Application of Modeling and Simulation for Department of Defense Acquisition Programs21 March 2000

Office of the Secretary of Defense
Washington, DC 20301

Memorandum for: See Distribution / Mar 21 2000
Subject: / Application of Modeling and Simulation for Department of Defense Acquisition Programs

One of our top priorities is to reduce the costs and cycle times required to field new weapon systems. Today, the DoD averages 15 to 20 years to design, develop, and field a new weapon system. Although we have a remarkable track record in fielding world-class systems that help ensure our warfighters are the best equipped in the world, we find that there are many inefficiencies in our processes. Those of us involved in the acquisition and T&E of new systems owe it to both the taxpayer and the warfighter to do better. Thus, we have stressed that we must make better use of modeling and simulation (M&S) to improve the acquisition process, reduce costs, enhance T&E, and shorten the development times for our new systems. We are convinced that efficient use of M&S throughout the system life cycle will net great dividends in efficiencies.

We call your attention to the Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation (JADS) Joint Test and Evaluation program. JADS has been an honest broker in determining where advanced distributed simulation (ADS) has utility for improving our test and evaluation (T&E) and acquisition processes. They have found that ADS is an enabling technology that allows us to link together real assets to perform improved, improved, more rigorous testing of our systems. The ability to link early prototypes of our systems into a larger, more demanding environment will allow us to identify problems with our systems earlier, when they are less costly to fix. Additionally, ADS serves as a valid tool for working many of the interoperability problems that have plagued us for so many years.

We highly encourage you to take advantage of the information tools, methodologies, and lessons learned compiled by this program. Put it to work and use ADS to enhance your T&E and acquisition programs. Additionally, target your infrastructure investments to provide the needed interoperability to link our key ranges and facilities, and thus capitalize on this superb capability. We look forward to learning how you plan to use this technology when working with us on your Test and Evaluation Master Plans and periodic Defense Acquisition Executive reviews.

To obtain this material, you can visit JADS’ website which will be maintained until March 2001. Or you can contact Mr. Chuck Walters of the joint Test and Evaluation program office at (703) 578-6122, 2001 North Beauregard Street, Suite 800, Alexandria, VA 22311.

J.S. Gansler
Under Secretary of Defense
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics / /Signed/
Philip E. Coyle
Operational Test and Evaluation