5th September, 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 8 Team Building Weekend

20th September to 22ndSeptember 2013

The team building weekend is now fast approaching. Please find below details of the final arrangements:

Depart school: 2.15pm Friday 20th September

Return to school: 5.30pm Sunday 22nd September

Students should bring their bags with them to school. Bags will be locked in the school gym. We ask that all bags be dropped off between 8.15 a.m. and 8.30a.m. Students will complete periods 1 – 4 as usual, and must have their books for these lessons with them. At the end of period 4 students should assemble on the playground by the astro turf. Students do NOT have to wear school uniform.

Please remember that students will be active all day and appropriate clothing will be required, i.e. shorts, t-shirts, jumpers, tracksuit trousers, trainers, waterproofs – please allow for one change of clothing to get very dirty! Students should also pack an outfit for the disco, pajamas, toiletries, a swimming costume and a towel.

Students will be allocated their rooms and told their travel groups and activity teams before departure. All meals whilst at the centre are pre-paid. There is a shop on site selling snacks, drinks and souvenirs, so students may wish to bring a small sum of money to spend. Any electrical items, such as mobile phones and MP3 players are taken at the students’ own risk.

I would ask you to remind your son/daughter about behaviour. They must follow the instructions of staff and instructors. Any serious misbehaviour may result in parents being asked to collect their child from the centre.

We will be staying at:

The Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer, Kidderminster DY14 8JG.

Tel: 01299 271217

Please complete the attached EV2 form to provide current contact, medical and dietary details for your child and return to the school office by 13th September 2013.

Yours faithfully

Miss K Moran

Year 8 Team Building co-ordinator


Parental Consent Form for Off-site and Hazardous Activities

Attached to this form is information regarding an activity. If you wish your child to join in the activity, complete and sign the form and return as indicated in the information.

School: St Crispin’s / Class or tutor group:
Pupil’s name: / Date of Birth:
Home address: inc. std.code: / NHS number:
How could you be contacted in an emergency?
Does your son/daughter have any specific dietary requirements?
Is your child receiving medical treatment at present? If so please give details:
Please give details of any medical conditions that might affect your child’s performance or safety on this activity (please advise of any infectious illness in the 4 weeks prior to departure):
Please give your family doctor’s name and address:
Please add any further information on a separate sheet as necessary.


I acknowledge receipt of the information regarding the proposed Yr 8 Team Building weekend on 20th – 22nd September 2013 and consent to my child, named above participating.
I agree to staff on the activity giving permission for my child to have any medical treatment that the medical authorities think necessary. I undertake to inform the school of any changes in my child’s fitness prior to departure. I have ensured, as far as I reasonably can, that my child understands that it is important to safety that any rules and instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed.
Signed: ...... Date: …......
Please indicate relationship to child: ......