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26January 2010

Original: ENGLISH


Third session
Geneva, 22-26February 2010





A. DublinStatement on the Process of Strengthening of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Body System(18- 19 November2009)

B. Participation in the OHCHR Informal Consultation on Article 33 of the CRPD (26 October 2009)

C. Follow up Meeting on theBrazilian Declaration on the Rights of the Elderly (Santiago, Chile)(27 October 2009)

D. Expert Meeting on Justice and Human Rights,(Madrid, Spain) (30 October 2009)

E. UN Forum on Minorities and Effective Political Participation, Geneva (12-13 November 2009)

F. Regional Workshop "Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies in Latin America: Paths and Challenges", (Santiago, Chile) (18 to 20November 2009).

G. Participation in Regional Seminar: Jordanian National Disability Strategy (Amman, Jordan) (23-25 November 2009)

H. Participation in ICM Meeting,Geneva, (30 November -2 December 2009)

I. International Conference on Employment of Persons with Disabilities, (Tunis,Tunisia) (7 -9 December 2009)

J. Second Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the European Council on the Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Political andPublic Life, (Strasbourg, France) (9-11 December 2009)


K. Letter of Condolences to the Arab Organization of Disabled Persons (30 October 2009)

L. Letters of the CRPD Chairperson to Heads of States or Governments (04 November 2009)

M. Letter from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela(Activities in Celebration of the

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (22 December2009)


1.The report is presented to the distinguished members of the CRPDon the activities undertaken between the second session of the CRPD held 19-23October 2009and the third session planned for 22-26February 2010.


2.During the period in review,the Committee under the leadership of the Chairperson, Mr. Al-Tarawneh conducted a series of activities in celebration of the international day of persons with disabilities. These activities involved a number of letters sent to heads of states and governments, to UN Agencies and NGOs, and to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon as well as a press release and a video address to the 600 million persons with disabilities around the world. These letters urged states, NGOs and UN agencies to work towards implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. With this initiative the CRPD Chairperson has set the example for future similar initiatives of the Committee in celebration of the international day of persons with disabilities.


3.During the period in review the CRPD Chairperson as well as other Committee members attended a number of seminars and conferencesintended to disseminate information about the Convention, and the work of the Committee.

A. Dublin Statement on the Process of Strengthening of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Body System (18 – 19 November 2009)

4.From 18 to 19 November 2009, the Chairperson attended the Dublinmeeting on the process of Strengthening of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Body System, a project organized by the University of Nottingham Human rights Law Center and the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, to develop the Dublin Statement on the Process of Strengthening of the United Human Rights treaty Body System. The Chairperson made a presentation on the contribution of the CRPD Convention for the strengthening of the treaty body mechanism of the United Nations.

B. Participation in the OHCHR Informal Consultation on Article 33 of the CRPD (26 October 2009)

5.On 26 October 2009, Mr. Al-Tarawneh attended an informal consultation organized by OHCHR on Article 33 of the CRPD, and made a presentation on the Convention and the role of the Committee.

C. III Follow up Meeting on the Brazilian Declaration on the Rights of the Elderly, Santiago, Chile(27 October 2009)

6.On 27 October Ms. María Soledad Cisternas, attended the III follow up meeting on the Braziliandeclaration on the rights of the elderly held in Santiago, organized by the national service for the elderly of Chile in cooperation with the relevant services of Brazil and Argentina.

D. Expert meeting on Justice and Human Rights, Madrid, Spain (30October 2009)

7.On 30 October 2009, Ms. María Soledad Cisternas attended the expert meeting on justice and human rights held in Madrid, Spain and made a presentation on the Convention. The meeting was attended by judges, prosecutors and notaries.

E. UN Forum on Minorities and Effective Political Participation (12-13 November 2009)

8.From 12 to 13 November 2009, the Chairperson attended the UN forum on minorities and effective political participation, held in Geneva, and made a presentation on the work of the Committee.

F.Regional Workshop "Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies inLatin America: Paths and Challenges", Santiago, Chile (18 to 20 November 2009).

9.Ms. María Soledad Cisternas attended a regional workshop on the implementation of inclusive education policies in Latin America, organized by UNESCO in Santiago, Chile from 18 to 20 November 2009 and made a presentation there on the relevant provisions of the Convention.

G. Participation in Regional Seminar: Jordanian National Disability Strategy (Amman, Jordan) (23-25 November 2009)

10.From 23 to 25 November 2009 Mr. Al-Tarawneh attended a regional seminar: Jordanian National Disability Strategy, held in Amman which discussed the Jordanian National Disability Strategy. The Chairperson made a presentation about the contribution of the CRPD reporting process to the realization of national disability strategies in the region.

H. Participation in ICM Meeting, Geneva, (30 November -2 December 2009)

11.From 30 November to 2 December 2009, Mr. Al-Tarawneh, Ms. Jia Yang and Mr. Monsur Chowdhury attended the Inter-Committee meeting in which representatives of all treaty bodies of the UN were represented. The meeting reviewed a number of issues, including the holding of such meetings in a new format. Mr. Al-Tarawneh was re-elected Vice-Chairperson of the ICM.

I. International Conference on Employment of Persons with Disabilities (7 -9 December 2009)

12. Mr. Al-Tarawneh and Mr. Lotfi Ben Lallahom attended an international conference on employment of persons with disabilities, organized jointly in Tunis, Tunisia by the Association BASMA and UNESCO from 7 to 9 December 2009. Both Mr. Al-Tarawneh as well as Mr. Lallahom made presentations on the importance of the implementation of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

J. Second Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the European Council on the Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Political and Public Life, Strasbourg, (France) (9-11 December 2009)

13.Ms. Edah Maina attended the second meeting of the Committee of experts of the European Council on the participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life held from 9 to 11 December in Strasbourg and made a presentation on the work of the Committee.


K.Letter of Condolences to the Arab Organization of Disabled Persons (30 October 2009)

14.In connection withthe passing away of Mr. Boali Zakari from Libya an active official of the Arab organization of disabled persons, the Chairperson sent a letter of condolences to that organization.

L. Letters of the Chairperson to Heads of States orGovernments, UN Agencies and NGOs (04 November 2009)

15.In commemoration of the international day of persons with disabilities on 3rd December 2009, the Chairperson addressed the following letters:

(a)Letters of the Chairperson to heads of states or governments urging them to ratify, sign or implement the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

(b)Letters of the Chairperson to UN agencies urging them work for the implementation of the Convention

(c)Letters of the Chairperson to NGOs and civil society organizationsurging them to work for the implementation of the Convention

(d)Aletter to Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon urging him to support the celebrations of the international day of persons with disabilities

M. Letter from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela (Activities in Celebration of the

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (22 December 2009)

16.On 22 December 2009, the Permanent Mission of Venezuela in Geneva sent a note verbale to the Committee informing it that following the letter addressed to it by the Chairperson it conducted a number of activities in celebration of the international day of persons with disabilities.
