EDU 102 – Semester II
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayUNIT: Becoming a Teacher
January 5-9 / Course Overview/Outline
Professionalism, CU’s Policies
*Expectations for Weekly Field Experience Reflections / Explore CU School of ED online –
.edu/school-of-education / Print Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching & Learning from CU Resources, as well as content specific characteristics - READ / Discussion & Reflection / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
January 12-16 / Pearson Text –
Ch. 11 Becoming an Effective Teacher-
Objectives & Important Concepts
This I Believe . . .
Read: Student Motivation & Effective Teaching before class tomorrow! / Discuss: Student Motivation & Effective Teaching
Create Instructional Strategies Chart
-Daily Video from KET
Resources/complete Chart & Discuss
Read: Planning for Effective Teaching before class tomorrow! / Discuss: Planning for Effective Teaching
Read: Implementing Instruction Essential Teaching Skills / Discuss: : Implementing Instruction Essential Teaching Skills
Read: Instructional Strategies / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
January 20-23 / NO SCHOOL / Prepare to Discuss Instructional Strategies (Jigsaw)
Plan Cook’s Kids / Jigsaw – Instructional Strategies
Complete Reading Reflection for Chapter 11 –
Invitations for Panel Discussion / Cook’s Kids
“Frozen” / Chapter 11 Reflection Due
Weekly Reflection Due
January 26-30 / Research Roles & Professional Qualities that teachers should have.
(Make a chart)
Discuss Findings
Video to supplement / Create a word cloud of roles and professional qualities of a teacher
Prepare questions for panel discussion / Panel Discussion –
Qualities of Effective Teachers / Type summary of Panel Discussion for your Portfolio / Panel Discussion Summary Due
*Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
February 2-6 / Set up professional portfolio; use CU portfolio resources
Read/study / Review KY Teacher Standards / Principles of Teaching
Video & Questions
(United Streaming) / KDE – Code of Ethics
Pearson Text – Ch. 5 Educational Philosophy
This I Believe . . .
Important Concepts
Read: Philosophy & Philosophy of Education
pp. 149-153 / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
February 9-13 / Discuss : Philosophy
Assign: Educational Philosophies Jigsaw –
-Social Reconstructionism / Research/prepare presentation
Plan Cook’s Kids / Presentations – Philosophies of Education / Cook’s Kids –
Valentine’s Day / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
February 17-20 / NO SCHOOL / Assign: Technology & Teaching / Discussion/Video
Technology & Teaching
Assign: Exploring Diversity / Discussion: Philosophy & Cultural Minorities
Research Philosophies online / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
February 23-27 / Read – Developing Your Philosophy
Activity – Examining Your Beliefs (text) / Individual Activity –
Developing Your Philosophy
Use questions on pg. 169 as a guide / Work Day - Philosophy / Sharing – Philosophies of Education
Philosophy of Education - Due / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
March 2-6 / Complete Chapter 5 Reflection / Requirements for admission to teacher education programs
Requirements for KY Teacher licensure / Mid-term Exam Review
Info/Game / Mid-Term Exam / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
March 9-13 / Web-Quest #1 / Web-Quest #2
UNIT: The Art of Teaching
March 16-20 / Research & print content/standards for individual areas of specialization.
Discuss sequence of instructional planning:
Vertical Alignment
Pacing Guide/Course Outline
Unit Plan
Lesson Plan / Creating a Unit Plan / Writing Objectives
Bloom’s Taxonomy / Creating a lesson Plan / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
March 23-27 / Plan Cook’s Kids
Assign: Unit Plan & Lesson Plan / Chapter 9
This I Believe
Important Concepts
Read & Discuss “What is Curriculum?”
Assign: Components of the Curriculum / Discuss - Components
Assign: Forces that Influence the Curriculum / Cook’s Kids –
Easter/Spring / Discuss – Forces
Controversial Issues
March 30- April 2 / Discuss: Controversial Issues
Complete: Chapter Reflection / Work Time – Unit & Lesson Plan / Work Time – Unit & Lesson Plan / Share/Submit –
Unit & Lesson Plan
Chapter Reflection / NO SCHOOL
April 6-10 / SPRING BREAK
April 13-17 / Assessing Student Learning
-Types of Assessment / Video – Assessment
Create Sample Test Questions / Performance Based Assessment
Rubrics / Create Rubric
*Sample Test Questions & Rubric Due / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
April 20-24 / Diversity & the Classroom / Learning Styles / Exploring Instructional Strategies / Exploring Instructional Strategies / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
April 27- May 1 / Technology & the Classroom –
Guest Speaker: Laura Raganas or Hayes/McCubbin / Plan Cook’s Kids / Explore technology resources - / Cook’s Kids – End of Year Pizza Party / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
May 4-8 / Create Technology Plan / Revise/organize Portfolio / Revise/organize Portfolio / Submit Portfolio / *Complete/Submit weekly reflection
Field Placement (after submission of weekly reflection)
May 11-15
May 18-21 / Finals Week - Review/Prepare for Final Exam
Weekly Reflections- Guide
Required: (discuss each week)
- Describe YOUR roles this week! *
- Relate what you are seeing/observing in the field (STAR) with the topics that we are learning in our ED 102 class. *
Supplemental: (Discuss 1-3 each week)
- How does the teacher begin the class period to focus the attention of all students?
