Youth First Commissioning 2017
Message from Mervyn Kaye, CEO
In June 2016, Youth First was established as an employee and youth owned and run mutual to deliver youth provision in Lewisham. This took over from the previously council run youth service in September 2016. As a social enterprise, all of Youth First’s profits are reinvested to further achieve our organisation’s objects.
To ensure the very best provision for Lewisham young people we are committed to work in partnership with the voluntary sector, including continuing a level of commissioning. This is specifically to facilitate delivery where we do not have our own reach or expertise.
At our commencement we novated all of Lewisham’s youth service commissioned provision. These contracts ran until March 17. A number of these contracts were then extended until August 2017 to allow us to bring the September 2017 to August 2019 commissioning cycle in line with our own Lewisham contract.
We are now inviting bids against a number of priority areas. These have been developed in reference to our own vision and mission and the requests within our contract with Lewisham as well asrobust research to identify the needs and wants of young people in Lewisham.
Please find within this pack the list of available specifications and the application process which we are using to determine the capability and quality of providers.
We look forward to hearing from you, and working with you in the future.
All the best,
Mervyn Kaye
CEO Youth First
Message from Mervyn Kaye, CEO
Areas We Serve
Guidance to Compete This Form
Available Tenders
Minimum Standards for Your Service
Minimum Standards for Your Service
MS1 Governance and Operations
MS2 Describe what you will deliver
MS3 Why your service is worthwhile for young people
MS4 Location of Provision
MS5 Your budget
MS6 Involving Young People
MS7 Keeping Young People Safe
MS8 Engaging with Staff and Volunteers
MS9 Communication Strategy
MS10 Working in Partnership
Tenderer’s Contacts and Signature Page
Areas We Serve
Guidance to Compete This Form
Dear Applicant,
Youth First is pleased to invite you to submit an application to tender for one of 10 contracts for youth service provision. The invitation to tender is open beginning14 June. Applications are due no later than noon on Friday 14 July 2017. Applications must be completed electronically and will only be accepted via email, sent to rtunately, late applications cannot be considered.
Applictions will be shortlisted based on:
- Have you met the minimum standards – applications that do not will not be considered further.
- Scoring against method statements based on 60% value/40% quality. We have labelled each method statement with the percentage of score below.
If shortlisted, you may be invited to interview with young people from the borough on July 25th or July 26th. Organisations are welcome to submit applications for as many tenders as they wish. Only one application is permitted per email.
It is important that your answers are clear and concise. Do not leave any questions blank. Instead, include areas you are working towards, and or give explanations why an area may not be appropriate.Answers on this form should be completed using a minimum of font size 11.
Please attach any additional documents within the same email as your application, and clearly mark which method statement they refer to at the top of each page. Attachments should be vaild within one calendar year, using completed examples rather than blank templates.
Youth First strongly advises applicants redact any sensitive information within your application. We will protect your confidentiality, and destroy it after 7 years. Should you choose to withdraw your application, please inform Janette Burklund in writing via email as soon as possible.
By submitting an application, you are consenting to full participation in the tendering process including matters related to vetting, site visits, background checks, contracting and onboarding processes. Typing your name constitutes your electronic signature.
By submitting your application, you also consent to its transmission to third parties for the purpose of the administration, evaluation and management, and for the purpose of preparing reports that may be required by government agencies. It is your responsibility to update Youth First regarding any contact updates or changes to your information during the tendering process.
Your service should attract a cohort of young people who attend regularly, in order to benefit from strong relationships with qualified youth workers and from structured activities that build capabilities and life skills. The service should also signpost to external agencies to ensure early intervention and successful meeting of young people’s needs.
Young people are the focal point of everything we do. We are driven by quality, and are constantly looking to innovate and improve on each and every activity we undertake, whether small, large or complex. We work in partnership with others to deliver a vibrant range of activities and support young people to achieve the skills they need to become happy, healthy and successful adults.
Guidance Continued
To support this vision, we continue to drive the development and attainment of 9 key capabilities in the young people we serve. We will measure the success of your service or project in part, through these capabilities. Your project will not need to achieve every capability listed. Instead, we would like to learn which of these capabilities best match your service delivery, and can be measurably attained among the young people you serve.
Capabilities for young people:
- Managing feelings: Understanding their own feelings, and being able to regulate and reflect on them.
- Resilience and determination: Feeling that they have a sense of purpose that motivates them and encourages resilience and determination.
- Making the most of London: Being able to take advantage of the opportunities around them, including those outside Lewisham.
- Confidence and aspiration: Having high aspirations and confidence in their ability to achieve and make positive choices.
