V4.0 29Mar17
Kings Heath Horse Show Society
Annual Spring Show
Monday 29th May 2017
Show starts at 08:00
At Tithe Barn Lane (off B4101)
Earlswood, Solihull
West Midlands, B94 5DH
Affiliated to:
BSPS 62/17
Coloured Horse and Pony Society, CHAPS (UK) No: 17063
BSPS and Chaps (UK) classes open to non-members
MIDARC UK – The National Championships
British Driving Society
Donkey Breed Society
Closing date for advance entries 26th May 2017
To find the showground follow road signs to Earlswood and then look for ‘KHHS Horse Show’ signs
All cars will be charged £3 admission
Nominated Charity for 2017:
SPEAR (Sue Pike EquineAnd Animal Rescue)
Registered Charity No: 1053351
Find us on Facebook
KINGS HEATH HORSE SHOW SOCIETY www.kingsheathhorseshow.com
President Mr V Fisher.
Vice President, Chairman and Show Manager Mr J Nash
Vice Chairman and Treasurer Mr P Johnson
Secretary Mrs S Kinchin
Committee Members Mrs K Gray, Ms J Brook, Mrs J Cartmale, Miss C Phillips, Miss S Moseley, Mrs G Sprigg, Miss L Johnson, Mr SJ Eakins, Miss K Burton
Hon Life Members Mr S Lee, Mr R Owens, Mr P Checkley, Dr J Faulkner
Health & Safety Officer Mr V Fisher
Sponsors’ Secretary Miss S Moseley
Chief Steward Miss L Johnson
Hon Auditor Hawkins & Co
WHP Course Builder and Ms Wendy Jones
Show Jumping Course Builder: Mr Chris Napier
All show horse/pony classes: £10 (unless otherwise stated below)
Donkey classes £6 Entries at the Office
Classes 34-40 in Ring 4 (£5)
Clear round jumping (Ring 6) (£2)
Lead Rein (class 56 Ring 6) and Mini Jumping (class 57 Ring 6) (£2)
Fun Classes (classes 72-86 Ring 8) (£2)
£5 Prize money will be awarded to the 1st place only of all BSPS classes.
£15 Prize money will be awarded to 1st place in driving classes 6 and 7.
No other prize money will be awarded for any classes in 2017
SHOW SECRETARY: Mrs S Kinchin, 6 Corinne Close, Rednal, B45 8EJ
Telephone: 01216037592 Mobile: 07966692376
VETERINARY ON CALL: 608 Equine and Farm Vets, 01564 783404
Class Judge
Ring 1
Jumping 1-5 Tony Hackett / James Mole
Driving 6-9 Cyndy Moreau
Ring 2
M&M in-hand 10-15 Heather Abrahall
M&M Ridden 16-22 Emma South
Ring 3
WH 23-25 Nikki Fox / Lisa Randle
BSPS WHP 26-30 Anthony Evans
M&M WHP 31-33 Anthony Evans
Ring 4
Best Turned Out 34 Katie Attenborrow
Best Rider 35-36 Katie Attenborrow
Family Horse/Pony 37 Katie Attenborrow
Best Riding/Pony Club Pony 38 Katie Attenborrow
Best Riding/Pony Club Horse 39 Katie Attenborrow
Best Yearling, 2&3 year old 40 Katie Attenborrow
Donkey Classes 41-45 Julie Boyce
Ring 5
WH 24 (contd from R3) Nikki Fox / Lisa Randle
Open Cob 47 Nikki Fox / Lisa Randle
Sporthorse / Arab 48-52 Nikki Fox / Lisa Randle
Veteran 53-54 Jane Coley
Best Rescued 55 Jane Coley
Ring 6
Clear Round Jumping Laura Johnson
LR & Mini Jumping 56, 57 Laura Johnson
Ring 7
BSPS L/R & First Ridden 58, 59 Russ Owens
BSPS Show Pony 60-62 Russ Owens
BSPS SHP 63-67 Russ Owens
Ring 8
Coloured 68-71 Sarah Friswell
Fun Classes & Fancy Dress 72-86 Jane Coley and Jayne Cartmale
Mini Championship Chris Phillips
Intermediate Championship Russ Owens
Supreme Championship TBC
Dog Show Clare Smith
Open Lead Rein, First Ridden, Show Pony, SHP, WHP, Cradle Stakes, Nursery Stakes, Int SRT, SH, WH and Heritage M&M Lead Rein, First Ridden, Ridden & WHP This show is a qualifier for the B.S.P.S. “Classic Security UK” Challenge. Animals must qualify for the Challenge by attending any B.S.P.S. affiliated Show and competing in the appropriate class.
