Akram I. Samour
- Oct., 2003- July., 2010. PhD in ( Strategic Management the case of NGOs in Palestine) and Post Graduate Diploma in ( Research Methods for the social sciences). Bradford University, Bradford, UK.
- Oct., 1999–Oct., 2000: MA in (Marketing and Development of Territorial Systems), e-Business Management School, ISUFI, University of Lecce, Italy.
- Feb., 1998 – Dec., 1998: MA in (Management Development), EuroArab Management School, Granada, Spain.
- 1990- 1994: Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine.
- 2010- up to date: Assistant Professor at Business Administration Department, IUG for the following courses(Using English Language in all the following cources):
- Strategic Management (MBA students) (currently also in Management and Politics Academy for Postgraduate Studies)
- Principles of Management
- Project Management
- Research Methodology
- Strategic Management (BA Students)
- 2004-2006: Teaching and management in Saudi School at Bradford city
- 1998 – 2003: Lecturer at Business Administration Department, IUG for the following courses:
- Principle of Management
- Public Relations
- Managerial Accounting
- Personnel Management
- Operation Research
- Theory of Management
- Marketing Management
- Purchase and Stores Management
- 1995-1998: Teaching Assistant at Business Administration Department - IUG for several managerial courses.
- June-August 2014: Member of evaluation committee to evaluate academic programs of the Arab college of applied science, Rafah, Gaza, nominated by The National commission for adoption and quality of Higher education institution
- September.,2011-September.2012: Head of Business Administration Department.
- Oct., 2001 – Oct.2002: Assistant Head of Business Administration Department.
- List of Publication:
- Thesis " Strategic management: The case of NGOs in Palestine. Ph.D.2003-2010. thesis submitted to Department of Development and economic Studies, University of Bradford.2010".
- Dissertations:
- "Strategic Management: The case of NGOs in Palestine. Oct,. 2010 The forth Graduate Conference. University of Bradford UK".
- "Building Customer Loyalty Through Quality In Hospitality and Tourism Industry, 2000. MA dissertation Submitted to ISUFI University of Lecce. Italy"
- "Beit El Mal Experience as and Islamic Financial Company in the Gaza Strip, 1998, Case Study Submitted to Euro Arab Management School. Spain"
- Articles In Journals
- Analoui, F. And Samour, A. (2012) Strategic management: the case of NGOs in Palestine, Management Research Review, 2012, Vol. 35 No. 6, pp.473 – 489.
- Analoui, F. and Samour, A., (2012) The managers' characteristics and their strategy development in the Palestinian NGOs: An empirical study in Palestine, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 31, No. 7, 2012. pp.691-699.
- Conferences:
- Analoui, F. and Samour, A., (2012) Palestinian NGO Management and Development of Strategic Mission Statement2012 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference (CBEC), June 27-28, 2012.
- Reviewer:
- Working with Science Publishing Group as the reviewer of International Journal of Business and Economics Research.
- Reviewer at Journal of Arab American University for research - Jenin, Palestine
- Reviewer at Journal of Economic and managerial studies, Islamic University of Gaza-Palestine
- Reviewer at Journal of Economic and managerial studies, Al Azhar University of Gaza-Palestine
- Supervision: Supervising the following MBA Dissertation:
- The role of electronic education in enhancing the competitive advantage in Palestinian Universities in Gaza Strip "Academic People Perspective", Abu Gabin Ahmed, 2012.
- Obstacles To Strategic Plans Implementation In Gaza Strip Municipalities From the Perspective Of Top and Executive Management, Sabah, Reem, 2012.
- The role of the protection of human resources in decreasing the burn out phenomena for the employees who work in Non-governmental hospitals. Hejazi, Hani, 2013.
- The Effect of Strategic Thinking on The Performance of Higher Administration in Nongovernmental Organizations That Work in Rehabilitation in Gaza Strip. El Ashi, Nehal 2013.
