DreamweaverDSM / Proseminar 2007
(have Internet browser already open)
go to test page (link on course page): copy html code shown (highlight; Ctlr-c)
to Dreamweaver: switch to Code view; paste (Ctrl-v)
-- switch back to Design view
Now edit: change title (your homepage), name, a bit about yourself…
Enter vs. Shift-Enter
-- note editing pane (below):
format: heading size
bold, italics; bulleted lists; indent (works as in Word)
-- note editing pane changes according to task on screen
Email address: recommend delete or reconfigure, eg., (at) instead of @
Add to bulleted list, e.g.:
Proseminar - one of my current English courses
Add link:
Example Table:
Essays for Engl 5**October 2 / Essay 1:
October 30 / Essay 2:
November 27 / Essay 3:
Create Table as above. 4 rows; 2 columns
Border: 1; Cell Padding and Spacing = 4
-- merge cells in first row for heading (highlight two cells; Modify, Table, Merge)
Save this file: to MyWebpages as index.htm (not homepage.html as advised)
Website Setup:
Putty. Note: you’ll only need to do this once (now).
– enter your ID and password;
At prompt type:
mkdir public_html
fs setacl . webservers l
fs setacl public_html webservers rl
type exit to close
WinSCP login. (This you will need to do often)
Check Preferences: you want Norton Commander style
Stored sessions: GPU
-- enter ID and password; Login
Locate MyWebpages on left (local directory); Public_html on right (server)
-- copy index.htm – click, drag and drop
Exit: press F10
Web authoring, continued.
Note: Open WinSCP and copy your document(s) back to local directory for editing in Dreamweaver.
Create new document; include link back to homepage
Link to it from homepage
-- to open in new window, Target = “_blank”
Insert graphic (note editing pane changes);
-- size picture dynamically if needed; create link to itself
-- keep original pictures to within 800 x 600 or smaller
Insert named anchor (destination link to elsewhere on current page), Ctrl-Alt-A, enter name (anything you like)
-- Departure link: #name
To jump to a location within another file, link: file.htm#name
Page properties:
-- title
-- background colour
(please don’t use black or similar in any documents for this course!)
Tables: Note can be used to help control graphic layout (invisible: Border = 0)
Continue editing;
Review in local browser before you save to public area
Primary purpose of your homepage this term: to feature your work for the Proseminar; but use it for anything else you wish, provided this feature remains clear.
I’ll provide a list of links to students’ homepages.