Carl Schlesinger Collection

Finding Aid

Box 1:

·  Papal encyclopedia of labor (1939)

·  The Printer’s League of New York (1981)

·  Union Printers and Controlled Automation, by Kelber and Schlesinger (1967)

·  ITU wall plaque, date unknown

·  The Type Specimen Book

·  ITU Lessons in Printing Vol. 1 & Vol. 2

·  Bert and Patricia Powers materials (c. late 80s, early 90s)

o  Video cassette and newspaper clipping

o  Bert Powers biography and Union Affairs

·  ITU commemorative pin (40 years)

·  ITU commemorative pin (60 years)

·  Typographical union lapel

·  AFL-CIO candy plate

·  Two mini photo slides, American Federation of Teachers

·  NY Times full papers, various dates

·  Various photos

·  Commemorative publications

o  Columbia Typographical Union (1990)

o  Labor’s Salute to Education (1984)

·  Various journals and pamphlets

·  Materials and correspondences pertaining to Kenya project and African Medical Research Foundation

·  Various letters to and from Schlesinger

·  The Labor College leather tote bag (c. 1970s)

·  Diplomas and certificates

o  Schlesinger Diploma, from The School for Printer’s Apprentices of NY

o  Certificate of Appreciation from Printing House Craftsmen Inc

o  ITU 40-year membership certificate

·  Various newspaper clippings

·  2x New World of ITU DVD

·  Schlesinger binder with teaching materials, labor and union information, and guides (hand written) of various dates

Box 2:

Folder # 1 personal/graphic arts

·  Lithopinion Graphic Arts Journal (1966)

·  Carl Schlesinger New York Times Obituary, copy

·  Letter from Schlesinger to Mark Zurolo (2007)

Folder #2 Bulletins I

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1953, June)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1957, June)

Folder #3 Bulletins II

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1960, Feb, April-May)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1961, May-Nov)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1962, Jan, June, Aug, Oct)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1963, Jan-March, May, Nov-Dec)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1964, Feb-March, July-Oct-Dec)

Folder #4 Bulletins III

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1965, Jan-Dec)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1966, Jan-Dec)

Folder #5 Bulletins IV

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1967, Jan-Dec)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1968, Jan-Dec)

Folder #6 Bulletins V

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1969, Jan-Dec)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1970, Jan-Dec)

Folder #7 Bulletins VI

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1971, Jan-Sept, Nov-Dec)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1972, Feb-Dec)

Folder #8 Bulletins VII

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1973, Jan-Dec)

·  New York Typographical Union No. 6 Bulletin (1974, Jan-August, Oct)

Folder #9 press & news, union affiliated

·  The Immigration Dilemma, Press Kit

·  The Marchinist (Nov, 1981)

·  Steelabor Newspaper (Nov, 1981)

·  International Typographical Union News, (May 6th, 1973)

·  International Typographical Union News, (May, June, July 1970)

·  AFL-CIO News, (July 2. 1988)

·  AFL-CIO, Gompers vs Alger (Feb, 1981)

·  AFL-CIO News on behalf of International Typographical Union (Jan, 1963)

·  Union Democracy in Action (1964)

·  International Teamster (1960)

·  The ITU’s Modern Defense Activities

Folder #10 press and news, mainstream

·  New York Times article, reprint (1947)

·  The Record 2x (Jan, 1963)

·  The Nation (May, 1963)

·  Copy of Wall Street Journal article (1967)

·  The New York Post (May, 1974)

·  TIME magazine (March, 1963)

·  TIME magazine (April, 1958)

·  Excerpt from Business Week, 3x (Jan, 1953)

·  The New York Times Chapel Minutes (Aug, 1989)

Folder #11 journals

·  The International Graphical Foundation, IGF (1962, 1963) Journal

·  The Typographical Journal (July, 1963)

·  The Typographical Journal (Aug, 1967)

Folder #12 student papers, research

·  local no. 6 automation study, David Lloyd Goodman (1983)

·  Technology and Newspapers: The Transformation of an Industry, Steve Hunter et al. (c. 1980s)

·  The Fifteen Year Struggle Between International Typographical Union, No. 6 and the New York Tribune, Jeannie Friedman (1979)

Folder #13 misc news, advertisements

·  Bulletin of the Department of Internal Affairs, AFL-CIO (1988)

·  Local 11 Strike Bulletin (1984)

·  Final Proof (Jan, 1965)

·  Final Proof (March, 1965)