- The Awareness and Practice of Small and Medium Size Businesses in Gaza Strip to Competitive Intelligence Concept and Its Benefits Construction and Information Technology Sectors. Wafi, Wafa 2013
- Shelter Damage Assessment Process and UNRWA’s Preparedness for Response to Potential Disaster at Gaza Strip. Moqat, Muin.2013
- Attitude toward safety culture among employees at the intensive care units of the governmental hospital of Gaza City. Hammouda, Ahmed.2013.
- The reality of recruitment and planning and its effect on career planning for employees of ministry of work and ministry of social affairs. Itbail ,Muhammed2014
- Managerial Effectiveness of Senior Managers: A Case Study of Police Managers in Gaza Strip. Maarouf, Tamer,2014
- The role of leadership in strategy implementation in NGOs in Gaza Strip. Mona Abu Sharkh.2014
- Gender dimension integration within UNRWA poverty reduction strategies in Gaza Strip. Sana Ulliyan.2014
- The Impact of Management Information Systems on the Strategy Implementation from the Perspective of the Top Management in the Banks Operating in Gaza Strip – Palestine. Hiba Qudahe. 2015
- Internal and External Examiner: Invited to be as internal and external examiner many time in Islamic university of Gaza and Academy of politics and management.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE / Consultant in the following Assignments:
- Mar.,2013 – May.2013: Consultant In Assessing and improving the management and strategic planning capacity for 9 CBOs. The program, "Building the Capacity of Civil Society to support Communities Engaged in Food Production, Processing and Marketing. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ). And implemented by care international and Ma`an Development.
- Dec.,2011 – Jan.2012: Consultant in the preparation of Strategic Plans For three NGOs, (Al-Satar El Gharbi Association, Khusaa Permaculture Association, and Human Development Association). Using the approach of Mentoring. The program, Enhancing the Capacity of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations in Marginalized Areas. implemented by PNGO, and funded by UNDP.
- November., 2010-May: Consultant in Support the preparation of Strategic Development and Investment Plans (SDIPs) for six municipalities (Rafah, Al-Fukhari, Alnasser, Abassan al-Alkabera, Abassan Al-Jadeeda, and Banee Suhayla). Using the approach of Mentoring. Municipal development Lending Fund (MDLF)
- April., 2011- May.2011: Consultant in Strategic Planning (Coaching and Mentoring, Reviewing and developing their Strategic Plan) for 8 NGOs. Project: Capacity Building for NGOs in Gaza. Donor: Welfare association, April-May 2011.
- July,2002: Consultant in socio-economic study" The role of the Islamic waqf in the relief work in Gaza strip."
- June,2002: Consultant working with commercial unit at Islamic university of Gaza, in the project "Feasibility study for commercial center- Ministry of Awqaf".
- Jan., 2001 – Sep., 2001: Consultant in capacity building program “Three-year investment plan” for Rafah Municipality. IUG Consultant team member in charge for community participation.
- June-September 2000: Consultant Working with Deloitte Consulting Co., Italy, in the project “Process Reengineering Program” for IFAD (the International Fund for Agricultural Development).
- 1994- 1995: Accountant in Kurdia for Wood Industry Co., Gaza, and Palestine.
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, August, 2015 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Strategic Planning for 15 managers and employees of different NGOs, 15 hours, Project: Capacity Building for NGOs in Gaza. Dar El Khibra May 2015..
- Managerial training (including Fund raising and proposal writing, Management of small business, Project control and evaluation) for 20 participants from different NGOs and Agriculture associations, 42 hours, May, 2015 conducted at Union of Agriculture Work Committees Project "transition from relief to Sustainable livelihood - enhance food security in the West Bank and Gaza Strip", funded by the Canadian International Development Agency in partnership with CARE International Foundation
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, March, 2015 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, December, 2014, January 2015 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Supervision and team building skills for 18 participants UNRWA employees, November, 2014 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (21 hours).
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants UNRWA employees, May-June, ,2014 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours).
- Delegation skills for 18 participants UNRWA employees, April-May, 2014 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (15 hours).