Ponies must not have qualified for the 2017 Horse of The Year Show in the appropriate class.
This show is a qualifier for the “B.S.P.S. Premier League”, the 1st. 2nd. 3rd. & 4th placed
ponies in the Lead Rein and First Ridden,128cms., 138cms. and 148cms. Show Pony, Lead
Rein Hunter Type, 122cms., 133cms., 143cms. and 153cms. Show Hunter Pony, Cradle and
Nursery Stakes, 133cms., 143cms. and 153cms. Working Hunter Pony, Intermediate Show
Riding, Show Hunter and Working Hunter classes and the Open Heritage Lead Rein, First
Ridden, Open Heritage Ridden Small, A& B & C & D’s and Large Breeds and the Open
Heritage WHP classes, and 1st to 4th in Mixed Height Open Classes.
This show is a qualifier for the B.S.P.S. Champion of Champions and Schedules must
state:- This Show is a qualifier for the B.S.P.S. Champion of Champions, the Champion Mini
Show Pony, the Champion Mini WHP, the Champion Open Show Pony, the Champion Open
WHP/WH., the Champion Open SHP the Champion Open Intermediate. In Mixed height
classes the first prize winner will qualify.
This show is a qualifier for the B.S.P.S “Black Country Saddles” Best Rider of the Year
The Best Rider in the Open Lead Rein, First Ridden, Open Lead Rein Hunter Type, 128cms.
138cms. and 148cms. Show Pony, the 122cms. 133cms. 143cms. and 153cms. SHP., the
Cradle and Nursery Stakes, the 133cms. 143cms. and 153cms. WHP., the Intermediate Show
Riding Type, Show Hunter, Working Hunter classes and Open Heritage Lead Rein, First
Ridden and to the best rider 25years and under in the Heritage Ridden and WHP classes will
receive a Card and qualify for the final at the B.S.P.S. Summer Championships Show.
This Show is a qualifier for the 2017 B.S.P.S. Championships Show, to be held at Arena UK.
The 1st and 2nd prize winners only in the following classes: 28, 29, 30, 31, 58, 59, 65, 66 and
the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize-winners in the Open Intermediate S.R.T.(including Mixed height)
W.H. and S.H.T. and C.S. will qualify, in MIXED HEIGHT CLASSES the 1st. 2nd. 3rd. and
4th. placed ponies will qualify for the B.S.P.S. Championships Show, provided the animal is
registered in accordance with Rules 23 and 28 and ridden by a B.S.P.S. member.
B.S.P.S (Open to Non-Members)
This show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society (“B.S.P.S”) and all persons entering, competing, showing or otherwise taking part in B.S.P.S classes whether or not members of the B.S.P.S are subject to the Rules of the B.S.P.S, including the disciplinary procedures and
shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the B.S.P.S.
This show is affiliated to The Coloured Horse & Pony Society (UK). Affiliation No.17063.
Both owner and the rider/exhibitor need not be a member of CHAPS (UK) nor must the horse or pony be registered with CHAPS (UK) to compete. However in order to Qualify both Owner and Rider/Exhibitor need to be a current showing member and present their valid Qualifier card IN THE RING for signing by the judge.
Members to apply in writing to CHAPS (UK) for appropriate qualifier card.
The CHAPS (UK) Championship Show will be held on 31st August-2nd September 2017. Shows held on or after the Postal Entry closing date of Championship Show will count as 2018 qualifiers.
The following classes are CHAPS (UK) Qualifiers: 68, 69, 70 and 71. For full rulings and information on competition/qualification, please refer to the CHAPS (UK) Members' Handbook; or visit www.chapsuk.com for rulings.
All stallions, 4 years old and over entering these classes must be graded with CHAPS (UK). All stallions must wear Stallion ID Discs in the ring without exception.
This Show is affiliated to Equifest, taking place at the East of England Showground on the 9th – 13th August 2017.. The two highest exhibits not already qualified in each affiliated class will qualify. Qualification cards will no longer be sent to the Show Secretary. Instead it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to have a qualification card before entering the show and getting this signed by either the Judge, Steward or Show Secretary at the time of qualification. Qualification cards will be sent out free of charge to exhibitors on request.
Classes 10-13, 16-22, 24, 28-30, 47-49, 52, 45-48, 58-60, 62, 63, 65-67.
This show is affiliated to MIDARC UK and runs qualifiers for the National Championships
- full details may be viewed at www.midarc.co.uk
Classes: 1 - 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24-32, 34-39, 47- 49, 51-52 , 68-71, 58-60, 63 65, 66, 61, 64.
