest?
· Will the length of a string affect the number of swings on the pendulum?
· Will a water balloon dropped from 6 ft. make a bigger splat than one dropped from 1 ft?
· Do all brands of chocolate ice cream melt at the same time?