- How does the teacher establish a positive instructional learning environment?
- What strategies are implemented for managing students who consistently display inappropriate behavior?
- Describe any technologies that were used to facilitate learning.
- Describe the teacher’s introduction or motivation to the lesson (How did she get their attention and interest in the lesson?)
- Describe how the teacher checked for understanding throughout the lesson.
- Describe how the teacher links student’s past experiences to the current objectives.
- Describe the different activities the teacher used to present information, teach the skills, etc.
- Describe the assignments made that will enable students to practice skills or apply knowledge on their own, beyond the teacher’s observation or supervision.
- Describe the relationship the teacher has with her students.
Chapter Reflection – Guide
-Intro Paragraph
-Use Learning Outcomes to organize
-Briefly summarize each learning outcome
-How does it relate to you? Have you seen it in the classroom? How will it impact your future? - Make Connections!
-Summary/wrap up paragraph
Concept / ConnectionsBell Ringers –ED 102
Date: / Question: / Response:Chapter 11, Section 1
Define motivation, and describe the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. (p. 341)
Describe the relationship between motivation and student achievement?
Describe three factors within teachers’ control that can increase student motivation to learn.
Chapter 11, Section 2
What are the five essential steps in planning for instruction?
Planning in a standards based environment involves what additional step?
Chapter 11, Section 3
What are the essential teaching skills that all teachers should possess?
As US history students walk into their classroom, they see a large matrix comparing climate, geography and economies for the northern and southern states before the Civil War. As soon as the bell stops ringing, the teacher says, “Write a minimum of two differences each in the geography, climate, and economy columns of the chart.” Students begin, and as they’re writing, the teacher takes roll. Which of the essential teaching skills does this example best illustrate? Explain
Shirley used her cardboard “pizzas” in her review and used her “cakes” to introduce the topic of equivalent fractions. Which essential teaching skill did the use of these materials best illustrate? Explain.
Chapter 11, Section 4
How are direct instruction, lecture-discussion, guided discovery and cooperative learning similar and different?
Which phase of direct instruction is most important for ensuring successful practice? Why?
A teacher places her third graders in groups of four and gives each group magnets and a packet containing a dime, a spoon, aluminum foil, a rubber band, a wooden pencil, a paper clip and nails. She directs the groups to experiment with the magnets and items for 10 minutes, look for patterns and record these on paper. After the groups have finished, she leads a discussion in which they identify characteristics of materials that are and are not attracted to magnets. The teacher is using which strategy or strategies in her learning activity?
Chapter 5, Section 1
Define philosophy and normative philosophy, and explain how they differ from theory.
To which part of teacher professionalism is philosophy most related? Explain.
Chapter 5, Section 2
Describe each of the major branches of philosophy.
Allie said, “I’m not doing my job if I don’t get them to learn as much as possible.” This comment best illustrates which branch of philosophy? Explain your answer.
Two teachers are in a discussion, and one says, “Everything we know depends on experience. So, the key is providing lots of experiences in the classroom. If we provide them with enough experiences, they’ll learn.” To which branch of philosophy is this person’s statement most closely related? Explain your answer.
“That doesn’t quite make sense,” a teacher diplomatically comments to a colleague. “You said that your kids are so unmotivated, but last week you said that kids basically want to learn . . . Those two don’t fit. To which of the branches of philosophy is this person’s comment most closely related? Explain your answer.
Chapter 5, Section 3
What are the three major philosophies of education?
Why is personal philosophy of education important?
Describe the three essential steps involved in forming a philosophy of education.
Chapter 9, Section 1
Describe the four definitions of curriculum
How are curriculum and instruction related?
Chapter 9, Section 2
What is the difference in explicit and implicit curricula?
How is the null curricula different from both the explicit and implicit curricula?
Compare the extracurriculum to other curricula.
Chapter 9, Section 3
Identify four forces that influence the curriculum.
Look at figure 9.1 on pg. 288– How does each of the forces shown influence the curriculum?
Why is teacher professionalism so important in making curricular decisions?
Describe the concept of intelligent design, and explain how it could influence curriculum decisions.
How could issues involving censorship influence your curriculum decisions?