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, Marsh-April, 2014 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants UNRWA employees, Marsh-April,2014 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, December, 2013 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, November, 2013 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours).
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, October, 2013 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours).
- Time Management skills: for 22 participants UNRWA employees from different backgrounds. August, 2013 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (12 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, August, 2013 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, April, 2013 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, October-November, 2012 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Skills of searching Job and planning the future career for (Three groups) each group 25 participants. Project: Cash-for-Work for Unemployed Young Graduates in Gaza. Donor Islamic Relief UK: Implemented by IDARA for consulting, Oct-November 2012, conducted at Marna House Hotel.(24 hours each group)
- Communication and Team building skills for 7 participants from Municipal Development and Leading Fund-Gaza, July 2012 Conducted at ARC-MED Hotel.
- Creative Thinking for (Two Groups) 25 participants, fresh graduates and final year Engineers(9 hours each group), July 2012 conducted at Islamic University of Gaza, Creativity Program(9 hours each group)
- Management skills for (Two Groups) 25 participants, fresh graduates and final year Engineers, (18 hours each group), July 2012 conducted at Islamic University of Gaza, Creativity program.
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, June-July 2012 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, April 2012 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Strategic Planning for (two groups) Secondary school Head teachers and their assistants (40) participants April,2012 conducted at Islamic University of Gaza, Funded by Islamic relief.(18 hours)
- Management skills (Including Strategic planning skills) for 20 participants from different backgrounds, employees and fresh graduates, January 2012 conducted at SMET Program, UNRWA (45 hours)
- Strategic Management for 15 managers and employees of 6 NGOs, 15 hours, Project: Capacity Building for NGOs in Gaza. July 2011.
- Skills of searching Job and planning the future career for (two group) 25 participants). Project: Cash-for-Work for Unemployed Young Graduates in Gaza. Donor: The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency "SIDA", Oct-November 2010 conducted at association of Culture and Free thinking.
- Management skills for 14 participants working at special environmental health program-UNRWA, June 2003 conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Time management for 25 participants working at Elsalah association, June 2003 conducted at Elsalah association Dair Al Balah.
- Communication skills 25 participants working at Elsalah association ,June 2003 conducted at Elsalah association Dair Al Balah.
- Communication skills and time management for 23 participants working at several syndicates ,July 2003 conducted at Islamic university of Gaza
- Management functions including leadership skill for 12 project manager working at several NGOs, May 2003 conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Management functions for 12 project manager working at several NGOs, May 2003 conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Management skills for 12 project manager working at several NGOs,May 2003 conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Executive secretary and office management for 13 participants working at several NGOs and Municipalities, June 2002-conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Executive secretary and office management for 15 participants working at several NGOs and Municipalities, June 2002-conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Effective communication skills for 14 participants working at Islamic University of Gaza, May2002.
- Effective communication skills for 16 participants working at Islamic University of Gaza, May2002.
- Management Skills for 7 engineers working at several municipalities in the Gaza Strip- (Northern Municipalities Council) October 2001-conducted at Islamic university of Gaza.
- Creative and Innovative Thinking Skills for 15 general directors and directors from Ministry of Environment, August 2001.
- Management Basics for 20 young women leaders form Islamic Association, July 2001.
- Managerial skills for 20 participants from the Association of Fishers, held at Directorate of Fisheries - Gaza, June 2001.
- Managerial skills for 20 community leaders from El Khalas Party, 1996.
- Using Computer Application (Comfar III) in Feasibility Studies
- Teaching skills, IUG, 1999.
- Training Of Trainers (TOT), UNRWA, Nov. 1997 (40 hrs).
- English Language (five levels), Islamic University of Gaza, 1997 (300 hrs)
- Arabic: Mother tongue
- English: V. good
- Some Italian
- Dr. Farhad Analoui
University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 1274 233958
- Dr. Sami Ali Abou-Al-Ross.
Islamic University of Gaza, Thalatheeny street, Gaza, Palestine