Questions? Contact Susan Lucas ()


  1. Research the titles below online (amazon is a good site for reviews) and obtain a copy of ONE of the books; an

inexpensive used book is fine.

  1. Complete 50 one-sentence insightful annotations throughout the book, either handwritten in the text or on post-its stuck tothe pages. Annotations must be from the entire book (not just the first half). If you use separate paper, write or type the page number, the passage you are referencing, and your annotation.
  1. You will be graded on (a) your annotations and (b) your discussion of the book with your teacher. Students who complete

the assignment will receive 100 of 100 points. There is no partial credit. This is an excellent opportunity to keep your reading sharp over the summer and to start the semester with an A-plus major grade.

Rationale:We willconnect the problems, challenges and issues exposed in our AP works of fiction to the Global Health problems, challenges and issues found in the world today. Reading during the summer will allow us to start talking, collaborating and creatively approaching these works when the semester begins.

Examples of superficial and insightful annotations:

A superficial annotation merely summarizes the information or gives a simple reaction. An insightful annotation is a sentence or

two in which you thoughtfully respond to the text. You may comment, analyze, explain, question, or connect the text to other

works of literature, current events, or real life.

Superficial: Gladwell (the author) begins the introduction with a quote.

Insightful: All the people were dying of old age, but nothing else? What about diseases?

Superficial: Gladwell (the author) gives two definitions of “outliers.”

Insightful: I guess “outlier” means to lie outside the normal; an AP student is an outlier.

Superficial: Gladwell (the author) writes about the health of Italians.

Insightful: The people remind me of the half-hour TV ads for workout programs. Do they do those?

Choose ONE (both relate to our status as a Magnet School of Medical Sciences and Global Health Initiatives

Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks


Kidder, Tracy. Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer; a Man Who Would Cure The World

Please contact me with any questions you may have about the work you choose to read. I look forward to class! 