·  Final Proof (Jan, 1966)

·  Final Proof (March, 1966)

·  Transcript, “The Wins-News Conference” (1963)

·  5x envelopes on NY Typ. Stationary

Folder #14 union information & guides

·  AFL-CIO structure

·  90th Anniversary Newark Typographical Union (1957)

·  100th Anniversary Printer’s Home 2xs

·  pamphlet on health care

·  How to Run a Union Meeting

·  “general structure of a local union”, handwritten notes (1981)

·  The Story of the International Typographical Union

·  Trade Unions & The American Way

·  “The Uses of Teacher Power”

·  Union Leadership Academy publication, introduction aid

·  110 Years Plus of Democratic Trade Unionism

·  educational pamphlets, 3x

·  Lessons in Printing, International Typ. Union

Folder #15 labor history, education

·  William Green: Guardian of the Middle Years (1981)

·  The House of Labor

·  A Short History of American Labor

·  A Short History of American Labor, republished

Folder #16 booklets, union affiliated, 1940s-1960s

·  Labor in the New Deal Decade (1945) ILGWU
Organized Labor’s Contribution to the Nation (first printed 1947, enlarged 1959)

·  The Story of the ILGWU (1951)

·  Trade Union Congress Relationships Between Unions (1950s)

·  Labor and the American Way (1955)

·  First Constitutional Convention of AFL-CIO (1955)

·  Labor Looks at the White Collar Workers (1957) AFL-CIO

·  UAW Education Dept., “This Union Cause” (1962)

·  Constitution and By-Laws of the Utility Co-workers Association (1969)

·  Beyond the Picket Line, How to Organize a Strike Assistance Program (likely 50s, possibly 60s) AFL-CIO

·  ABCs of Time Study, UAW-CIO Edu. Dept.

Folder #17 booklets, union affiliated, 1970s-1990s

·  Constitution and By-Laws, NY Typ. Union No. 6 (1971)

·  Constitution and By-Laws, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Retail Food Store Employees Union, Local 342 (c. 1970s)

·  Contact and Scale of Prices, NY Typ. Union No. 6 (1973)

·  Book of Laws, NY Typ. (1973)

·  Book of Laws, NY Typ. (1974)

·  Official Directory of Union Label Printing Offices (1981)

·  Book of Laws, International Typ. Union (1981)

·  Official Directory of Union Label Printing Offices (1982)

·  CWA Constitution, as Amended March 1983

·  AFL-CIO Constitution (1983)

·  Contract and Scale of Prices, NY Typ. Union No. 6 (1984)

·  2x Constitution and By-Laws, NY Typ. Union NO. 6 (1984)

·  AFL-CIO Constitution (1989)

·  Southern Labor History, AFL-CIO (date unknown)

·  We Open the Gates, Labor’s Fight for Equality (date unknown)

·  America Needs Labor Unions, ITypU (unknown)

Folder #18 booklets, university and academia affiliated

·  Labor Leader 1860s (1955)

·  Democracy in the Labor Movement (1958)

·  Corruption and Racketeering in the Labor Movement (1958)

·  The Decline of the Labor Movement and What Can Be Done About It (1961)

·  Envelope, Cornell

Folder #19 booklets, radical affiliated

·  The Soviet Workers and Their Unions (1952)

·  Socialist brochure (likely 50s)

·  Socialist Industrial Unionism: The Worker’s Power (1960)

·  A Way Forward, Political Realignment in America, Socialist publication (1960)

·  Socialist Party Platform (1960)

·  The Burning Question of Trades Unionism (1960)

·  The Church and Socialism (c. 1960s, reprinted)

Folder #20 booklets, government affiliated

·  US Department of Labor booklet, date unknown

·  Your Rights Under Labor Laws (1956)

·  2x A guide to basic law and procedures under the National Labor Relations Act (1978)

·  Selected New Jersey Labor Laws (1986)

·  Child Labor Laws and Regulations (1988)

·  Wage and Hour Regulations (1989)

·  Ellis Island brochure (1991)

·  Where Women Made History (1998)

Folder #21 song booklets and misc. booklets

·  18x songbooks

o  AFL-CIO, Textile Workers, Community Sing Sessions, Dominion Ale, YWCA, etc

·  An Alphabet of Trains: 1870-1880 (1981)

Folder #22 material pertaining to Kenya

·  Letter to Schlesinger from Theodore W. Kheel (1968)

·  audio cassette (c. 1970s)