September 2, 2015

Mr. Webercalled the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with Mr. Weber, Mr. Duveliusand Mr. Wallace present.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by all in attendance.

Mr. Duvelius made a motion to accept the proposed agenda for the evening and Mr. Wallace seconded the motion as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Kurt WeberYes

Mr. Weber asked if there were any question or changes needed on the meeting minutes from August 19, 2015. Mr. Weber made a motion to dispense with the public reading and approve the minutes as written. Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion as stated by Mr. Weber.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Weber brought the bills before the Board. Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the invoice payment cycles for check numbers 75107 through 75111 and for check numbers 75112 through 75143 for August 31st 2015 to September 4th 2015.

Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the withholding payments for the following check numbers, 75007 through 75106, and to approve the direct deposit for voucher numbers1381 through 1476. Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion to approve both the direct deposit vouchers as stated above and the withholding payment as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Ms. Melissa Brock, Human Resources, presented two items to the Board. The first was a request for a motion for a Personal Leave of Absence for part-time member Fire Fighter/EMT Sean Connelly effective and beginning September 11, 2015 through December 12th, 2015.

Mr. Duvelius made a motion to approve the leave of absence for Firefighter/EMT Sean Connelly. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Kurt WeberYes

Ms. Brock requested a motion to approve Officer Bobby Haussermann to the one-year hourly rate for Career Personnel as outlined in the FOP Blue Unit for $21.59 effective September 3rd, 2015.

Mr. Duvelius motioned to approve the hourly rate change for Bobby Haussermann. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion.

Roll call as follows:

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Kurt WeberYes

Mr. Gary Boeres, Township Administrator, brought to the attention of the Board Resolution 15-0902. This is a resolution to accept the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission. The County Auditor sets the tax rates for the Township and then the Trustees have to certify those rates. The Township has no function as far as the creation of the tax rates or calculating the rates. Bringing the resolution before the Hamilton Township Trustees is just a formality required by the ORC. The Resolution is the last item that the Township needs to clear in order to have a clean standing on the final report sent to the State Auditor’s Office. Once this is done there will be no more items to address on the Township’s fiscal emergency standing.

Mr. Weber stated that it is just a matter of waiting for them to release the Township from Fiscal Emergency.

Mr. Weber made a motion to approve Resolution 15-0902 as accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levy’s and certifying them to the County Auditor. Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Boeres mentioned the Little Miami School District is due TIF dollars from the Township for Tax Year 2013, Collection Year 2014. Mr. Boeres stated that he had a letter from Terry Gonda, School Treasurer, which states that he is in agreement with the Township that the amount due is $466,081. Mr. Wallace asked if this was in the bills that were sent out and already approved. Mr. Boeres agreed and clarified that the Board normally would approve the check before the check would be sent out.

Mr. Boeres asked the Board to authorize the check which would be for the $466,081.00 dollars.

Mr. Duvelius made a motion to authorize the check for the Little Miami School District for payment of the TIF. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion.

Roll call as follows:

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Kurt WeberYes

Mr. Boeres explained that there are times that the Township needs to do a then and now for purchases. Such as,the Dinsmore Firm handled the preparation for the filing of the 2015 continuing disclosure statement. Essentially they take the townships financial statement and forwarded it on to the companies that give the township a credit rating. Mr. Boeres stated the firmthat does the work on our behalf has sent the Township a bill and Mr. Boeres would like to get an approval from the Board for a payment of $1,100.00 for the work. Mr. Boeres confirmed this is on the list for payments next year.

Mr. Duvelius made a motion to approve the payment of $1,100 dollars to the Dinsmore Firm. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion for the approval as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Kurt WeberYes

Mr. Boeres stated that there was a second then and now for the Warren County Drug Task force fora bill that was sent to the PO Box instead of the Administration building which kept the bill from getting to the Township. The bill is for $8,645.00.

