A. Characteristics of Chordata
- Notochord- a stiff rod that helps support the dorsal nerve cord and body of the organism
- Pharyngeal Slits- an opening from the neck to the throat that helps separate food from water and helps with gas exchange
- Dorsal Nerve Chord- lateral muscles/organs gets messages from the brain from the nerve fibers that are attached to the brain
- Post-anal Tail- helps organism swim, tail goes past the anus
B. Urochordata (adult)
- Incurrent siphon- water enters
- Pharynx- water is filtered
- Stomach- receives food from the water
- Excurrent Siphon- squirts out water
C. Urochordata (larva)
- Has:
- Notochord
- Dorsal, hollow nerve cord
- Post- anal tail
- This makes them part of the phylum chordata
D. Cephalochordata (lancelets)
- Swim thru the water using notochord muscles
- Each muscle segment is called a somite
E. Vertebrata
1. Agnatha
- Greek- “no jaws”
- lampreys and hagfish
- Characteristics:
- No paired appendages (fins)
- Some attach to host and feed off of host’s blood
- Some eat dead fish or marine worms
2. Chondrichthyes
- Chondr= Cartilage; -ichthyes= fish
- Have a jaw and paired appendages (fins)
- Subclasses:
- Elasmobranchii (sharks, rays)
- Chimaera (chimaeras)
- Lateral line system- detects vibrations in the water
3. Osteichthyes
- Oste= Bone; ichthyes= fish
- Bone endoskeleton made with hard calcium phosphate
- Operculum- protective flap over the gills
- Swim bladder- sac filled with gas that controls the buoyancy of the fish
- Have better control in swimming than sharks
4. Amphibia
- First vertebrates on land (salamanders,frogs, caecilians)
- Fins evolved into legs
- “Double Life”
- Egg in water
- Mature life on land
- Cold-blooded
- Urodeles (salamander)
- “tailed ones”
- Anurans (frogs, toads)
- “tail-less ones”
- Metamorphosis- tadpole to frog
- Apodans (caecilians)
- “legless ones”
- Live in tropical areas and burrow into soil
5. Reptilia
- Amniotic egg allowed reptiles to reproduce without dependence on water
- Lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles
- Use solar energy to control body temp (ectotherm)
- Adaptations for land
- Scales with keratin
- Obtain all oxygen with lungs
- Can lay amniotic eggs on land
6. Aves
- Evolved from reptiles
- Archaeopteryx- earliest bird (Jurassic Period)
- Bird anatomy enhances flight
- Hollow bones
- Females have one ovary (reduces weight)
- Have larger brain than reptile
- Very acute vision
- Endothermic (maintain own body temp)
- 4 chambered heart supports high metabolism
- Ratites- flightless birds
- Carinates- birds that fly
7. Mammalia
- Endothermic
- Have hair and fat layer to maintain heat
- Mothers have mammary glands to nourish babies
- Embryo usually grows in uterus instead of egg
- Monotremes
- Mammals with eggs
- platypuses
- Marsupials
- Mammals with pouches
- Eutherian Mammals
- Placental mammals