St Marys School Improvement Plan 2016-17
Maths Action Plan
Responsibility Area:To continue to raise standards in math’s, particularly the rate of progress year on year / Strategic Lead: Charlotte Dovey
Subject Leader: Charlotte Dovey / Link Governor:?
Outcomes: What success will look like for pupils
- Condensed Visual calculation policy used to introduce key concepts and teaching points and build skills consistently from Rec – Y6
- Increased rate of progress in maths in all year groups (greater than 3 points progress each year)
- Big Maths assessments and teststracked in order to manage progress and to impact on improved levels overall
- Increased % of children achieving age related expectations at end of KS1 and end of KS2
Target / Actions / Target date / Monitoring & Evaluation / Funding
1. To improve the rate of progress in maths for all pupils, ensuring that more children (above 40%) make better than expected progress by the end of KS2 / 1.1Identify children in need of intervention and additional support to accelerate progress and sign post to, targeted TA group work or wave intervention
1.2Outstanding lesson examples given to all Teachers, created alongside staff.
1.3 What a Maths working wall should look like/ include agreed with staff. / Immediately and on-going
September 2016
September 2016 /
- Planning & timetable scrutiny
- Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of intervention programmes
- Environment walks, EYFS lesson observations
- Lesson observations & work scrutinies
2. To analyse EYFS, KS1 and KS2 data, in order to assess areas for development. / 2.1 Maths coordinator, alongside SLT, to analyse data.
2.2 Look at class data with information provided by Assessment co-ordinator.
2.3 Review maths in light of data and make any necessary changes / September 2016
September 2016
on-going /
- Pupil data scrutiny
- Liaison with maths coordinator
- Maths policy review and implementation
3. To condense visual calculation policy alongside MATHS skills and knowledge, leading to greater than 3 points progress (3.5) for all year groups / 3.1 Visual calculation policy to be reviewed as a staff.
3.2 Visual Calculation policy to be condensed.
3.3 Visual calculation policy to be finalised and displayed in all classrooms
3.4 Pupil interviews to ensure that children are aware of the Visual calculation Policy.
3.5Visual calculation policy on display in every classroom and explicitly referred to during teaching sessions / September 2016
October 2016
On-going /
- Environment walk
- Half termly book moderation
- Half termly children interviews
- Staff minutes & reviewed Maths Policy
- Lesson observations
- Data scrutiny & maths monitoring
4. To implement Big Maths throughout KS1/2 and clear tracking of progress made. / 4.1 New groups arranged for September across Year 4, 5 and 6. Year 1, 2 and 3 to stay in classes.
4.2 Children to be tracked using excel spreadsheets and individual graphs.
4.3 Staff meeting to discuss tracking of Big Maths to show progress.
4.4 Support and monitoring of the implementation of Big Maths delivery and assessment for new teachers. / September 2016
September 2016 /
- Planning
- Lesson observations
- Data analysis
5. Introduce Numicon into EYFS and KS1. / 5.1 Chris Rawlinson to carry out an audit of Math’s in EYFS and KS1.
5.2 Order of Numicon products needed produced and to be reviewed then purchased. / July 2016
September 2016 /
- Planning
- Lesson observations
- Child interviews
6. To improve the knowledge of times tables at a mastery level by the end of year 4. / 6.1 Introduce weekly times tables challenge grids, which are to be tracked and monitored.
6.2 Weekly times table homework to be givenout. / September 2016 /
- Pupil Progress reviews
- Tracking results of times table challenges
7. Implement new scheme across school – Busy Ant Maths. / 7.1 Introduce to staff during a staff meeting.
7.2 Ensure that staff know it is not to be used solely on its own and must be supplemented when/where is needed.
7.3 Review implementation and impact through lesson observations and professional dialogue. /
- Scrutinise planning.
- Book scrutiny.
- Pupil progress reviews.
8. To develop the role of the new Math’s Co-ordinator. / 8.1 CD to attend EY2P Math’s Co-ordinator course each term.
8.2 CD to complete lesson observations alongside an SLT member to develop this role.
8.3 CD to drop in and watch Math’s lessons in different year groups from Rec – Y6 to get a feel for math’s at St Mary’s.
8.4 To write and present governor reports, with support from members of the SLT. / On – going
October 2016
September 2016 and on – going
Half - termly. /
- Lesson observations
- Liaison with SLT