Minutes of Robert Owen Parent Forum Annual General Meeting

17th May 2016

Present:Val Barr (Chairperson), Annie Smith (minute taker), Selma Mascarenhas, Claire Frood, Fiona Rogerson, Susan West, Ingrid Gardiner, Lorraine Noak, Ruth McAllister, Hazel McCallum, Margo Thomson, Angela Gibson, Kereen McDairmant, Lorraine West, Karen MacDonald, Lorna Shaw, Heather Coke, Allison Mir, Laura McCann, Lesley Cullen, Kirsty McFerrin

Apologies:June Fox

The Parent Forum was pleased to welcome the new Head Teacher of ROMPS, Mrs Margo Thomson. Thanks were expressed to Angela Gibson for her time in the school.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Proposed by Lorraine West and seconded by Lorna Shaw.
Chairperson’s Report
A copy of the report is attached detailing a successful year for the Parent Forum in fundraising, connecting with the wider school community and appointing a Head Teacher. Key areas to build on are accessing grant applications and raising the profile of the Parent Forum with the wider group of ROMPS parents and carers.
Treasurer’s Report
A copy of the report is attached, detailing a very successful year, where £5,244.30profit was raised from various fundraising activities and £3,082.38contributed to the school. The Parent Forum balance of funds is currently £3,903.36.
Appointment of Committee Members for 2016/17
Chairperson: Kereen McDairmant (proposed by Val Barr, seconded by Selma Mascarenhas)
Vice Chairperson: Selma Mascarenhas (proposed by Annie Smith, seconded by Claire Frood)
Treasurer: Kirsty McFerrin (proposed by Selma Mascarenhas, seconded by Heather Coke)
Secretary: Lorraine West (proposed by Kereen McDairmant, seconded by Allison Mir)
Press Secretary: Heather Coke (proposed by Annie Smith, seconded by Val Barr)
Parent Forum Website Development: Fiona Rogerson (proposed by Lesley Cullen, seconded by Laura McCann)
Future Spending Plans
P6/7 children attending the triathalon event next week will be asked to pay £1 towards the bus being hired for the event. The Parent Forum will contribute the balance of this cost - £230.
Angela Gibson has booked a panto for next session, costing significantly less than previous years’ have. The Parent Forum will contribute half of the cost of this.
Ties will be provided for primary 7 leavers. Val will source these.
50 yellow gym bags will be provided for new primary one pupils. Val will source these.
Small gifts / flowers will be presented at the end of term, arranged by Val.
Bryan Kerr is arranging the leavers disco. The Parent Forum will contribute to this. Susan West will co-ordinate with Bryan and Kirsty / Lorna.
Autograph books will be given to the primary 7 leavers. Susan will organise this.
The annual SPTC insurance cost will need to be paid.
Garden Development
There has been no further information from the previous PF member who was taking this forward. The Parent Forum needs clarity about which grants, if any, have been applied for or received. Angela Gibson will contact her about this.
It may be possible to apply for grants from Borders Biscuits and the Rotary Club, as well as those being pursued previously.
Future Events
The Parent Forum will be represented at the event for parents of new primary one children, on the afternoon of 14th June. Kirsty will attend and give out the gym bags as welcome gifts from the PF.
Our annual Cheese and Wine Welcome evening will be held on Thursday 25th August in the school staffroom from 7-8:30pm. Lesley will make invitations for parents which will be added to the gym bags. Lesley will also make invitations for all school staff. Annie will create the slideshow of pictures of PF events and examples of how our funds are spent. Heather will provide pictures. Fiona will buy the food and drinks and contact others for help nearer the time.
The Parent Forum will have a stall at the nursery extravaganza, to raise the profile of the group. PF business cards will be available, provided by Fiona, and the slideshow will be running for parents to see the work of the PF. Details will be discussed at the next PF meeting.
Tesco has a ‘Bags for Help’ fund that could be accessed. The application process seems to be quite cumbersome and unlikely to be managed by the next cut-off of 6th June. This will be considered next time it is available.
Dress down days will continue to be held. The timings and costs for these will be discussed at the next meeting.
A raffle will be held at the Scottish concert. June Fox will be asked to run this.
Although there is no urgent need to raise funds, it was agreed that a key aim of the Parent Forum’s work is to bring together the wider school community. Ideas for an event to do this will be discussed at the next meeting.
Arrangements for the Prize Giving / P7 Leavers Assembly have been changed due to health and safety concerns. The whole school will see a rehearsal of the assembly on 21st June. The events itself, on the afternoon of 22nd June, will only be attended by P5-7 pupils, prize winners and siblings of P7 leavers. Families of prize winners and P7 leavers will each be allowed 2 tickets. These are free but tickets are necessary to ensure the hall is not overcrowded and unsafe.
Thanks go to Val Barr, who is stepping down after 5 years as Chairperson on the Parent Forum. Her commitment to the job has been appreciated by all.
Thanks go to Susan West who is stepping down from the Parent Forum after many years of service, as her final child leaves ROMPS this year. Susan’s work running our annual raffle has been particularly appreciated.
Thanks also to Annie Smith for steeping up to the plate to help with the Secretarial duties.
Thanks finally, to Lorna Shaw, who is stepping down as treasurer, although she will be available to support her replacement. Lorna has ensured transparency in our finances and leaves the job much easier for those to come.
Future Meetings
Tuesday 6thSeptember at 7:30, in ROMPS staffroom
Wednesday 5th September at 7:30, in ROMPS staffroom / Lorna
Lorna / Kirsty
Lesley, Annie, Heather, Fiona