Minutes of theMeeting of the

Moresby Parish Council

held on the 8th January 2018

Moresby Rugby Club

1. Attendance: Chairman Cllr Lawson, Cllrs Boyes, Coward, Dixon, McGuirk, Ogilvie, B Parke, Troughton,and the Clerk.

2 Apologies and Announcements: There were apologies from Cllrs Horricks, L Parke and Pritchard, and from Ward Cllr Barbour. One member of the public was present.

3. Approval of the last minutes: The minutes of the December 2017 meeting were agreed.

4. Declaration of Member’s Interests: It was agreed that a declaration would be made should an item arise on the agenda.

5. Police issues.The clerk said that PCSO Hollie Dennis had sent a report relating to October and November 2017 logs. These included 11 logs for incidents on the Highways mostly being road traffic collisions and resulting debris. There were three criminal damage, one theft and one burglary logs. The clerk said he would ask for a report from December 2018. There were no requests to report matters to the police officer.

6. Public Participation

a) No issues were raised.

6bWard and County Councillors Ward/County Cllr Barbour had sent a written report. He said that there had been a meeting about flooding at Station House and the Eden Drive Churchill Drive area and he would provide information at the February meeting. He said that eight additional speed bumps were to be sited on Moresby Parks Road four at each end of the existing bumps and the replacement street lights were to be brought into service. The clerk was asked to report on the derelict caravan and pot holes on School Brow.

7. Planning Applications There were no applications and no further information about the School Brow application but the clerk had received a report about St Michael’s chapel from the planning enforcement officer at the district council. He said that he had visited the site but whilst unkempt not to the degree that would justify a S215 notice. The fence whilst not in good state was preventing fly tipping. He said he would look at the plot again.

8. Clerks Report

a) DefibrillatorThe clerk said that the defibrillator was in the shop with restricted access but he had not heard when an engineer was to attend to the telephone box in order that the unit could be returned.

b) Declaration of Interests. The clerk said that the district council had asked that all councillors’ entries in the register of interests be brought up to date and he would circulate a note with councillor’s present entry.

c) Social Isolation. The clerk said that a representative from Age UK would like to speak to the council. This was agreed.

d) Allotment The clerk said that would speak to a current allotment holder and satisfy himself as to any empty allotments.

e) Newsletter. It was reported that the newsletter was welcomed by residents but insufficient were printed.

f) Christmas Tree. This was generally agreed to be a success Mrs Boyes said that a donation to the cost had been made. The clerk said he would write to the company thanking them.

9. Correspondence

a) H M Revenue and Customs had written to say that there would be changes to the way VAT is to be reclaimed Details were to follow.

b) Great North Air Ambulance had written thanking the council for the donation recently made.

10.Cheques to be approved for payment

101281Copeland Borough Council Litter Bin Collection)£27.97

101282Ink Design Print Cumbria(Newsletter)£180.00

101283J C Shaw(Salary December)£200.00

101284Inland Revenue(Tax)150.00

101285St Bridget’s Church (Christmas Decorations)256.01

101286J C Shaw (Expenses)£52.09

11 Parish Councillor’s Items

a) Mrs Ogilvie asked about the Howgate sign and it was agreed that a full discussion would take place at the next meeting about a Howgate Bus shelter.

b) Mrs Ogilvie said that problems continued with heavy duty vehicles using Gallows Lonning.

c) Mrs Dixon said that the subscription that the council paid on behalf of councillors was due.

d) Mrs Dixon said that cars parked on the path behind the notice board on council land

e) Mrs Boyles asked if the poles with reflectors at the junction of the main road at Middle Ghyll council be preplaced.

f) Mr Parkes referred to the parking problem on Parkfield Road at the junction with Moresby Parks Road which obscured the sight lines.

g) Mr Parkes said that irresponsible parking at the junction of Hawks Place and Eagles Way made for sight line problems.

h) Mr Troughton made the general point that pedestrians walking on the roads around the parish where no footpath existed was becoming increasingly difficult.

i) Mrs McGuirk said that the caravan she had referred to in earlier meetings remained on Copeland district council land.

j) Mrs McGuirk said that complaints continued to be received about overhanging branches on the pavement beyond the Steel Brow junction.

k) Mrs McGuirk said that the board walk on the country park was in need of maintenance.

l) Mrs Coward asked whether any work could be undertaken on the Pit Road. The clerk said he would contact an officer from the county council.

The meeting closed at 7.50 pm The February meeting was to be held on the 5th February 2018.
