Minutes 26 July 2007


Minutes of the Southborough Town Council meeting held on Thursday 26 July 2007 at 7.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 137 London Road, Southborough. Kent. TN4 0ND.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllrs Poile (Town Mayor), Belchem, Bowie, Burbidge, Chater, Elliott, Ms Hill, Jamil, Mrs Jedrzejewski, Mrs Morton, Oakford, Ooi, Mrs Parker, Mrs Reid-More and Rumsey.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Ms Wickens and Miss Playford.

A one-minute silence was held in respect to ex Councillor Terence Driscoll who died on 8 July 2007.

29. APOLOGIES AND REASON FOR ABSENCE – Cllr Bothwell and Marsh were both on holiday. County Councillor Bullock at County meeting.

30. PREJUDICIAL AND PERSONAL INTERESTS – No interests were declared.

31. PUBLIC OPEN SESSION – There were five members of the public present who addressed the committee on item P21 of the minutes of the Parks and Cemeteries meeting dated 16 July 2007, and one member of the press.

32. MINUTES - The Committee RESOLVED that the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 31 May 2007 be signed as a correct record providing that minute16 be amended to Cllr Mrs Jedrzejewski - Personal Interest Item 10 (minute 24) and Cllr Poile - Personal Interest Item 13 (minute 27).

33. TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS - The Town Mayor gave a verbal and written report on his recent engagements. The group were advised that a memorial service would be held on August 12, 2007 at 2.30 p.m. at St Peters for the late Harry Tomkins. Councillors were also invited to attend the Battle of Britain Service on 16 September,2007 at 10.30 a.m. at Christchurch Tunbridge Wells.

34. COMMITTEE PROCEEDINGS – Members RESOLVED to approve the following committee minutes:

Planning and Transportation – 29 May, 11 and 25 June and 9 July 2007 providing it was noted that the resolution itemised at P44 ii) had been withdrawn and P51 amended to show ii) Cllr Bothwell tabled three motions. The Planning Committee discussed the suggestions.

Parks and Cemetery – 4 June and 16 July 2007 providing that the duplicate numbering on the minutes dated 16 July be amended to P18, P19, P20 and P21. P16 v) be amended to “Members discussed this request and agreed that to approve it would open the Town Council to many more such applications. It was intended that Common Land would remain in the control and ownership of the Town Council and parking on Common land would not be acceptable.”

Following an address by four Members of the public and further discussion by Councillors, voting took place in support of minute P21 remaining unchanged. A recorded vote was requested.

For: Cllrs Bowie, Burbidge, Chater, Jamil, Mrs Jedrzejewski, Oakford, Mrs Parker, Mrs Reid-More and Rumsey.

Against: Cllrs Belchem, Elliott, Ms Hill, Mrs Morton, Ooi and Poile.

Development Board – 3 July 2007

Finance and General Purposes – 14 June and 12 July 2007. It was RESOLVED that Mr Maurice Knights would continue to be the Town Councils representative for the Holme Foundation (Southborough) following confirmation from the Constitution that this need not be a Councillor. It was also RESOLVED that Cllr Elliott would be the new representative on the Euro Youth Project under F24 i).

35. KAPC REPORT – There was no report due from the KAPC Representatives.

36. COMMUNITY CENTRE HEATING – Members discussed the shortfall in the grant funding and RESOLVED that up to £5,000 would be available from unallocated balances to enable the work to be completed.

37. TOUR DE FRANCE - Members NOTED the minutes from the meeting dated 21 June 2007.

38. JOINT STEERING GROUP – Two nominations were put forward for this position. Cllrs Oakford and Ooi. Following a vote it was RESOLVED that Cllr Oakford would be the additional member of this group.

39. STANDING ORDERS WORKING PARTY – Alternative Nominations were heard from the Committee for Cllrs Bothwell, Bowie, Burbidge, Poile and Rumsey. A recorded vote was requested.

For: Bowie, Burbidge, Chater, Elliott, Jamil, Oakford, Mrs Parker, Mrs Reid-More and Rumsey.

Against: Cllrs Belchem, Ms Hill, Mrs Jedrzejewski, Mrs Morton, Ooi and Poile

Councillors Belchem, Ms Hill, and Mrs Jedrzejewski left the meeting at 8.40 p.m.

40. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS - It was RESOLVED that during the consideration of the following items the public and press would be temporarily excluded (Standing Order 76):-

i) Town Centre Re-Development – The Committee welcomed David Candlin, Head of Economic Development and Regeneration to the meeting. He gave an overview of where the project currently stood and answered questions from the Committee. Following his departure and further discussion it was agreed that a separate extra ordinary Full Council meeting should be held to discuss the matters fully. It was RESOLVED that this meeting should take place on 30 August 2007.

Councillor Elliott left the meeting at 9.15 p.m.

Councillor Mrs Morton left the meeting 9.25 p.m.

ii) Confidential Council and Committee Proceedings – Members RESOLVED to approve the following confidential minutes:-

·  Council Meeting – 31 May 2007

·  Parks and Cemetery - 4 June 2007

·  Development Board – 3 July 2007

·  Finance and General Purposes – 14 June and 12 July 2007

There being no further business the Town Mayor thanked Members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.35 p.m.