Subject: CBUA 2014 Bulletin #2
CBUA Umpires,
First of all, it was good seeing so many of you in Dallas a few weeks ago. Of the 400 umpires at that meeting, approximately 350 of them were CBUA members. For those of you I didn't get to visit with individually, I'm sorry, particularly some of the CBUA members new to Conference-USA--we decided to forego that conference meeting as the materials had not been delivered from the conference office. I know we also had quite a few CBUA umpires attend the California meeting two weeks ago, a strong showing of umpires last weekend at the Atlanta meeting and a large number of you heading to Philly this coming Saturday. CBUA members have always shown strong attendance at NCAA meetings and, even during this unusual year where we do not have a midwest meeting option, our presence continues. In a few weeks the final attendance list for all sites will be forwarded to conference commissioners and conference coordinators. Conferences at all levels, and particularly at the D-I level, carefully review those lists and expect to see the names of their umpires. For those of you who like to plan well in advance--my best guess is that our NCAA meeting next year will likely be in Chicago (haven't received a date yet) so we will likely also have an extra CBUA-sponsored education session in conjunction with that meeting like we have had in years past.
Speaking of the NCAA . . . about a month ago I sent a mass to email to all CBUA umpires requesting that you contact me if you had not received your package with your Rule Book and CCA Manual. As Dave Yeast explained on behalf of the NCAA and Arbiter in a follow-up email, there was a glitch between Arbiter and Fed Ex relative to some of the individual shipments. If you've alerted me at any time directly at my email address () that you had not received your package, I immediately alerted Dave Yeast/NCAA/Arbiter. With the exception of a handful of new CBUA members who have joined in the last two weeks, all CBUA members have had their dues paid in full (for over two months now) for their NCAA registration. Translation=if you still have not received your package with your Rule Book and CCA Manual, email me immediately--I will be relentless on your behalf. If you have received your package, no need to inform me--right now I'm focused on making sure all of our umpires have what we've already paid for on their behalf.
Another benefit of NCAA registration is an electronic gift certificate from Honigs. Those individual gift certificate numbers were emailed last Friday to all registered umpires. If for any reason you didn't get your email, contact Honigs directly at734-761-2244and ask for Aaaron Frame or Bill Hoseney.
More from the NCAA . . . as explained at the NCAA meetings you need to mark February 10 on your calendar--that is the due date to complete the 2014 NCAA Online Rules Test. You'll have two opportunities to attain a passing grade of 85%. Those scores are also reported to all conference commissioners and conference coordinators. The test will go live on the NCAA Central Hub Page on January 27th. For those of you interested in NCAA post season, you also need to complete your Sports Wagering Questionnaire and Background Check Form. FYI--I am not the NCAA--for questions about the test or any other NCAA-related concerns, please contact Gene McArtor.
A few CBUA-specific updates . . . assigning will continue throughout the end of the season . . . with weather issues, umpire injuries and cancellations, etc., there will be opportunities for assignments--please keep your availability updated on CBUA Arbiter. Also, to ensure timely payment, most conferences/schools are requiring your SS number--make sure it is on Arbiter--those of you who have only put the final four digits in the system will likely have your game pay delayed--I will not babysit this issue--you need to keep your roster entry and availability updated and accurate. All umpires please NOTE: when there is a change to a game you've already accepted (i.e. site change, time change, etc.) and you are notified through Arbiter, you need to go in and reaccept--this is our way of knowing that you know about the change.

CBUA uniform specifics are noted on our informational web site (no password needed for our CBUA Central Hub Page). Please visit: Honigs in Ann Arbor has CBUA hats in stock(734-761-2244). A few conference specific answers to previous questions follows: Big 12 hats, etc. are in stock at Honigs SW--contact CBUA umpire Doug Williams at Honigs SW (note to Big 12 umpires--the conference will be changing logos next year--at that point (2015) we will likely go with the standard CBUA uniform and a Big 12 hat with their new logo. C-USA hats are in stock at Honigs SW--contact CBUA umpire Doug Williams at Honigs SW. MVC hats are in stock--contact Honigs in Ann Arbor. AAC (new conference for 2014) will wear the standard CBUA uniform and hat, as will the Big Ten Conference, Horizon League, Mid-American Conference and Summit League. All conferences/leagues below the D-I level wear the standard CBUA uniform unless you are specifically directed differently by your assignor.
Big 12 Umpires--NOTE: Physical forms are available on our CBUA Central Hub--that form is due to me prior to your first conference game--if you have an updated physical form from another conference or another sport, that is also acceptable to the Big 12--get it to me. You are responsible for making your own travel plans in the Big 12 (we do not use a conference travel agency). On the day following your series, email me a summary of your expenses (i.e. flight, baggage, rental car/gas, etc.) and then email or mail your receipts within a week. When all members of your crew have emailed their expenses to me, I will enter everything into PayOGFE for check processing--I cannot submit for payment until all series umpire's information is entered. Umpires new to the Big 12--PayOGFE registration instructions are on our CBUA Central Hub Page.
CUSA Umpires--NOTE: You should have received an email from CUSA Associate Commissioner Alfred White two weeks ago with several attachments. Please submit your physical form and your contract directly to the CUSA Office. If you have an updated physical form from another conference or another sport, that is acceptable to CUSA--send it to the CUSA office. CUSA does use a conference travel agency for flights, rental cars, etc.--please contact them directly and make sure you get 21-day advanced airfare for any series you are flying to.
AAC and Big Ten Umpires--NOTE: You are responsible for your own travel plans and your expenses will come out of your total compensation. AAC schools are to provide individual hotel rooms for two nights. Big Ten schools do not provide rooms (hopefully, this will be added for 2015).
Please note that compensation information is on our CBUA Central Hub Page. (Not noted on the page, as it was just confirmed--Notre Dame will be paying a flat game fee of $400 for non-con games.)
More information will be forthcoming as the season approaches. Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns.
Rich Fetchiet
CBUA Coordinator of Baseball Umpires