- Planning and problem solving:Being able to plan and problem solve effectively, setting their own goals and analysing situations to reach their own judgements.
- Relationships and leadership:Developing positive relationships, including the ability to emphasise, accept differences and manage conflict successfully.
- Creativity: Having an open mind towards new ideas so that they can imagine and develop new ways of doing things.
- Strengthening citizenship: Taking pride in their community as positive and active citizens of Lewisham, able to become future leaders.
- Communication: Being confident in expressing themselves in different ways, sharing their views and listening to others.
Commissioning is a cyclical process. During the life of the contract, successful applicants will be evaluated and monitored. Results of service reviews will inform further opportunities of improvement, and will help shape our contribution to youth service delivery in Lewisham. By submitting your application, you agree to provide the service in the way set out in the method statements, if contracted with Youth First.
We wish you success in your application and look forward to working with you.
Kind regards,
Janette Burklund
We welcome your questions, comments and feedback on this process.
Which Tender Are You Applying For?
About Your Organisation
- Your Organisational Information
(The address where your organisation’s office is based and where correspondence should be sent)
Organisation’s Name:
Main Phone: Mobile:
Person Completing This Document:
Full Name:
Main Phone: Mobile:
- Your Organisation’s Contacts (Two contacts are required)
Full Name:
Main Phone: Mobile:
Email address:
Full Name:
Main Phone: Mobile:
Email address:
About Your Organisation Continued
- Persons legally responsible for the provisions of this potential contract:
Full Name / Position held / Organisation’s Name,
Address and Phone
- Company and or Charity Registration Number (if applicable):
5.Declaration of Interests
Please detail below any connection between your organisation, its employees, Trustees, Directors, Board Members, Associates (or any of their relatives)and Youth First or Lewisham Council. Declarations will be treated in confidence and will be reviewed by a designated panel who will assess if appropriate measures can be put in place to mitigate any potential conflicts of interests.
Available Tenders
1) Youth Club (Lewisham Town Centre)£55,000 per year (£110,000)
A universal access youth club delivered in the Lewisham Central ward and focused mainly on engaging young people living or schooling in Area 2 (Blackheath, Crofton Park,Ladywell, Lee Green, Lewisham Central,Rushey Green). Delivering youth club provision 3 evenings per week during term time and a daytime holiday offer during all school holidays (which may attract a small charge). This should be delivered in Lewisham Town Centreor as near as possible, and offer provision on Saturday evenings (this has been reflected in the funding allocation).
- 3evenings per week during term time and holiday provision (holidays chargeable)
- Main Catchment Area: Lewisham Town Centre
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number young people per year: 300
- Expected number regular members (attending 8times or moreover a 3 month period): 100
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
- To include aSaturdayevening session
2) Youth Club (Lee & Hither Green Area)£48,000 per year (£96,000)
A universal access youth club delivered in the Lee Green ward and focused mainly on engaging young people living or schooling in Area 2 (Blackheath, Crofton Park,Ladywell, Lee Green, Lewisham Central,Rushey Green). Delivering youth club provision 3 evenings per week during term time and a daytime holiday offer during all school holidays (which may attract a small charge).
- 3 evenings per week during term time and holiday provision (holidays chargeable)
- Main Catchment Area: Lee and Hither Green
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number young people per year: 300
- Expected number regular members (attending 8 times+ over a 3 month period): 100
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
3) Youth Club (WhitefootDownham Area) £80,000 per year (£160,000)
A universal access youth club delivered in the Whitefoot/Downham wards, and focused mainly onengaging young people living or schooling in Area 3 (Catford South, Downham, Grove Park and Whitefoot). Delivering youth club provision 5 evenings per week during term time, and a daytime holiday offer during all school holidays (which may attract a small charge).
- 5 evenings per week during term time and holiday provision (holidays chargeable)
- Main Catchment Area: Downham and Whitefoot
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number young people per year: 300
- Expected number regular members (attending 8 times+ over a 3 month period): 100
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
Available Tenders Continued
4) Youth Club (Grove Park Area)£48,000 per year (£96,000)
A universal access youth club delivered in the Grove Park ward, and focused mainly on engaging young people living or schooling in Area 3 (Catford South, Downham, Grove Park and Whitefoot). Delivering youth club provision 3 evenings per week during term time and a daytime holiday offer during all school holidays (which may attract a small charge).
- 3 evenings per week during term time and holiday provision (holidays chargeable)
- Main Catchment Area: Grove Park
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number young people per year: 300
- Expected number regular members (attending 8 times+ over a 3 month period): 100
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
5) Youth Club (North Downham Area)£48,000 per year (£96,000)
A universal access youth club delivered in the Whitefoot/Catford South wards (North Downham), and focused mainly on engaging young people living or schooling in Area 3 (Catford South, Downham, Grove Park and Whitefoot). Delivering youth club provision 3 evenings per week during term time and a daytime holiday offer during all school holidays (which may attract a small charge).
