Instructions for Completion of Laboratory Biohazard Signage
(Fill in form is located on the second page of this document)
- Biohazard signage is required for laboratories working with agents potentially infectious to humans (such as: pathogenic bacteria, viral vectors, human cell lines). This signage is not required for laboratories using agents not infectious to humans (such as: animal cell lines or agents only infectious to animals). The signage must becomplete, printer in color, and posted to assure it is visible to anyone entering the laboratory.
- If you have more than one entrance into the BL2 lab, the signage must be posted at each entry door.
- Signage must be posted during all active use ofpotentially infectious material and during cleanup of lab areas following use. If you infrequently use this type of material you may choose to only post signage during active use and cleanup activities. However, if your laboratory uses infectious materials at least weekly, it may be best to leave the signage as a permanent laboratory posting.
- If you work with an agent that possess an increased risk to pregnant females or immune compromised individuals(such as: Listeria monocytogenes) additional statements may be required for your signage. Contact MU Biosafety Staff for assistance with your lab signage.
- The responsible Principal Investigator must have submitted an MU Institutional Biosafety Committee protocol application and received approval for use of any agents identified as RG2 or higher on the MU campus. For more information on the MU IBC protocol process go to
Biosafety Level / Identify the biosafety level from the dropdown list. Remember biohazard signage is not required for BL1 laboratories and the only BL3 laboratories on the MU campus are located in the Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research.
NOTE: BL# for labs or ABSL# for animal rooms.
Building / Indicate building. Try to avoid abbreviations when possible.
Room Number / If the room is attached to others and is not separated by itself, you may enter the rooms numbers that are connected (such as: 1/1B/1C).
Biohazardous Material / List all RG2 biohazardous materials used in the laboratory (such as: Replication Deficient Lentiviral Vector, Salmonella typhimurium, Human Cell Lines, etc.)
Therapies / List immunization or therapies available for biohazardous agent infection
(such as: Recommend Hepatitis B immunization series orTherapy: Tetracycline )
PI Contact Name/Phone #s / Principal Investigator’s full name and phone numbers as appropriate.
Other Contact Name/Phone #s / Other laboratory contact name and phone numbers as appropriate.
Laboratory Phone Number / Phone number for laboratory. If no phone is in the laboratory then indicate “N/A”.
Training Requirements / The standard response is indicated; however, if the lab is also working with:
- Recombinant DNA—Add “Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules” training
- Human cell lines or human blood products—Add “Bloodborne Pathogen” training
- Research with animal subjects, agents that can cause infection/disease in a human, or work with human blood/tissues or human cells (such as HEK or HeLa)—Add “Enrollment in MU Occupational Health & Safety Program”
PPE / The standard response is indicated. Add other statements as appropriate.
Entry Requirements / The standard response is indicated. Add other statements as appropriate; such as “shoe covers, hair cover, and face mask” required for entry into certain animal rooms.
Exit Requirements / The standard response is indicated. If there is no sink in the same lab then the signage must indicate where staff must wash hands. Add other statements as appropriate.
Date / Don’t forget to add the date you updated your biohazard signage. Check it periodically to be sure all RG2 or higher agents are listed. If you update the signage be sure the MU IBC have approved of the use of agents listed on the signage.
Admittance to Authorized Personnel Only
BSL2BSL3ABSL2ABSL3Building / Room
Office Phone / Home Phone / Cellular Phone
Investigator(s) Name(s):
Additional Contact:
Laboratory Phone(s) #:
Training Requirements: / Introduction to Laboratory Safety, Introduction to Biosafety, Chemical Management Online
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): / Lab coat, nitrile or latex gloves, and safety glasses
Entry Requirements: / PI approval, PPE requirements, and training requirements complete during active use.
Exit Requirements: / Remove PPE and wash hands.
Date Posted: