Vice Minutes from August 12th,2010
Via Teleconference
Attendees: Celeste Kane-Stebbins, Cathy Pearse, Deb Hastings, Barb Byrne
joining in progress: Cathy Tallen and Wendy Cornwell
Meeting Minutes from May and July: Approval tabled for lack of quorum.
Treasurer's Report: No report available as Carol is out on leave.
NNSDO Update: Celeste shared that NNSDO has received our bylaws for review. They have not requested any further material or posed any questions at this point so we are just waiting for a response.
Website Update: No update available at this time.
Vice Brochure/Reunion: Cathy reported that she has not received any feedback from the “older” members of VICE. She will try to connect with Linda Menzinger again. Susan Boyer is another member who might be able to provide information as well as Irene Bise and Cindy Richardson. Cathy and Celeste will reach out to these members. A suggestion was made to invite them to one of our “live” meetings.
Fall Meeting: William Garrity, Medical Librarian, DHMC will be the guest speaker at our September meeting. He will speak on copyright laws. Celeste suggested that we meet at the Chef's Table in Montpelier. She will contact the restaurant regarding availability. Discussion that we meet at 0930 and conduct our business meeting prior to the presentation. The agenda for the meeting will also include educational planning for the coming year.
Round Table Discussion: Several members shared educational opportunities that will be occurring at their facilities:
June 6/7,2011-Two day course to prepare to sit for the Professional Development Certification Exam
this will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott in Lebanon,NH—some discussion followed whether
VICE should sponsor the activity versus sponsor members to attend. Several members expressed interest in attending
October 4/5,2010 -Preceptor Workshop at the VA in White River Junction
October 8-,2010 -EI Leadership workshop at the VA presented by Anne Walker
October 12th,2010--Riding the Wave of Change also at the VA
October 8,,9,and 10th-Informatics Workshop at DHMC—check their website for more information
Brattleboro working on presenting Healthier Living Workshops
Members discussed that it would be nice if we could post all these on the VICE page on the VNIP website but it was also noted that this site has not been updated for many months.
Next Meeting: September 9th –location to be announced by Celeste after checking availability of Chefs Table in Montpelier at 0930.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Byrne