SNEA (I)/CHQ/Sr GM (P)/2012-14/199 Dated 17.06.2015.


Sh. Deb Kumar Chakrabarty(Reminder)

GM (Pers), BSNLCO,

New Delhi.

Sub: Transfer requests in the cadre of SDEs --- urgent need to consider the cases as new academic session already started and officers are facing problem to get admissions for the children reg:

Ref: SNEA (I)/CHQ/Sr GM (P)/2012-14/195 Dated 06.05. 2015.

The list of request transfers pending for long time in the Pers II section was submitted by the letter under reference above. The request transfers are normally considered in the month of March every year to facilitate the employees to shift the families and arrange admissions for the children. Anticipating transfer on a routine manner as in the past, the officers took admission in the schools also. Hence the cases of the following SDEs requested for inter circle transfers is requested to consider sympathetically and issue the orders without any delay.

Sl No / Name / HR/Staff No / Present Circle / Circle requested / Remarks
1 / Rajesh Kumar / 199506027 / INSP / HR / Working in INSP circle since 2007, requesting to HR circle on family grounds to look after 100% mentally retarded brother fully dependent on him.
2 / Subash Chander Saini / 198312433 / HR / BSNLCO / Requesting own cost transfer to BSNLCO due to wife illness and sons education grounds.
3 / Om Praksah / 199803091 / HR / BSNLCO / Requesting own cost transfer on personal grounds.
4 / Ram Niwas Kaushik / HR / NTR / Requesting own cost transfer on personal grounds.
5 / J. Prabhakaran / 199000182 / TN / KRL / Working in TN circle since last 22yrs, now requesting own cost transfer to KRL circle.
6 / Anupama Sujosh / 200205659 / TN / KRL / CGM recommended the case due to medical problems.
7 / Vijay Kr Indawar / 200203775 / WB / OR / Requesting own cost transfer on personal grounds.
8 / Smt Ramadevi / GUJ / KRL / Requesting own cost transfer on personal grounds.
9 / Landge S M / 1998307858 / WTP / ITPC. Pune / Requesting own cost transfer on personal grounds.
10 / Biju. S / 200202999 / AP / KRL / Requesting own cost transfer on personal grounds.
11 / A. Bhavani Prasad / 200201826 / CHTD / AP / Requesting own cost transfer on spouse working in Govt services at AP on own cost.
12 / Smt. M. Latha / 199701586 / WTR / CHTD / Requesting own cost transfer on medical grounds.
13 / Rameshwar Prasad / 199205774 / BSNLCO / UP West / Requesting own cost transfer on own cost.
14 / Pushpraj Singh Harit / 199202824 / UP West / BSNLCO / Requesting own cost transfer on own cost.
15 / Manoj Kumar Sinha / 199800419 / ETR / BR / Requesting own cost transfer on medical grounds.
16 / V.S. Halakude / 198308184 / KTK / MH / Requesting own cost transfer on medical grounds.
17 / Rambilas Bhagat / 200301964 / OR / CHG / Requesting own cost transfer on medical grounds.

In addition to the above, the following transfer requests also pending.

1 / K. M. Moosa / 198202446 / TN / KRL / Requesting own cost transfer for the treatment of his wife in Kerala.
2 / C. Jayashankar / TN / AP / Requesting own cost transfer as his wife is working in Andhra Pradesh.
3 / Vinod Kr Singh / 200201174 / CHG / MP / Requesting own cost transfer as mutual transfer
4 / Pushpend Singh / 200201476 / MP / CHG

With kind regards,

Sincerely Yours,

(K. Sebastin)