- 3 evenings per week during term time and holiday provision (holidays chargeable)
- Main Catchment Area: North Downham (Catford South and North Whitefoot)
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number young people per year: 300
- Expected number regular members (attending 8 times+ over a 3 month period): 100
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
6) The Youth First Football League£30,000 per year (£60,000)
Football coaching and training a total of 5 nights per week, taking placeacross each of our 4 areas for young people aged 8-19. If you wish to use our sites, this will be at no cost according to availability.Training should be centred around having fun, developing young people’s skills, and enabling the formation of teams identifiable to those locations. In addition, you will facilitate weekend matches between these teams in a Borough-wide Youth First league.We are open to this being divided into sessions and teams by gender and age.
- 5 evenings per week plus weekend matches taking place across our 4 areas
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number of young people per year: To be negotiated
- Expected number regular members (attending 8 times+ over a 3 month period): TBN
- Expected average number young people per session: TBN
Available Tenders Continued
7) Identity and Sexual Health Workshops£8,000 per year (£16,000)
28 workshops per year delivered within our directly delivered and commissioned youth clubs/APGs for c.30 young people aged 14+ per workshop. Plus 1 youth worker training session on supporting young people with exploring sexuality and gender.
The workshops should be fun and informative enabling young people to understand LGBTQ issues, develop their tolerance, reduce homophobia and promote additional support routes/signposting to these where required.
- 28 workshops per year delivered within our youth clubs/APGs taking place across our 4 areas
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number of young people per year: 840
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
8) Youth First Recording Studios and Open Mic Sessions£10,000 per year (£20,000)
Youth First owns 2 recording studios. One at TNG and one at Woodpecker. We are looking for a provider to offer regular sessions in these studios for young people as well as maximising their overall use outside of the paid contract. The studios hold around 4-6 young people each however we are leaving it up to the provider to decide how best to offer sessions and therefore will negotiate the number of overall young people who benefit from this contract.
Sessions should enable young people to develop increasing skills using the music equipment, including work towards achieving recognised music accreditation.Where possible, young people should be introduced to the avenues for a career in music through meeting industry professionals, work experience and visits and/or talks from music industry professionals.
Work in the studio should be focused around delivery of 4 open mic/showcases where young people can safely promote their music, with release of music on a youth first label focused on an annual album.
The provider should also look to increase access/use of the studio at other times funded through charging for sessions.
It is vital that providers ensure content from the studio meets safeguarding, anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies, and develop an informed and positively empowered sense of identitieswithin the young people.
c.18 hours delivery per term time week split across two recording studios (Woodpecker/TNG) for young people aged 8 – 19, although this could be split into age specific sessions. Plus 4 open mic/showcases per year (2 at TNG Youth Club, 1 at Deptford Adventure Playground, 1 at Woodpecker Youth Club).
- 5 evenings per week plus weekend matches taking place at the above areas
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number of young people per year: To be negotiated
Available Tenders Continued
9) Workshops to Enable Young People to Stay Safe£8,000 per year (£16,000)
Workshops to empower young people with the skills and information to stay safe with a focus on tackling the causes of serious youth violence and knife carrying and helping young people understand their rights and responsibilities.
28 workshops per year delivered within our directly delivered and commissioned youth clubs/APGs for c.30 young people aged 14+ per workshop. Plus 1 youth worker training session for Youth First and partners on how to support young peopleto stay safe.
The workshops should enable young people to understand the issues around youth violence and the dangers of carrying a knife and how to avoid becoming involved with organised crime and exploitation.
They should develop young people’s resilience and promote additional support routes/signposting where required.
- 5 evenings per week plus weekend matches taking place across our 4 areas
- Age Range: 8 - 19 years (up to 25 with SEND)
- Expected number of young people per year: 840
- Expected average number young people per session: 30
10) Multi-Arts Performance Workshops£15,000 per year (£30,000)
Multi art workshops (dance, singing, drama, costume/scenery design) focused around producing 2 shows per year (1 North Lewisham eg. Riverside, 1 South Lewisham eg. TNG).
Workshops should be 1.5 hours each for a min. 15 young people per session with the expectation of 2 sessions each term time week in the north and south of Lewisham. (72 sessions in total for 60 young people per week)
During the year young people should be given the opportunity to experience professional performances and where possible contacts with industry professionals to learn about career options in the arts.