In the Heights Audition Sides



When auditioning for the musical, please state your name and then begin your memorized song or side. The order is up to you. Please memorize the first line and the last line of your sides- if not the entire sides. Choose a focus- you can use one of the directors or look just above us. Create a character that is believable and has physical and vocal energy. Research the style of the musical and, please, do attempt a dialect. Make creative choices in performance- don’t just read lines- be in the moment and tell a story with these words. Best Wishes!

USNAVI- owner of De La Vega Bodega. To Sonny: What did I say? Go fix the fridge. To Abuela: I ain’t wastin’ no plane ticket on this kid. I’ll be on Playa Rincon with a rum and coke. Sonny can stay here and sell Twinkies. (seeing Sonny take a soda) Hey, put that on your tab. You owe me five thousand, three hundred- (giving in) Half price. (pause) Diet. (pause) Cola Champagne. That’s my final answer.

SONNY- Usnavi’s cousin. Speaking to Usnavi:

Chillax. Why you so jealous of my skills? I’m the Robin Hood of El Barrio. (pause) So, let’s talk about that raise. Free sodas or I walk. What? Ain’t no Dominicans be drinking no diet soda! That’s it, I’m starting a union. Underage cousins of bodega workers unite!

KEVIN- Nina’s father, owner of Rosario’s Car Service. Having spent the night searching for her:

To his wife and Nina: Thank God. Where have you been? You should check your messages, I’ve been combing the streets all night looking for the two of you! Seeing Benny: I’ll say this nicely. Please stay away from my daughter. (reacting to Benny’s response) Do you think you’re anywhere close to her level? You stay out of this!

GRAFFITI PETE- an artist. Speaking to Sonny in a dark alley.

You paged me? (listens) I feel that. (sees cash and reacts) With this much cash I can hook it up. But it’ll take me all night. (agrees to the deal)

BENNY- employee of Rosario’s.

Speaking to Kevin: Hey, Boss, I’ll cover the radio. To radio: Ahem, there’s a new voice riding the heat wave today- To Kevin: I got your back. To radio: Exit fourteen, follow signs to Fort Tyron.



When auditioning for the musical, please state your name and then begin your memorized song or side. The order is up to you. Please memorize the first line and the last line of your sides- if not the entire sides. Choose a focus- you can use one of the directors or look just above us. Create a character that is believable and has physical and vocal energy. Research the style of the musical and, please, do attempt a dialect. Make creative choices in performance- don’t just read lines- be in the moment and tell a story with these words. Best Wishes!

NINA- a freshman at Stanford University. Speaking to her father and mother:

Dad, I have to just say this first. Benny’s a good person. I hope you can trust me. Mom, I’ve been thinking all day about what you said: what dad did. If you two never quit, there’s no way I’m going to. I want to go back to Stanford and finish what I started.

VANESSA- works at the Salon. Cutting off Usnavi:

I heard. I have actual stuff to deal with. And my phone didn’t ring once last night. No one cared if I was ok. The landlord saw my credit application and laughed. Out loud. (pause) Sorry about your Bodega.

CAMILA- Nina’s Mother, co-owner of Rosalio’s Car Service. Speaking to Kevin, her husband:

This is our business! I do the payroll, the banking, your chaotic papers. We worked twenty years to build this company. I worked! We are not selling Rosario’s. (pause) Dinner is over!

ABUELA CLAUDIA raised Usnavi, though not his blood grandmother. Speaking to Usnavi and to herself:

Ay, que calor. Usnavi, ooo-oo! Toma, your ham and cheese. De verdad? My memory goes two miles an hour. I’m taking a walk, I need some air. Ah! I should stop by Padre Carlo’s church and light a few candles. Usnavi, Paciencia y fe.

DANIELA- owner of Daniela’s Salon. Announcing to Nina:

Tomorrow we close that door forever and move to the Bronx! What can I do? They keep raising the rent. Now, Nina, your hair. You have to accept hair gel into your life. And your brows… come to the Bronx- free eye brow waxing. (snaps) Tweezers!