Mr. Duvelius made a motion to approve the Warren County Drug Task Force bill,

Mr. Wallace seconded the motion as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Gene DuveliusYes


Kurt WeberYes

Mr. Boeres mentioned to the Board and asked them if they remember the last meeting where Ray Warrick requested the Board to approve the Lighting Resolution for 15-0819. Mr. Boeres mentioned that Ms. Ellen Horman had found a very small change in the final dollar amount that was listed in the resolution. The original amount previously was stated as $337,867.67 and the amount has increase by $2.08.

Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the changed amount of $337,865.62 for the Lighting Resolution 15-0819. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

David WallaceYes

Gene DuveliusYes

Mr. Boeres wanted to thank the Touch a Truck Organizing Committee Members for their hard work. Mr. Boeres mentioned that it was an excellent event and that it was well attended.

Mr. Weber also thanked the Touch a Truck Organizing Committee Members for a job well done.

Mr. Boeres mentioned to the Board Mr. Fry and his drainage issue. Mr. Boeres mentioned that he did get in contact with Mr. Don Norman and Mr. Norman would be getting pricing to Mr. Fry on having a contractor come in and stabilize the banks. Mr. Norman does not have the numbers yet.

Mr. Boeres mentioned that there was a request from a Resident from Rivers Bend on the east side of State Route 48 to put a curb and gutter along the entrance on Dwire Road. Mr. Boeres mentioned that he did take a look at the site and Mr. Boeres believes that it would not be cost effective for the Township to do. Mr. Boeres wanted to bring to the Township’s attention that there was a request for this issue.

Mr. Kenny Hickey mentioned to the Board that he would like to trade in the MassieFerguson Tractor with a total trade in value of $26,000.00 and get two smaller tractors for a total of $14,400.00after trade in. The smaller tractors are diesel with a six foot bushhog that is included in the price, and they will have four wheel driveswhich will allow for riders to get in and out of the ditches. Both tractors have a five year bumper-to-bumper warranty and the Road department could get them the second week of October.

Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the purchase of the two tractors for the total purchased price after the credit totaling at $14,474.00 from Moe’s Outdoor Equipment and Supplies. Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion for the approval of the two tractors as stated above.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt Weber Yes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Boeres mentioned that there was a minor correction to the meeting minutes for July 15th, 2015. On page five there was a reference to Don Norman about the drainage issue with Mr. Bill Fry.

Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the correction to July 15th, 2015 meeting minutes on page five regarding Mr. Don Norman. Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion for the correction to be made.

Roll call as follows.

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Weber opens the floor up to anyone who would like to speak.

Mr. Weber mentioned that Mr. Joe Walker signed up to speak.

Mr. Walker, Adams Road, asked the Board for the status of repairs on Cones Road.

Mr. Weber responded with that he would have to get back with Mr. Walker with the details. Mr. Weber mentioned that he is aware of the John R. Jurgenson Company doing pavement repairs in Hamilton Township. The Warren County Engineer’s office is trying to get all the patching done before they approve the start on the Chip and Seal.

Mr. Walker asked the Board if there was an estimated cost for what was spent on Cones Road.

Mr. Boeres mentioned that he could get the estimated quote to Mr. Walker on the following business day. Mr. Boeres stated that there were two estimated quotes, one was for the base repair and the second one was for the Chip and Seal.

Mr. Walker asked the Board if anyone had been to see Cone Road as of late. Mr. Walker believed that there are some issues with the work that was done.

Mr. Weber and Mr. Wallace stated that they would both go and take a look at the repairs.

Mr. Weber asked if there were any more individuals that would like to speak.

Mr. Weber made a motion to go into executive session at 6:32 pm to discuss Employee Compensation. Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion to go into executive session for the above discussion.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Weber made a motion to come out of executive session at 6:46 pm and Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion to come out of executive session.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

Mr. Weber asked if there were any motions from the Board Member and there were none.

Mr. Weber made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 pm; Mr. Duvelius seconded the motion to adjourn.

Roll call as follows:

Kurt WeberYes

Gene DuveliusYes

David WallaceYes

