“Creating a donation friendly workplace”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, together with the transplant community, invites businesses and organizations to create a nationwide network of employers that offer personnel the information, the support, and the opportunity to donate life. The Workplace Partnership for Life is dedicated to assisting individuals who need organs, tissue, marrow/stem cells, or blood by making all Americans aware that transplantation works and that each of us can help.

Recognizing the diversity among employers and worksites, the Workplace Partnership for Life encourages partners to identify for themselves the specific activities and strategies which they will implement to increase donation. Some ideas for action are presented below. Partners can choose from this list and/or develop other activities that work within their organizations. HHS will be happy to refer partners to transplant and blood related organizations in the partner’s local area who can assist with strategy implementation.


One aim of the partnership is an exchange of ideas and a sharing of what works -- to the benefit of everyone. We hope you will share your strategies and ideas with us so that we can share them with others through our web site at Please provide comments in the space below on the types of activities your organization plans to implement to educate your employees or members about donation and mail, e-mail, or fax a copy of this page to Ms. Venus Walker whose contact information is listed below. Feel free to use additional pages if necessary. We recognize that new ideas emerge and plans change. We hope you will keep us updated as your plan evolves.


Attention: Venus Walker

5600 Fishers Lane, Room 7C-22

Rockville, MD 20857

Phone: 301-443-7578

Fax: 301-443-1267; Email to:


A.  Send a paper, electronic, or voice message promoting donation from the CEO to each employee.

A.  Add a pro-donation message to employee pay stubs each month of the year.

A.  Distribute donor cards and educational materials about donation to employees.

A.  Sponsor a presentation on donation: invite donors, recipients, donor family members, and transplant professionals to create a one hour program for employees.

A.  Run a PSA or include an electronic banner on your in-house e-mail system. Make your own or acquire one from the Coalition on Donation or your local organ procurement organization (contact information is available at

A.  Include articles on donation in your company newsletter. Feature stories about employees who are recipients, donors, donor family members or in need of a transplant or a blood transfusion.

A.  Sponsor a blood drive, marrow drive, or organ/tissue donor card signing events. Some companies create competitions among departments or field offices.

A.  Post information on your bulletin board or in your newsletters about local community blood drives and donation efforts.

A.  Sponsor a donor family from your organization to attend the National Donor Recognition Ceremony to be held in Washington, D.C. in 2003.

A.  Make donation stickers for ID badges available to employees who intend to be donors

A.  Arrange for the bloodmobile to come to your worksite

A.  Provide an hour-long respite and refreshments for employees who donate blood

A.  Implement a leave policy for employees who donate marrow or an organ.

A.  Other activities:



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