27th February 2018

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 8 FitzActive 2018

As you will know from last year during FitzActive, students are given the opportunity of doing a variety of activities to develop their personal and social skills. This year the programme will include a mixture of exciting options. A comprehensive risk assessment of each activity has been carried out and a detailed permission/consent form will be required.

During this year’s Fitzactive on 4th and 5th of July there will be two days of workshops followed by a trip out of school on the Friday the 6th.

Each activity has been designed to allow students the opportunity to develop their thinking, skills and abilities in a less formal, more fun way. We also hope to develop the students’ ability to work in groups and as a team.

On Friday there will be a choice either a trip to the Tamworth Snowdome for an inflatable and flume session in the pool, ice-skating and tobogganing on real snow, or your child could choose to attend the activities within school.

The overall cost of the 3 days will depend on whether you choose to attend the Tamworth trip.

  • £10 will cover the cost of workshops and activities used during the FitzActive period.
  • The total cost including the trip is £35.

Please complete the attached consent form and send cash or a cheque made payable to Oxfordshire County Council. Please return to Student Services in an envelope marked with the student’s name and form group by 20thApril 2018.

As we encourage our students to be mature and independent, this year we will not be ‘chasing’ students who do not return their permission slip. If they forget their payment or consent forms they will have to take part in alternative activities on site. I am sure that you will appreciate that we can only run these activities with such parental contribution from everyone. However, if you are unable to pay this sum for financial reasons, please do not hesitate to contact me. We may be able provide assistance.

Yours faithfully

Miss J Summers

Year 8 Fitzactive Coordinator

Please return this slip, consent form and cheque to student Services by 20th April 2018

Year 8FitzActive Workshops and Trip – Wednesday 4thto Friday 6th July 2018

Student Name: ………………………………………………….…… Form: ………….

I have received and understood the letter about the workshops and visit.

I have completed and enclosed the ‘Consent Form for Local Off-site Visits

and Activities’.

I give my permission for my child to attend the trip to Tamworth (if this option

is ticked)

Please tick one of the options below:

Activities/Workshops plus Tamworth’s Snowdome £35

Activities/Workshops plus staying in school (on Friday)and supervised by a

teacher £10

I enclose a cheque for £…………. (Made payable to Oxfordshire County Council) to cover the costs for both the trip and workshops and activities over the Fitzactive period.

Signature of Parent: …………………………………………… Date: ………………….

Thank you.