Facilitator Guide

Mathematics K to 7 IRP:

An Introduction to the IRP

Originally Broadcast: March 8, 2007


  1. BEFORE using the archive, download, copy and organize Materials for Download.”

Facilitator Materials

  • Facilitator Guide (this document)
  • Facilitators’ Feedback Form
  • Participant Documents

Participant (and Facilitator) Handouts

  • Agenda
  • Presentation Slides—printed in handout style with three slides to a page and room for notes
  • Grade level specific IRP – one grade for each participant or participants can share in groups of two or three
  1. Facility Check: Ensure adequate seating and refreshments
  1. Each participant will need a copy of theParticipant Handouts.Blank paper should be provided at each table so ideas and discussions can be recorded.
  1. Participants should be seated by grade levels (e.g. K, 1, 2, etc.) as much as possible for smaller sessions seating could be arranged by grade groupings (e.g. K-1, 2-3, etc.).

On the day (note: times are from original broadcast)

8:30Welcome and coffee at your site

8:45Technical check in (be sure you can download the archive properly)

8:50Your site overview

  • Set the context with the participants
  • Ensure each participant has the Participant Handout package.
  • Throughout the webcast, the presenters will address questions from sites. Participants should write their questions on the paper provided and take them to the person designated to email the host site using Question Manager, which your tech person is familiar with.

9:00Opening— Richard DeMerchant, Facilitator


9:15Agenda—Richard DeMerchant

Richard will go over the morning’s agenda and introduce co-presenters Linda Jensen from Langley and Rosamar Garcia from Richmond.

  • Slide of the Agenda will be displayed and a copy of the Agenda is included in the ParticipantHandouts.

9:20Overview of the Mathematics K to 7 IRP—Richard DeMerchant, Ministry of Education

  • Copies of the slides displayed are printed three to a page in Participant Handouts. Participant should have a grade level specific IRP. If there are administrators or district personnel attending they may prefer the full Math K-7 IRP.
  • Richard will provide the context for the curriculum revisions including tying the revisions to the Western and Northern Canadian Protocol (WNCP) revisions and timelines.
  • The webcast will be structured to go from looking at the IRP from a “high level” to a more specific look at the content.
  • Participants will then be asked to “walk” through their grade specific copy of the IRP. Participants should have their IRP starting on slide 12. At this point participants will be walked through the content of the IRP describing the purpose and content of each of the sections of the IRP.

9:40Introduction Table Talk (Slide 15) – 10 Min

  • Table Talk –slide 15 there are a series of questions for participants to answer. Answers to these questions can be found in the Introduction section of the IRP.Have each table determine one person at the table to answer one of the questions on slide 15 and report back to the other members at the table. This may require some people to have 2 questions if there are not enough people at the table. If there are more than two people at the table they may work in partner groups.
  • Facilitators can encourage discussion about the changes in the IRP.

10:50Debrief Continuation of the PowerPoint

  • Richard will debrief the answers to the questions on slide 15 and tie these into the structure of the curriculum.
  • Richard will continue with the PowerPoint to introduce slides 16 and 17.

9:55Considerations for Program Delivery Table Talk (Slide 17) – 10 Min

  • Participants will be asked to look at the Instructional Focus and Applying Mathematics sections of the Considerations for Program Delivery section of the IRP.
  • Participants will be asked to reflect on their own practice and how these sections relate to the learning and instruction in their classrooms. Observations could be recorded on the paper provided.

10:05 Continuation of the PowerPoint

  • Richard will explain how the instructional focus and the applying mathematics ties into the IRP and the structure of the document.
  • Richard will continue with the PowerPoint to discuss the remaining sections of the IRP. This will include slides 18 – 24


  • Richard, Linda and Rosamar will respond to questions sent in from sites. These questions should focus on the structure and purpose of the various components of the IRP.
  • After the break there will be more information presented to drill down on the specifics of the PLOs, AIs and Classroom Assessment Model. This will be done by grade level following the slides presented by Linda and Rosamar. Participants can work in their grade groupings and will need their grade specific IRPs.


  • The Facilitator could take this opportunity to ensure any additional site questions are emailed to the host site using Question Manager.

10:45— Examining the IRP from a Grade Specific Focus

  • Linda and Rosamar will lead participants though a process of examining the Prescribed Learning Outcomes, Achievement Indicators, Mathematical Processes and the Classroom Assessment Model. This will be done through slides 25– 41. Participants will need their grade specific IRPs for this part of the web cast.
  • Slide 28 – Participants will be asked to find the Key Elements for the grade they are examining. This is located in the Student Achievement Section of the IRP. Participants are asked to examine the content changes between the current curriculum and the 2007 IRP evident in the Key Concepts. This will be done live and will not have a pause in the presentation.

10:55PLOs, AIs and Processes (slide 31) – 10 Min

  • Linda and Rosamar will have explained the relationship between the PLOs, AIs and Mathematical Processes using a specific example from grade 3. The main goal of this slide is to note that the information around the PLOs, AIs and Mathematical processes provides a lot more information about student expectations of the learning outcomes.
  • Participants will be asked to find an example from their grade level and examine how the three components are tied together. They will share this information with others at their table answering the questions on slide 31. Answers and observations could be recorded on the paper provided.

11:05 Debrief and Continuation of the Presentation

  • Linda and Rosamar will provide a short debrief based on the comments heard at the Langley site and their experience working on the writing team.
  • Linda and Rosamar will continue on with slides 32 – 41 and pause at slide 41 for participants to examine their grade specific IRP.
  • Slide 34–Questions on this slide will need to be asked rhetorically. Classroom assessment overview table was not provided in the previous IRP. This information can be used to help create assessments both locally and at the provincial level (grades 4 and 7). The inclusion of the modified Blooms highlights the importance of students being able to do more than rote mathematics. These tie into the PLOs, AIs and Mathematical Processes.

11:15Classroom Assessment Model Group Discussion (slide 41) – 10 Min

  • Slide 41 – Participants work in pairs to identify a PLO and identify the components that support it (AIs, Mathematical Processes, and Classroom Assessment Units).
  • Participants will be asked to share their observations at their tables. Observations could be recorded on the paper provided.

11:25 Debrief

  • Linda and Rosamar will provide a short debrief based on the comments heard at the Langley site and their experience working on the writing team.

11:30—Implementation Timelines - Richard

  • Slide 42 - Richard will speak to the timelines for implementation and the availability of resources.


  • Richard, Linda and Rosamar will respond to questions sent in from sites.

11:45 – Next Web Cast

  • Richard will speak briefly to the content of the next web cast and provide his contact information if there are additional questions that did not get answered.

11:50—Closing and Evaluation

Facilitators can use this time to discuss “next steps” for their districts. A slide displaying Ministry contact information will be on the screen.