This show is affiliated to the Donkey Breed Society and includes pre-qualifiers for the Donkey Breed Society Supreme Championship show to be held on 19/20 August 2017 at Moreton Morrell.
The Donkey Breed Society Supreme Championship Show is open to any donkey whatever its breeding (known or unknown), colour, conformation, height and age. We do not currently have classes for foals. Our only criteria are that the donkey must be in good health and owned by a member of the Donkey Breed Society.
1. The Committee reserves the right to cancel or alter the rotation of events.
2. Any protest (which must be made in writing by an exhibitor or representative stating the particulars and precise nature of the objection) must be deposited with the Secretary within one hour of the event and must be accompanied by a deposit of £25 which will be forfeited if in the opinion of the committee the objection proved frivolous.
3. Horses/ponies/donkeys will be considered as being in the sole charge of their exhibitor/rider/owner. Owners must ensure that they have full and current public liability insurance to cover any damage, loss or injury caused by their animals/ riders/ vehicle/ equipment.
4. The Society will not be responsible for any damage, loss or injury to spectators or animals owing to accident or any other cause.
5. Personal safety: riders must wear appropriate safety helmets which must meet current standards. If in doubt see BSPS website. Helmets must be properly fitted, solid and unbroken. Helmets to be worn at all times when mounted. Appropriate riding footwear must also be worn.
6. Riders birth certificates/pony height certificates may be required and the Committee reserves the right to inspect these from winners in the classes where an age limit or height limit is specified. Prize money will be withheld where competitors refuse to comply.
7. Should any questions arise either upon the forgoing rules and regulations or upon any other matter connected with the show it shall be referred to the Committee whose decision shall be final. The Committee shall have the power to refuse any entry or cancel any entry which has been made.
8. All Dogs must be kept on leads and be under control at all times
9. If your dog fouls, you must clean it up immediately
10. Horses, ponies or donkeys should not be left tied up unattended to any horse box, trailer, or by any other similar means.
Competitors are asked to note that Cups and Trophies are owned at all times by the Kings Heath Horse Show Society. Where cups and trophies are won by class winners, the cup/trophy is then loaned to the class winner until the day of the show in the following year.
If class winners or their parents choose to take a cup/trophy away from the show, they are agreeing to accept responsibility for its safe keeping and return. They must ensure that the cup/trophy is adequately insured/protected against theft/damage or loss. Please note that the replacement value of some cups is in excess of £400. All damage will be charged for at cost. Also, if cups/trophies are removed from the showground, winning competitors (or their parents) are agreeing to return the cups/trophies (in the same condition that they were awarded) to the show secretary at least four weeks before the 2018 show. Failure to return cups by that date will be subject to a £50 fine plus the cost of replacing the cup.
Competitors are asked to note that where Cups and Trophies are shown in the schedule, the KHHS Committee will take all possible steps to ensure that these trophies are available for award on the day of the show. However, past experience shows that cups and trophies are sometimes not returned on time by the previous year’s winner. In this case it may not be possible to present trophies as shown in the schedule.
All competitors winning cups/trophies (or their parents if under 18) will be required to sign a receipt accepting their obligations as detailed above. Cups/trophies will only be handed to class winners and/or their parents.
9:00 am RING 1.
Entries in Classes 1 – 5 are open to both ponies (14.2hh and under) and horses and riders of any age. Horses and ponies will jump concurrently but will be judged separately.
Class 1 Novice Jumping 1’9” – 2’
For a combination of pony/horse and rider This class will have no fillers and will be poles only. Single phase.
Please note: This class is aimed at NOVICES. Please be fair to other competitors and do not enter this class if the pony/horse and rider combination has been placed first three times or more in the current or previous years.
Competitors entering this class will only be permitted to enter classes 2 and 3.
Sponsored by: Earlswood Equine
Class 2 2’3” Jumping
LEO CRAVEN MEMORIAL CUP awarded to winning Junior (age 16 or under) rider.
Single phase.
Sponsored by: Richard & Anne Craven
Class 3 2’6” Jumping
ROSEBANK PERPETUAL TROPHY awarded to winning Junior(age 16 or under)
Rider. Single phase.
Sponsored by: Rosebank Saddlery, 01564 822112
Class 4 2’9” Jumping
Junior or Senior Riders with Horses or Ponies may enter this class but the WEST
MIDLANDS TROPHY will only be awarded to the winning Senior rider on a
HORSE. Single phase.
Sponsored by: Jamesons Tyre Company, Tim 07917085837