Newsletter No 3 –16thOctober2015
Dear Parents,
It has been lovely to see so many parents attend the Curriculum Meetings held over the past two weeks. We hope you have found them useful. We will put the information and presentation slides used at the meetings on the website for those parents who were unable to attend. Please do take the time to fill in and return the evaluation sheets so that we can build on these next year.
We are really excited about the new office finally being finished – despite a few delays. We should be moved in by the end of next week. There are still plans for a few further improvements for example replacing the main front door and introducing a new signing-in system which will make it even better still. Thank you for all your patience during this work and for your support for the staff working in challenging conditions!
The new toilet block and cloakroom suite for the main hall is well underway as you will see. Unfortunately there have been delays in the production of the windows for the main sides of the hall which means we will not be able to have the main bulk of the work completed over half term as planned. The new completion date is now the end of November but the builders have arranged for us to maintain use of the hall for the vast majority of the time apart from the last two weeks of November so that it shouldn’t impact on our Christmas plans – we are all keeping our fingers crossed!
Yours sincerely
Miss Butcher
Reminders and general information:
School Uniform Shop
The school uniform shop will be open each Thursday 2.30–3pm. Any change to this will be communicated on our website. Please also note that uniforms can now be purchased on-line through Atomwide. The elasticated ties are currently on order but should be with us very soon.
Red Hill Website
If you haven’t yet had the chance to look at the school’s website, please take some time to have a browse at The calendar section is very useful as it shows the dates and times of upcoming events, trips and assemblies. In addition, any letters that were sent home but have been mislaid can be downloaded or viewed under the ‘News and Events’ tab. We will of course, have hard copies in the school office should you need them.
A huge well done to class 2P for achieving 100% attendance for the week ending 8th October 2015.
Lost Property
We will be holding our last lost property collection on Thursday22nd October; (situated outside the school office – weather permitting) after this date any ‘unnamed’ uniform will automatically be given to the FORH for the second hand sale or disposal. We have over 7 coats unclaimed- please remember to name all uniform so it can be delivered back to their class.
Breakfast Club
Can we please remind all breakfast club parents that breakfast club starts at 7:45am. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept the children any earlier.
Parents’ Tasting Day
Parents are invited to taste our new school meals on Wednesday 21st October 2:30pm to 3:30pm. These meals are produced by our new caterers ‘Pabulum’. Come and sample our delicious food!
Parents’ Evening
Parents’ Evening will take place on Wednesday 21st October 3:30pm – 5:30pm and Thursday 22nd October 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Please ensure you have returned your slip to your teacher to organise an appointment or speak to them if you are unable to make that day.
Year 4 Roman Experience
Year 4 will be having a Roman day on Thursday 22nd October. They will be tasting and experiencing what it was like to be a Roman for the day. Please can all parents ensure they have returned their slip advising of any dietary requirements. They will not be able to participate in the food activity if we have not received a completed reply slip. Parents need to pay £4.00on line at:
Year 5 Chislehurst Caves
Year 5 will be visiting Chislehurst Caves. 5F & 5E will be visiting on Wednesday 4th November and 5S & 5RL will be visiting on Thursday 5th November. The trips will take place in the mornings and children are required to bring a packed lunch for that day. Please pay £3.50 on line at:
Individual School Photos
Braiswick Photographers will be in school on Wednesday 21st October and will be taking individual school photos.